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Reid Davenport

Reid Davenport

Documentary Film and Video
B.A., George Washington University, 2012


Reid started his career in journalism as an undergraduate in Washington, D.C., working for McClatchy Newspapers and Voice of America.  He focused primarily on print media during his first two years of college, but became quickly enthralled in visual storytelling after a digital production class. During his junior year, Reid received the Luther Rice Collaborative Fellowship to travel to Western Europe and document the lack of physical accessibility for people with disabilities. Along with a cameraman,  Reid spent three weeks in Europe and produced a 28-minute documentary entitled "Wheelchair Diaries: One Step Up." The film has been shown at a dozen festivals and won Best Short Documentary at the 2013 Awareness Film Festival. It has also gained national press attention from outlets like NPR and the Washington Post.

Reid was born and raised in Connecticut. After receiving his B.A. in journalism, he spent two years in D.C. covering campaign finance and technology. While Reid is very interested in disability-related policy, he would like to branch out and explore other social issues. He is also partial to sport documentaries.


Jun 2015
Mar 2015
Dec 2014