Non-Sponsored Receivables Rates

When Stanford’s resources are used by outside entities, such as other institutions of higher education, or other non-profit organizations, the University must recover some portion of the Facilities and Administrative (F&A) costs incurred in the use of these facilities. When Stanford’s resources are used by for-profit corporations or entities, the University must recover its full negotiated F&A rate. Because the rates charged to these “outside users” do not include costs covered by the University centrally, an overhead rate is added to billing invoices to collect those costs.


Questions about this topic can be answered by:

Office of the Vice Provost and Dean of Research

Merritt, Ken

Director of Research Administration and Compliance

Vice Provost and Dean of Research

(650) 724-8133

Use of Stanford's Resources

Use of Stanford’s resources (e.g. service centers) is permitted as long as there is excess capacity in those facilities to be made available to outside users and the amount of use falls within the limits provided by the University Tax Office. It is not part of the mission of the University and these facilities to actively seek out external funding streams from these users.

For administrative service centers—like ITS and O&M—the University may grant a full waiver of these overhead costs to members of the Stanford community because management costs for the administrative service centers are included in their respective rates (user fees).

For academic service centers—like the Protein and Nucleic Acid Facility (PAN), Stanford Functional Genomics Facility (SFGF), Cell Sciences Imaging Facility (CSIF), Mass Spectrometry Laboratory—waivers below the full rate are considered only if there is a formal research or instruction affiliation between that non-profit organization and Stanford or there is a memorandum of understanding regarding activities between the two organizations. This also holds true for Program Income facilities like the Stanford Nanofabrication Facility and the Stanford Microfluidics Foundry.

Waivers also will be granted to U.S. accredited degree granting institutions of higher education using their own institution’s non-sponsored funding.

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Research or Affiliation Agreements

A formal research or affiliation agreement, or memorandum of understanding requires the approval and signature of the Dean (or her/his designee) of the applicable School (or the Stanford University Vice Provost and Dean of Research, if applicable). The existence of a relationship with a member of the Stanford community (faculty, student,staff, alumnus) does not itself constitute a formal research or instruction affiliation.

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Principal Formal Research & Instruction Affiliations

The principal formal research & instruction affiliations are between Stanford and:

  •  The Palo Alto Veteran’s Administration
  •   Palo Alto Institute for Research & Education (PAIRE)
  •    The Howard Hughes Medical Institute on Stanford Campus
  •    The Carnegie Institution on Stanford Campus

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Exceptions to This Policy

Exceptions to this policy are granted only by the Dean’s Office for academic service centers within the School of Medicine, or by the Office of the Vice Provost and Dean of Research for all other academic service centers.

(Any existing accepted proposals or contracts can continue at the existing rate charged. Any new proposals, contracts, or scopes of work [after July 1, 2013] must conform to this policy.)

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