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Name Title Current Research Contact
Annissa Alusi Joint MS-MBA student
Christa Anderson Ph.D. Student in Environment and Resources

Christa's research interests are in forest management and conservation in sub saharan Africa.
Ross Andrese Joint MS-MBA student
Nicole Ardoin Assistant Professor of Education and Center Fellow at the Woods Institute for the Environment

Professor Ardoin's research focuses on environmental behavior as influenced by environmental learning and motivated by place-based connections. In particular, she is interested in considerations of geographic scale, which is an understudied yet crucial aspect of people-place relationships in a rapidly globalizing, urbanizing world. 

212 Cubberley
(650) 721-2231
Kevin Arrigo Donald & Donald M. Steel Professor in Earth Sciences; Victoria and Roger Sant Director, Earth Systems Program

Investigates role of ocean biology in gobal carbon and nutrient cycles.

Y2E2 Building, Room 141
(650) 723-3599
Kenneth Arrow Joan Kenney Professor of Economics and Professor of Operations Research, Emeritus

My research interests include the economics of information and organization, environment and growth, collective decision-making, and general equilibrium theory. My current research also integrates networks and markets.

Department of Economics
(650) 327-3957
Ronan Arthur Ph.D. Student in Environment and Resources
Gregory Asner University Faculty other teaching Environmental Earth System Science Professor (by Courtesy)

My research centers on how human activities alter the composition and functioning of ecosystems at regional scales. I combine field work, airborne and satellite mapping, and computer simulation modeling to understand the response of ecosystems to land use and climate change.

260 Panama Street
(650) 325-1521
Marcos Ayestaran Joint MS-MBA student
Whitney Bagge Ph.D. Student in Environment and Resources

Whitney's research interests focus on the intersection of ecology and human health, investigating how human use and interaction with the environment affect human infection with emerging and re-emerging vector-borne and zoonotic diseases.
Shilajeet (Banny) Banerjee University Academic staff H-STAR operation Sr. Res Engineer

I develop and study radically new ways for design thinking to bring about rapid change and meaningful impact to address the society’s bigger challenges, including environmentally conscious design, design semiotics, ambient media, human-centered design, and other design methodologies.
Jeffrey Barnes Joint MS-MBA student
Parker Barnes Joint MS-MBA student
William Barnett Thomas M. Siebel Professor in Business Leadership, Strategy, & Organizations

I study competition among organizations and how organizations and industries evolve over time, specifically how strategic differences and strategic change among organizations affect their growth, performance, and survival.

655 Knight Way, room W238
Brooks Barron Joint MS-MBA student
Michele Barry, MD, FACP Professor of Medicine (General Medical Discipline), Senior Fellow at the Woods Institute for the Environment and Professor, by courtesy, of Operations, Information and Technology in the GSB and of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

Areas of research
Ethical Aspects of research conducted overseas
Clinical Tropical Diseases
Globalization's Impact upon Health Disparities

SoM Deans Office
Diego Bartels Joint MS-MBA student
Victoria Beasley Joint MS-MBA student
Elinor Benami Ph.D. Student in Environment and Resources

Elinor studies the factors which influence the adoption of environmentally-friendly land-use and energy technologies. Her work seeks to inform what policy interventions may help diffuse these technologies.
Sally Benson Director, Precourt Institute for Energy and Professor of Energy Resources Engineering and Senior Fellow at the Precourt Institute for Energy

My research is focused on reducing the risks of climate change by developing energy supplies with low carbon emissions. Students and post-doctoral fellows in my research group work on carbon dioxide storage, energy systems analysis, and pathways for transitioning to a low-carbon energy system.

Yang and Yamazaki Environment and Energy Bldg.
(650) 725-0358
Sarah Billington The Milligan Family University Fellow in Undergraduate Education, Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Senior Fellow at the Woods Institute for the Environment

My research focuses on sustainable, durable construction materials and their application to structures and construction.
Barbara Block Charles and Elizabeth Prothro Professor in Marine Sciences and Senior Fellow, by courtesy, at the Woods Institute for the Environment Thermal physiology, open ocean predators, ecological physiology and tuna biology Pick up
(831) 655-6236, (831) 655-6237
Laura Bloomfield MD Student, expected graduation Spring 2018

Laura studies how land-use changes facilitate interactions between people and wildlife affecting infectious disease emergence. She currently focuses on the spatial dispersion and transmission of zoonotic and vector-borne diseases along and between human and non-human primate networks.

Alexandria Boehm Clare Booth Luce Associate Professor and Senior Fellow at the Woods Institute for the Environment

My primary research area is coastal water quality, and recently I have expanded my research to include activities on sanitation more broadly. 

Y2E2 Room 189
(650) 724-9128
Adam Brandt Assistant Professor of Energy Resources Engineering and Center Fellow, by courtesy, at the Precourt Institute for Energy

Greenhouse gas emissions, energy systems optimization, mathematical modeling of resource depletion, life cycle analysis

066 Green Earth Sciences Building
(650) 724-8251
Gregory Bratman Ph.D. Student in Environment and Resources

Greg is working to define and study “psychological ecosystem services” by examining the impact of nature experience on human cognitive function and mental health.
Cassandra Brooks Ph.D. Student in Environment and Resources

Cassandra studies marine protection in the Antarctic, trying to better understand ocean governance of our common pool resources on an international scale.
Nina Brooks Ph.D. Student in Environment and Resources

Nina’s research interests focus on environmental health problems in developing countries. She is interested in understanding adoption of environmental health interventions and designing and implementing rigorous impact evaluations of those interventions.
Marshall Burke Assistant Professor of Earth System Science and Center Fellow at the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies and, by courtesy, at the Woods Institute for the Environment

My research focuses on quantifying the economic and social consequences of environmental change.

Y2E2 365
(650) 721-2203
Kaitlyn Busler Joint MS-MBA student
Jef Caers Professor of Geological Sciences

My research interest are varied, but a constant is the practical application of data science to address geological science questions as well as other areas of the Earth Sciences. My recent focus involves including physics into stochastic modeling and assessing uncertainty for decision making in geo-engineering applications.

367 Panama St
(650) 723-1774
Ken Caldeira University Faculty other teaching Environmental Earth System Science Professor By Courtesy

My research strives to improve the science base needed to allow human civilization to develop while protecting our environmental endowment.

Margaret Caldwell Deputy Director, Oceans; Conservation and Science Program, The David and Lucile Packard Foundation

My scholarship focuses on the environmental effects of local land use decisions; the use of science in environmental and marine resource policy development and implementation; and the development of private and public incentives for natural resource conservation.
***not taking new students.


Jeremy Carl Hoover Res Fellow, Hoover Institution

Jeremy is studying the environmental, geopolitical, and economic aspects of energy development and policy, with a particular focus on China and India.
Karen Casciotti Associate Professor of Earth System Science

Assistant Professor in EESS, focus on marine chemistry and biogeochemistry.
Page Chamberlain Professor of Earth System Science

I use stable and radiogenic isotopes to understand Earth system history. These studies examine the link between climate, tectonics, biological, and surface processes.

Building 320
(650) 725-6835
David Clayton Joint MS-MBA student
Craig Criddle Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Senior Fellow, by courtesy, at the Woods Institute for the Environment

My research focuses on biotechnology and microbial ecology for clean water, clean energy, and healthy ecosystems.

Jerry Yang & Akiko Yamazaki Energy & Envmnt Bldg Rm 151
Larry Crowder Edward Ricketts Provostial Professor and Senior Fellow at the Woods Institute for the Environment Ecology, conservation, fisheries, protected species, ecosystem-based management 120 Oceanview Blvd
(831) 655-6217
Lisa Curran Roger and Cynthia Lang Professor in Environmental Anthropology and Senior Fellow at the Woods Institute for the Environment

My research centers on natural resource extraction by transnational firms and the political ecology of land use, primarily in Indonesia and Brazil. My current research group works in Asian, African and Latin American tropical ecosystems to examine the socio-economic and political drivers of agribusiness coupled with community responses and change in livelihoods and land use.

Serra Mall Building 50 room 52K
Gretchen C. Daily Bing Professor in Environmental Science and Senior Fellow at the Woods Institute for the Environment Land use, biodiversity dynamics, ecosystem services (650) 723-9452
Jenna Davis Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Senior Fellow at the Woods Institute for the Environment

Professor Davis’ research and teaching is focused at the interface of engineered water supply and sanitation systems and their users in developing countries.

The Jerry Yang & Akiko Yamazaki Environment & Energy Bu
(650) 725-9170
Joann de Zegher Ph.D. Student in Environment and Resources

Joann strives to better understand challenges to sustainable sourcing in global supply chains and to design operational solutions to them.

Y2E2 Suite 226
Noah Diffenbaugh Associate Professor of Earth System Science and Senior Fellow at the Woods Institute for the Environment

He studies the dynamics and impacts of climate variability and change. Much of his work has focused on the role of fine-scale processes in shaping climate change impacts, including studies of extreme weather, water resources, agriculture, human health, and poverty vulnerability. 

(650) 725-7510
Rodolfo Dirzo Bing Prof in Environmental Science and Senior Fellow, by courtesy, at the Woods Institute for the Environment

Ecological and evolutionary aspects of plant-animal interactions, largely but not exclusively, in tropical forest ecosystems.
Conservation biology in tropical ecosystems.
Studies on biodiversity.
Education, at all levels, on biodiversity conservation.

Department of Biological Sciences
(650) 736-7643
Rob Dunbar W.M. Keck Professor in the School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences and Senior Fellow, by courtesy, at the Woods Institute for the Environment

Ocean processes, biogeochemistry, climatology/paleoclimatology, isotopic chemistry, ocean policy

Bldg. 320, Rm. 325
(650) 725-6830
William Durham Bing Professor in Human Biology and Senior Fellow, by courtesy, at the Woods Institute for the Environment

I study indigenous resource management, human health, and conservation issues in the tropics. My current research focuses on environmental causes of emerging infectious diseases in tropical areas, conservation tradeoffs in the Galapagos Islands, and ecotourism as a means to poverty alleviation and self-determination among indigenous and local peoples.

BLDG 50, Room 51C
(650) 723-0894
Anne Ehrlich Senior Research Scientist, Biology

My research focuses on population biology. I have also written extensively on issues of public concern such as population control, environmental protection, and environmental consequences of nuclear war.

Paul Ehrlich Bing Professor of Population Studies and Senior Fellow at the Woods Institute for the Environment The role of the social sciences in dealing with global change HERRIN 409
(650) 723-3171
Rachel Constance Engstrand University Student Emmett Interdisciplinary Program in Environment and Resources Graduate
W Gary Ernst The Benjamin M. Page Professor In Earth Sciences, Emeritus

Petrology/geochemistry and plate tectonics of Circumpacific and Alpine mobile belts; ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism in Eurasia; geology of the California Coast Ranges, the cental Klamath Mountains, and White-Inyo Range; geobotany and remote sensing of the Southwest; mineralogy and human health.

Mitchell Bldg room B53
(650) 723-0185
Walter Falcon Helen C. Farnsworth Professor of International Agricultural Policy, Emeritus

biotechnology; food security; food and agricultural policy in developing countries

(650) 723-6367
Scott Fendorf Huffington Family Professor in Earth Sciences and Senior Fellow, by courtesy, at the Woods Institute for the Environment

Soil and environmental biogeochemistry

Green Rm. 301
(650) 723-5238
James Ferguson Susan S. and William H. Hindle Professor in the School of Humanities and Sciences

His research has focused on southern Africa (especially Lesotho, Zambia, South Africa, and Namibia), and has engaged a broad range of theoretical and ethnographic issues. 

Dept. of Anthropology
Chris Field Melvin and Joan Lane Professor for Interdisciplinary Environmental Studies, Professor of Earth System Science, Senior Fellow at the Precourt Institute for Energy and at the Woods Institute for the Environment Global ecology, climate change impacts, global carbon cycle, ecosystem ecology Carnegie Institution
(650) 319-8024
Martin Fischer Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Senior Fellow at the Precourt Institute for Energy and Professor, by courtesy, of Computer Science

Professor Fischer's research goals are to improve the productivity of project teams involved in designing, building, and operating facilities and to enhance the sustainability of the built environment. 

Stanford Univ. - Civ. & Env. Eng.
(650) 725-4649
Nicholas Flanders Joint MS-MBA student (917) 349-3740
Andrew Fleeter Joint MS-MBA student
Jenna Forsyth Ph.D. Student in Environment and Resources
Zephyr Frank Professor of History

My research interests include wealth and inequality, Brazilian social history, Latin American economic history, and spatial history.

BLDG. 200
David Freyberg Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Senior Fellow at the Woods Institute for the Environment

A hydrologist and water resources specialist, Freyberg studies reservoir sedimentation and hydrology, hydrologic ecosystem services, summer drying of Pacific coast intermittent streams, tropical rainfall and throughfall, surface water-ground water interactions, especially in reservoir/sediment systems, and scaling and spatial distribution of recycled water systems.

Jerry Yang & Akiko Yamazaki Environment & Energy Bldg.
(650) 723-3234
Oliver Fringer Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Fringer's research focuses on the development and application of numerical models and high-performance computational techniques to the study of fundamental processes that influence the dynamics of the coastal ocean, rivers, lakes, and estuaries.

(650) 450-1137
Tadashi Fukami Associate Professor of Biology

Ecological and evolutionary community assembly, with emphasis on understanding historical contingency in community structure, ecosystem functioning, biological invasion and ecological restoration, using experimental, theoretical, and comparative methods involving bacteria, protists, fungi, plants, and animals.

Department of Biology
(650) 721-1711
Margot Gerritsen Associate Professor of Energy Resources Engineering, Director of the Institute for Computational & Mathematical Engineering, with courtesy appointment in Mechanical Engineering and Civil and Environmental Engineering

I specialize in renewable and fossil energy production. I am also active in coastal ocean dynamics and yacht design, as well as several areas in computational mathematics including search algorithm design and matrix computations.

GESB 088, M10 Huang
(650) 725-3542, (650) 725-2727
Michael Glassman Joint MS-MBA student
Alison Gocke Joint MS-JD student
Steven Gorelick Cyrus Fisher Tolman Professor in the School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences and Senior Fellow at the Woods Institute for the Environment

As a hydrogeologist, my research involves the study of water resources with emphasis on groundwater. Using lab and field data, our aim is to develop an understanding of fundamental aspects of the transport of fluids and contaminants, and to investigate regional water resources systems

Bldg. 320, Rm. 210
(650) 725-2950
Mark Granovetter The Joan Butler Ford Professor in the School of Humanities and Sciences

Mark Granovetter's main interest is in the way people, social networks and social institutions interact and shape one another.

Bldg. 120 Room 128
(650) 723-4664
Emily Grubert Ph.D. Student in Environment and Resources

Emily studies United States-based electricity fuel cycles, focusing on integrating knowledge about various environmental and social impacts of fuel extraction, use, and disposal to aid decisionmakers at a local level using life cycle assessment, textual analysis, and multicriteria decision analysis.

Y2E2 226
Benjamin Ha Administrative Associate

Provides administrative support for all aspects of the program.

473 Via Ortega
(650) 725-7005
Elizabeth Hadly Paul S. and Billie Achilles Professor in Environmental Biology and Senior Fellow at the Woods Institute for the Environment

The research of Elizabeth Hadly probes how perturbations such as climatic change influence the evolution and ecology of Neogene vertebrates.

(650) 498-4995 ext. lab, (650) 725-2655
Michael Harris Ph.D. Student in Environment and Resources

Michael hopes to identify how ecosystem services and environmental health indicators are affected by sanitation infrastructure in development scenarios as a way to push the focus beyond that of household-level sanitation.
Robert Heilmayr Ph.D. Student in Environment and Resources

Robert combines approaches from geography, economics and ecology to identify the proximate causes and underlying drivers of forest expansion in Chile.
Miyuki Hino Ph.D. Student in Environment and Resources

Miyuki studies climate change risks and adaptation decisions, with a particular focus on the socioeconomic drivers of transformational adaptation.
Dan Andrei Iancu Assistant Professor of Operations, Information and Technology at the Graduate School of Business

Professor Iancu's research is focused on problems at the interface of finance and operations, typically involving high degrees of risk and uncertainty. Specific application areas include supply chain management, revenue management, supply chain financing, and financial engineering.

Knight Management Center
(650) 724-6642
Rob Jackson Michelle and Kevin Douglas Provostial Professor and Senior Fellow at the Woods Institute for the Environment and at the Precourt Institute for Energy

Rob Jackson studies how people affect the earth, including research on the global carbon and water cycles, biosphere/atmosphere interactions, energy use, and climate change.  His group published the first studies examining fracking and drinking water quality and mapped thousands of natural gas leaks across cities such as Boston and Washington, D.C.  He is also examining the effects of climate change and droughts on forest mortality and ecosystems.

Y2E2 Building, 379B
(650) 497-5841
Mark Jacobson Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Senior Fellow at the Precourt Institute for Energy, and at the Woods Institute for the Environment

The main goal of Jacobson's research is to understand physical, chemical, and dynamical processes in the atmosphere better in order to solve atmospheric problems, such as global warming and urban air pollution, with improved scientific insight and more accurate predictive tools. He also evaluates the atmospheric and health effects of proposed energy- and transportation solutions to global warming and air pollution, maps renewable energy resources, and studies optimal methods of integrating renewable electricity into the grid.

Yang & Yamazaki Environment & Energy Building
(650) 723-6836
Liz Jones Joint MS-JD student
James Holland Jones Associate Professor of Anthropology and Senior Fellow at the Woods Institute for the Environment

I am a biological anthropologist with research interests in human ecology, demography and life history theory, and the ecology and evolutionary biology of infectious disease.

Department of Anthropology
Sam Kamara Joint MS-MBA student
Prof Terry Lynn Karl Gildred Professor of Latin American Studies and Professor of Political Science

Professor Karl has published widely on comparative politics and international relations, with special emphasis on the politics of oil-exporting countries, transitions to democracy, problems of inequality, the global politics of human rights, and the resolution of civil wars.

Department of Political Science
(650) 723-5220, (650) 724-4166
David Kennedy Donald J. McLachlan Professor of History, Emeritus

Reflecting his interdisciplinary training in American Studies, which combined the fields of history, literature, and economics, Professor Kennedy's scholarship is notable for its integration of economic and cultural analysis with social and political history.

Environment and Energy Building (Y2E2)
Donald Kennedy President, Emeritus, and Bing Professor of Environmental Science, Emeritus

Interdisciplinary studies on the development of policies regarding such trans-boundary environmental problems as: major land-use changes; economically-driven alterations in agricultural practice; global climate change; and the development of regulatory policies.

401 East Encina Hall
(650) 725-2745
Julie Kennedy Professor (Teaching) of Earth System Science, Senior Fellow at the Woods Institute and the Landreth Family University Fellow in Undergraduate Education

 I have specific interest in interdisciplinary teaching and learning, and in the effective communication of complex interdisciplinary problem descriptions, analysis methods, and solutions to expert and non-expert audiences. I advise and work on research projects with undergraduate and master's level students whose interests include ecology, energy, land systems management, ocean science and policy, sustainability, environmental education, and science communication.

Yang and Yamazaki Environment and Energy Building
(650) 725-4911
Rylee Kercher Joint MS-JD student
Herve C Kieffel Faculty - Affiliated
Hajin Kim Ph.D. Student in Environment and Resources

Hajin's research focuses on international trade and the environment.
Brian Knutson Associate Professor of Psychology

My lab and I seek to elucidate the neural basis of emotion (affective neuroscience), and explore implications for decision-making (neuroeconomics) and psychopathology (neurophenomics).

Room 470
Charles D. Kolstad Senior Fellow at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research and the Precourt Institute for Energy and Professor, by courtesy, of Economics

Most of my current work is on the economics of climate change, including energy markets.  I am particularly interested in working with PhD students who wish to do economics research, focusing on problems of energy, the environment or natural resources.  Most of all, students should have a desire to solve important problems.

366 Galvez Street (Room 235)
(650) 721-1663
Jeffrey Koseff William Alden Campbell & Martha Campbell Professor in the School of Engineering and the Perry L. McCarty Director of the Woods Institute for the Environment

His research focuses on the interaction between physical and biological systems in natural aquatic environments, and in particular on turbulence and internal wave dynamics; transport, mixing, and phytoplankton dynamics in estuarine systems; and coral reef, kelp forest, and sea-grass hydrodynamics.

Yang and Yamazaki Env & Energy 185
(650) 736-2363
Anthony Kovscek Keleen and Carlton Beal Professor in Energy Resources Engineering

I am interested in the recovery of unconventional hydrocarbon resources and mitigating carbon emissions from fossil fuels via geological sequestration of greenhouse gases. My research group and I examine the physics of flow through porous media at length scales that vary from the pore to the laboratory to the reservoir.

Department of Energy Resources Engineering
(650) 723-1218
Kenter Kuran Joint MS-MBA student
Angelle Desiree LaBeaud Associate Professor of Pediatrics (Infectious Diseases) at the Lucile Salter Packard Children's Hospital

Our laboratory investigates the epidemiology of arboviral infections, focusing on the burden of disease and the long-term complications on human health.
Eric Lambin George and Setsuko Ishiyama Provostial Professor and Senior Fellow at the Woods Institute for the Environment

My research is in the area of human-environment interactions in land systems. I develop integrated approaches to study land use change by linking remote sensing, GIS and socio-economic data. I aim at better understanding causes and impacts of changes in tropical forests, drylands, and farming systems.

Y2E2 371
Anna Lee Ph.D. Student in Environment and Resources

Anna's research interests are in knowledge networks and information sharing in farming communities.
Hau L Lee Thoma Professor of Operations, Information and Technology

Hau Lee’s research focuses on value chain innovations to develop new business models and networks for value creation through effective management of the value chain. His works spans both global enterprises in developed and emerging countries, as well as entrepreneurs in developing economies.

Nadine Lehner Joint MS-MBA student (415) 229-9334
Michael Lepech Assistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Senior Fellow at the Woods Institute for the Environment

Professor Lepech's research focuses on the integration of sustainability indicators into engineering design, ranging from materials design, structural design, system design, to operations management.

Yang & Yamazaki Energy & Environment Building Room 285B
(650) 724-9459
Raymond Levitt Kumagai Professor in the School of Engineering and Senior Fellow at the Woods Institute for the Environment

Dr. Levitt founded and directs Stanford’s Global Projects Center (GPC), which conducts research, education and outreach aimed at delivering more sustainable global building and infrastructure projects. GPC's recent research focuses on developing more sustainable approaches for the financing and governance of infrastructure projects procured via the Private Partnerships (PPP or P3) delivery approach, and financed by institutional investors like pension funds and sovereign wealth funds.

Yang & Yamazaki Environment and Energy Buiding
Staci Lewis Ph.D. Student in Environment and Resources

Staci is interested in the ecological and economic impacts of climate change on coral reef ecosystem services. She plans to examine the physiological mechanisms behind thermal resilience of coral colonies and to develop economic valuations of climate change resilience.
James Lindsay Joint MS-MBA student
David Lobell Associate Professor of Earth System Science and Senior Fellow at the Freeman Spogli Institute and the Woods Institute for the Environment

We study the interactions between food production, food security, and the environment using a range of modern tools.
Stephen Luby Professor of Medicine (Infectious Diseases) and Senior Fellow at the Woods Institute and the Freeman Spogli Institute

Dr. Luby’s research interests include identifying and interrupting pathways of infectious disease transmission in low income countries. He works primarily in Bangladesh.

Yang and Yamazaki Environment and Energy Building
(650) 723-4129
Andrea Lund University Student Emmett Interdisciplinary Program in Environment and Resources Graduate
Zhengwei Luo Joint MS-MBA student
Richard Luthy Silas H. Palmer Professor of Civil Engineering and Senior Fellow, by courtesy, at the Woods Institute for the Environment

His area of teaching and research is environmental engineering and water quality with applications to water reuse, stormwater use, and systems-level analysis of our urban water challenges. His research addresses management of persistent organic contaminants and contaminants of emerging concern in natural systems that are engineered to improve water quality and protect the environment and human health.

Yang & Yamazaki Environment and Energy Bldg.
(650) 721-2615
Justin S Mankin Ph.D. Student in Environment and Resources

Justin studies how climate change and climate variability affect people.
Janet Martinez University Academic staff Law Teaching Sr Lecturer

Janet Martinez focuses her research and consulting on the lawyer’s role in negotiation, domestically and internationally; conflict resolution system design; facilitation of public disputes, particularly in the fields of international trade and the environment; negotiation and consensus-building training; and negotiation curriculum development for clients in the public, private, and nonprofit sectors.

Gould Center
(650) 723-4457
Jennifer Mason Assistant Director

Manages the PhD admissions process, PhD financial aid, and PhD student degree progress.

Y2E2 Building, Suite 226
(650) 723-6117
Gilbert Masters Professor (Teaching) of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Emeritus

Gil Masters works on energy efficiency and renewable energy systems as keys to slowing global warming, enhancing energy security, and improving conditions in underserved, rural communities. Although officially retired in 2002, he continues to teach CEE 176A: Energy-Efficient Buildings, and CEE 176B: Electric Power: Renewables and Efficiency.

(650) 725-1049
Pamela Matson Chester Naramore Dean of the School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences, Richard and Rhoda Goldman Professor in Environmental Studies and Senior Fellow at the Woods Institute

Her research addresses a range of environment and sustainability issues, including sustainability of agricultural systems; vulnerability of particular people and places to climate change; and global change in the nitrogen and carbon cycles. With multi-disciplinary teams of researchers, managers, and decision makers, she has worked to develop agricultural approaches that reduce environmental impacts while improving livelihoods and human wellbeing. 

Mitchell 101
(650) 723-2750
Casey Maue Ph.D. Student in Environment and Resources
Douglas McAdam Ray Lyman Wilbur Professor

Collective Action/Social Movements, Comparative and Historical Sociology, Political Sociology, Qualitative Methods, Race and Ethnicity

Bldg. 120 Room 138
(650) 723-9401
Daniel A. McFarland Professor of Education and, by courtesy, of Sociology and of Organizational Behavior at the Graduate School of Business

My current areas of research concern social network analysis, organizations, sociology of knowledge/science, computational social science, microsociology, learning analytics, social ecology, and the sociology of education. 

School of Education
(650) 723-2109
Michael McGehee Professor of Materials Science and Engineering and Senior Fellow, by courtesy, at the Precourt Institute for Energy

McGehee's research group studies organic semiconductors, nanostructured materials and solar cells.

476 Lomita Mall
Kelley Courtney McKanna University Student Emmett Interdisciplinary Program in Environment and Resources Graduate
Robert Meister Joint MS-MBA student
Lynn Meskell Professor of Anthropology

Lynn's current research and teaching interests include a broad range of fields, including ethnography in South Africa, Egyptian archaeology, identity and sociopolitics, gender and feminism, and heritage ethics. Lynn views contemporary archaeology as an anthropology of the past, a contextual and nuanced engagement with ancient culture that mirrors the ethnographic project.

Dept. of Anthropology
(650) 724-1751
Anna Marta Michalak Environmental Earth System Science Associate Professor (by Courtesy)

Our research interests focus on characterizing complexity and quantifying uncertainty in environmental systems with the goal of improving our understanding of these systems and our ability to forecast their variability.
Fiorenza Micheli University Faculty Hopkins Marine Station Professor

Her research interests include species interactions and species-habitat relationships in marine communities, the direct and indirect effects of natural and anthropogenic disturbances in the coastal marine environment, and the applications of community ecology to the conservation and restoration of marine ecosystems.

Hopkins Marine Station
(831) 655-6251
Dale T. Miller University Faculty Graduate School of Business - Faculty Professor

His research interests include the impact of social norms on behavior, the role that justice considerations play in individual and organizational decisions, and the conditions under which individuals and organizations abandon one course of action to pursue another.

Knight Management Building
(650) 723-8368
Grant Miller Associate Professor of Medicine (PCOR), Senior Fellow at the Freeman Spogli Institute and at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research and Associate Professor, by courtesy, of Economics and of Health Research and Policy

As a health and development economist based at the Stanford Medical School, my overarching focus is research and teaching aimed at developing more effective health improvement strategies for developing countries.
Laurel Mills Joint MS-JD student
Stephen Monismith Obayashi Professor in the School of Engineering and Senior Fellow, by courtesy, at the Woods Institute for the Environment

Hydrodynamics of lakes, estuaries, coral reefs, kelp forests and the coastal ocean

Room 313b
(650) 723-3921
Harold Mooney Paul S. and Billie Achilles Professor in Environmental Biology, Emeritus

Harold Mooney has demonstrated that convergent evolution takes place in the properties of different ecosystems that are subject to comparable climates, and has pioneered in the study of the allocation of resources in plants.

Frances Moore Ph.D. Student in Environment and Resources

Fran's research focuses on projecting the rate and effectiveness of autonomous adaptation by farmers in order to understand the impact of climate change on future agricultural production and food security.

Y2E2 226
Erin Gilmour Mordecai University Faculty Biology Assistant Professor

The community ecology of disease. Impacts of pathogens on plant diversity. Maintenance of parasite and pathogen diversity. Consequences of global change for host-parasite interactions. This work combines mathematical modeling and empirical work.

Department of Biology
(650) 497-7447
Clayton Nall University Faculty Political Science Assistant Professor

His research explains how policies that manipulate geographic space change American elections, issue politics, and public policy.
Rosamond Naylor William Wrigley Professor, Senior Fellow at the Woods Institute for the Environment and at the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies and Professor, by courtesy, of Economics

My research focuses on the environmental and equity dimensions of intensive food production systems, and the food security dimensions of low-input systems.

ENCINA 400 East
(650) 723-5697
Eugene Nho Joint MS-MBA student
Rebecca Niemiec Ph.D. Student in Environment and Resources Landscape scale conservation; social dimensions of invasive species management
Tomas Ocampo Joint MS-MBA student
Marcela Ochoa Joint MS-MBA student
Christian Okoye Joint MS-MBA student
L. Katrina ole-MoiYoi Ph.D. Student in Environment and Resources

At the heart of Katrina's work is a desire to improve long-term food security in developing countries through ecologically-sound policies in the fisheries sector.
Chikara Onda Ph.D. Student in Environment and Resources

Chikara studies the distributional and competitiveness impacts of climate and clean energy policies. In particular, he is interested in using econometric techniques as well as simulation using energy–economy models to study the impact of such policies on low-income households and on the creation of domestic clean energy industries.
Leonard Ortolano UPS Foundation Professor of Civil Engineering in Urban and Regional Planning

Ortolano is concerned with environmental and water resources policy and planning. His research stresses environmental policy implementation in developing countries and the role of non-governmental organizations in environmental management. His recent interests center on corporate environmental management.

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
(650) 723-2937, (650) 723-4662
Michael Ovadia Ph.D. Student in Environment and Resources

Michael studies the psychological and sociological issues underpinning the sharing economy. He employs a mixed methods approach of ethnography, field experiments, and large dataset analysis.

Stephen Palumbi Jane and Marshall Steel Jr. Professor in Marine Sciences, Director of the Hopkins Marine Station and Senior Fellow at the Woods Institute for the Environment

We're interested in ecological, evolutionary, and conservation questions related to marine (and sometimes terrestrial) organisms and ecosystems. We use evolutionary genetics and molecular ecology techniques, and our fieldwork takes us all around the world. Currently, we're studying coral diversity, the adaptive potential of corals in response to climate change, the movement of organisms between marine reserves, genetic changes in abalone in response to environmental.

Dept. Biological Sciences
(831) 655-6210, (831) 655-6214
Alexey Pazukha Joint MS-MBA student
Kabir Peay Assistant Professor of Biology

Our lab studies the ecological processes that structure natural communities and the links between community structure and the cycling of nutrients and energy through ecosystems. We focus primarily on fungi, as these organisms are incredibly diverse and are the primary agents of carbon and nutrient cycling in terrestrial ecosystems. By working across multiple scales we hope to build a 'roots-to-biomes' understanding of plant-microbe symbiosis.

371 Serra Mall
(650) 723-0552
Jason Perkins Joint MS-JD student
Indira Phukan Dual MS-PhD student
Erica Plambeck Charles A. Holloway Professor and Senior Fellow at the Woods Institute for the Environment

Erica Plambeck is an expert in manufacturing operations and supply chain management, and her current research focuses on environmental sustainability.

Knight Management Center
Walter W. Powell Professor of Education and, by courtesy, of Management Science & Engineering, of Communication, of Sociology and of Organizational Behavior at the Graduate School of Business

Powell works in the areas of organization theory, economic sociology, and the sociology of science. He is interested in the processes through which knowledge is transferred across organizations, and the role of networks in facilitating or hindering innovation, and institutions in codifying ideas. His current work focuses on the emergence of novel organizational forms. 

(650) 725-7391
Dariush Rafinejad Consulting Associate Professor, Management Science and Engineering

I teach sustainable product design in the Product Realization Network. I have many years of experience as a senior executive in Silicon Valley high-tech industries, serving Corporate Vice President at both Applied Materials and LAM Research, both semiconductor process equipment manufacturers. I am currently president and founder of Blue Dome Consulting.
Neil Raina Joint MS-JD student
Ram Rajagopal Assistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and, by courtesy, of Electrical Engineering

Professor Rajogopal works on renewable energy, the smart grid, algorithms for load forecasting, dynamic response, and energy policy.

(650) 725-4268
Hayagreeva Rao University Faculty Graduate School of Business - Faculty Professor

Professor Rao studies collective action within organizations and in markets. His research and by implication, His teaching devolves around scaling up mobilization, innovation, and talent in organizations.
Sudatta Ray Ph.D. Student in Environment and Resources

Sudatta studies the impacts that different energy systems have on resources and food security. Her work aims to inform developing country policymakers in their decisions on providing access to energy.
Stefan J Reichelstein William R. Timken Professor in the Graduate School of Business

He is known internationally for his research on the interface of management accounting and economics. Much of his work has addressed issues in cost- and profitability analysis, decentralization, internal pricing and performance measurement.

Littlefield 255
(650) 736-1129
Dan Reineman Postdoctoral Research fellow, Political Science

My research examines the relationships between coastal resources and coastal societies in the context of resource management in a changing environment. I combine natural science, social science, and citizen science in order to advance the theory and practice of coastal management through engagement with coastal resource user communities.

Anjana Richards Joint MS Program Manager

Manages the Joint MS program and leads the Capstone seminar.

473 Via Ortega
(650) 721-1673
Thomas Robinson The Irving Schulman, M.D. Endowed Professor in Child Health and Professor of Medicine (Stanford Prevention Research Center)

Dr. Robinson originated the solution-oriented research paradigm and directs the Stanford Solutions Science Lab. He is known for his pioneering obesity prevention and treatment research, including the concept of stealth interventions. His research applies social cognitive models of behavior change to behavioral, social, environmental and policy interventions for children and families in real world settings, making the results relevant for informing clinical and public health practice and policy.

Solutions Science Lab
(650) 723-5331
Mary K Rock Joint MS-JD student
Robert Sapolsky John A. and Cynthia Fry Gunn Professor and Professor of Neurology and of Neurosurgery Neuron death, stress, gene therapy GILBERT HALL
(650) 723-2649
Debra Satz Senior Associate Dean for the Humanities and Arts, The Marta Sutton Weeks Professor of Ethics in Society and Professor, by courtesy, of Political Science

I am currently working on two main projects.  The first project concerns the basis for and nature of the state's obligation to provide an education to its citizens.  The second project concerns the relationship between markets and social equality.  I am especially interested in the ways that markets can support, but also undermine, the relationship between citizens as equal members of a democratic society.

BLDG. 1, room 109
(650) 723-2133, (650) 723-2547
Sita Saueregger Joint MS-MBA student
Nikhil Sawe Ph.D. Student in Environment and Resources

Through functional MRI, neuroeconomics analyzes the financial decision-making process at the level of discrete brain structures, allowing insights into the way we think about and route information. Nik's research adapts neuroeconomics techniques to assess decision-making in environmental questions.
Gary Schoolnik Professor of Medicine (Infectious Diseases), Emeritus

Structure-function analysis of bacterial adhesion proteins and toxins; design and synthesis of synthetic antigens; immunobiology of human papillomaviruses

Beckman B241
Damien Scott Joint MS-MBA student
W Scott Professor of Sociology, Emeritus

He is an organizational sociologist who has concentrated his work on the study of professional organizations, including educational, engineering, medical, research, social welfare, and medical systems.

Bldg. 120 Room 236
(650) 723-3956, (650) 723-3959
Samy Sekar Ph.D. Student in Environment and Resources

Samy is interested in working at the intersection of climate change, agriculture, and development. She hopes to study the barriers to simultaneously increasing agricultural production and improving agricultural sustainability and to identify the most successful strategies to breaking down those barriers.
Baba Shiv University Faculty Graduate School of Business - Faculty Professor

Baba Shiv's research expertise is in the area of neuroeconomics, with specific emphasis on the role of neural structures related to emotion and motivation in shaping decisions and experiences. 

655 Knight Way
(650) 725-8122
Anne Siders Ph.D. Student in Environment and Resources

Siders studies the role of governance and institutional design in the integration of climate change adaptation and disaster risk mitigation in the coastal built environment. Her research is geographically diverse, including Europe, coastal megacities, the Arctic, and South East Asia. Her work focuses on providing information, tools, and processes that aid decision-makers in building international coastal resilience.
Itamar Simonson University Faculty Graduate School of Business - Faculty Professor

Itamar Simonson’s research includes consumer decision making, buyer behavior, consumer evaluation of brands and promotional offers, marketing management, and survey methods. Some of Simonson’s studies demonstrate a variety of seemingly irrelevant and irrational influences on consumers' decisions. These studies introduce a new perspective on consumer behavior and suggest more effective approaches to the design of market research investigations and marketing strategies.

Knight Center
(650) 725-8981
Timothy Singer Dual MS-MD student
Deborah Sivas Luke W. Cole Professor of Environmental Law, Director of the Stanford Environmental Law Clinic and Senior Fellow at the Woods Institute for the Environment

 Her current research is focused on the interaction of law and science in the arena of climate change and coastal/marine policy and the ability of the public to hold policymakers accountable.

Environmental Law Clinic
Whitney Skinner Joint MS-MBA student (650) 422-4619
Sarah A Soule University Faculty Graduate School of Business - Faculty Professor

Her research examines state and organizational-level policy change and diffusion, and the role social movements have on these processes.

Faculty West Building W244
Alexandre Spitz Joint MS-MBA student
Charles David Sprenger Assistant Professor of Economics

Experimental tests of risk and time preferences and their predictive validity.

Rose Stanley Joint MS-JD student
Stephen J. Stedman University Faculty FSI Senior Fellow

international organizations and global security; civil wars; mediation; conflict prevention; peacekeeping

Encina Hall, 2nd floor
(650) 725-2705
Greg Stillman Joint MS-MBA student
Andy Stock Ph.D. Student in Environment and Resources

Andy studies marine conservation ecology and the role of ecological theories and models in environmental policy. His work focuses on the California coast.

Aiga Stokenberga Ph.D. Student in Environment and Resources

Aiga's research combines concepts and methods from land use and transportation economics, urban sociology, and urban design in an effort to understand the environmental, social, and economic sustainability implications of urban planning interventions targeting low-income populations.
Aaron Strong Ph.D. Candidate in Environment and Resources

Aaron studies feedbacks of the carbon cycle to global change factors, and the policies for operationalizing biogeochemical ecosystem services (such as carbon sequestration and nitrogen cycling) in environmental management frameworks.

Y2E2 226
Shannon Swanson Ph.D. Student in Environment and Resources

Shannon studies artisanal fishing communities in small island nations in South East Asia and Oceania and how they are affected by tourism, marine protected areas, conflict, social learning networks, and governance structures. She is also interested in developing new qualitative methods of research using film and photography.
Jim Francis, Jr Sweeney Faculty - Affiliated

Economic and environmental effects of environmental policies; Implications of environmental policy for technological innovation.

Leon Szeptycki Professor of the Practice, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

Leon is an attorney who specializes in water quality, water use and watershed restoration. His work includes issues related to stream flow restoration in the context of the western appropriative rights system and increasing human demands on water.
Lauren Tarpey Joint MS-JD student
Leif Thomas Associate Professor of Earth System Science

Physical oceanography; theory and numerical modeling of the ocean circulation; dynamics of ocean fronts and vortices; upper ocean processes; air-sea interaction.

473 Via Ortega Y2E2 Bldg
(650) 721-1140
Barton Thompson Robert E. Paradise Professor in Natural Resources Law and Perry L. McCarty Director of the Woods Institute

A leading expert in environmental and natural resources law and policy, Barton H. “Buzz” Thompson, Jr. has contributed a large body of scholarship on environmental issues ranging from the future of endangered species and fisheries to the use of economic techniques for regulating the environment.

(650) 723-2518
Tannis Thorlakson Ph.D. Student in Environment and Resources

Tannis is interested in farmer-firm interactions and the role of supply chain sourcing strategies on socio-economic and environmental outcomes in agriculture.
Shripad Tuljapurkar The Dean and Virginia Morrison Professor of Population Studies

Stochastic dynamics of human and natural populations; prehistoric societies; probability forecasts including sex ratios, mortality, aging and fiscal balance; life history evolution.

Herrin Labs 454
(650) 723-6311, (650) 724-4171
Jose Urteaga Augier Ph.D. Student in Environment and Resources

Jose's research interests center on the governance and sustainable management of marine natural resources in developing countries, particularly in Nicaragua.
Elizabeth Vissers Joint MS-JD student
Peter Vitousek Clifford G. Morrison Professor in Population and Resource Studies, Senior Fellow at the Woods Institute for the Environment and Professor, by courtesy, of Earth System Science

Vitousek's research interests include: evaluating the global cycles of nitrogen and phosphorus, and how they are altered by human activity; understanding how the interaction of land and culture contributed to the sustainability of Hawaiian (and other Pacific) agriculture and society before European contact; and working to make fertilizer applications more efficient and less environmentally damaging (especially in rapidly growing economies)

Yang and Yamazaki Environment and Energy Building 375
(650) 725-1866
Jennifer Wang Ph.D. Student in Environment and Resources

Jennifer's research interests address human behaviour change in the context of climate change, with the ultimate aim of shifting normative practices and paradigms within public policy, business, and individual behaviour to effectively account for the impacts and risks of climate change and environmental sustainability.
Michael W Wara University Faculty Law School Assoc Professor

An expert on energy and environmental law, Michael Wara’s research focuses on climate and electricity policy. His current scholarship lies at the intersection between environmental law, energy law, international relations, atmospheric science, and technology policy.
Jeremy Weinstein Professor of Political Science and Senior Fellow at the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies

ivil war; ethnic politics; political economy of development; Africa
John Weyant Professor (Research) of Management Science and Engineering and Senior Fellow at the Precourt Institute for Energy

His current research focuses on analysis of global climate change policy options, energy efficiency analysis, energy technology assessment, and models for strategic planning. 

Huang Engineering Center
(650) 723-0645, (650) 723-3506
Richard White Margaret Byrne Professor of American History

Richard White is a Pulitzer-Prize nominated historian specializing in the history of the American west, environmental history and Native American history.

BLDG. 200 Rm 31
(650) 723-2651
Jennifer Wilcox Assistant Professor of Energy Resources Engineering

Modeling and measurement of trace metal speciation, i.e., mercury, arsenic, and selenium, released from coal combustion or gasification processes; sorbent design for high-temperature mercury capture; catalytic membrane design for CO2/H2 separation; CO2 sequestration; coal-to-liquid catalyst design.

(650) 724-9449
Michael V. Wilcox University Faculty Anthropology Assoc Professor-Teaching

Professor Wilcox's main research interests include Native American ethnohistory in the American Southwest; the history of Pueblo Peoples in New Mexico; Indigenous Archaeology; ethnic identity and conflict; DNA, race and cultural identity in archaeology and popular culture; and the political and historical relationships between Native Americans, anthropologists and archaeologists.

BLDG. 40-41G
(650) 736-1255
Reed Wildman Joint MS-MBA student
Deborah Wojcik Associate Director

Serves as the chief academic staff officer of the E-IPER program and ensures effective management of the program.

Y2E2 Building, Suite 226, 473 Via Ortega
(650) 724-3074
Mikael Wolfe Assistant Professor of History

I am an environmental historian of modern Mexico and Latin America focusing on the history of water control, agrarian reform, hydraulic technology, drought and climate change.
Philip Womble Ph.D. Student in Environment and Resources

Philip studies legal and water supply planning strategies that use water markets to help communities and ecosystems adapt to drought and climate change.
Michelle Wu Joint MS-JD student
Billy Xia Joint MS-MBA student
Berker Yagci Joint MS-MBA student
Yibo Zhu Joint MS-MBA student
Mark Zoback Benjamin M. Page Professor in Earth Sciences and Senior Fellow at the Precourt Institute for Energy

I conduct research on in situ stress, fault mechanics, and reservoir geomechanics with an emphasis on shale gas, tight gas and tight oil production, the feasibility of long-term geologic storage of CO2 and the occurrence of induced and triggered earthquakes.

(650) 725-9295