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Oct 7 2015 | Bloomberg Business | Posted In: Awards, In the Press
Taylor came up with a relatively simple equation relevant to central bank benchmark rate decisions. The formula describes the interrelation among inflation, an inflation target, and current economic output versus its potential. It’s known today as the Taylor rule.  See item >>
Oct 2 2015 | American Economic Association | Posted In: Appointments
Al Roth, the Craig and Susan McCaw Professor of Economics, has been honored as President-elect of the American Economic Association (AEA) for 2016.
Sep 10 2015 | The New York Times | Posted In: In the Press
Stanford has lured an all-star lineup of economists to Palo Alto in the last few years —
Sep 1 2015 | Stanford Report | Posted In: In Memoriam
Nathan Rosenberg, the Fairleigh S. Dickinson Jr. Professor of Public Policy, Emeritus, in Stanford's Department of Economics, died Aug. 24 at the Vi at Palo Alto, at the age of 87.
Jul 17 2015 | Stanford Report | Posted In: In Memoriam
Stanford Emeritus Professor Masahiko Aoki passed away on July 15.
