Junior Faculty Leave Program - Policy

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School of Humanities and Sciences
Junior Faculty Leave Program (effective 9/1/2015)

The purpose of the Junior Faculty Leave Program is to provide every reappointed assistant professor with a full year of leave to enhance preparation for the tenure review and to provide a period of time for pure research.  Effective with the 1998-1999 academic year, tenure-track assistant professors reappointed to a second term may take a full year of paid leave at 100% pay (on the nine-month base salary) during their fifth or sixth year.

Assistant professors eligible for this program are those who were reappointed during the 1997-98 academic year or later.   Faculty who have delayed their start date by taking the first year of appointment as leave without salary are eligible for the Junior Faculty Leave Program.  Maternity Leave and Tenure Clock Extensions do not affect eligibility for this program, which has no effect on the Tenure Clock.

Timing of the Leave
This leave will be granted only during the fifth or sixth year after formal review and approval of reappointment for a term of three years as assistant professor. The tenure clock continues to run during the Junior Faculty Leave.

Sabbatical Credits and Funding
The Junior Faculty Leave program combines earned sabbatical credits, borrowed sabbatical credits, and funding from the school (typically in the form of a top-up for the remainder of the salary) to support a full year off. Effective 9/1/2015, the assistant professor must use twelve sabbatical credits, either already accrued at the time of the leave or to be accrued during the remainder of the untenured appointment.  No individual will begin the tenured appointment with a negative sabbatical credit balance;  typically an individual will have a positive sabbatical accrual balance at the time of tenure. If less than the full Junior Faculty Leave is taken, it is possible that an individual may start the tenured appointment with a positive sabbatical credit balance.  In cases where partial support for leave has been secured from other internal or external programs, the JFL Program will typically top up funding to support goal of a full year of leave plus a fourth quarter of JFL.

Coordination with Stanford University Fellowships and External Fellowships

Center for Advanced Studies in the Behavioral Sciences:  For those granted a three quarter leave at CASBS, this program will add an additional quarter of leave at full pay. This applies only if CASBS provides funding for the entire JFL year.  This fourth quarter will not be housed at CASBS.
Hoover Institution: For those granted a three-quarter Hoover National Fellows leave, the Junior Faculty Leave program will add an additional quarter of leave at full pay. This applies only if Hoover provides funding for the entire JFL year.  This fourth quarter will not be housed at the Hoover Institution.
Stanford Humanities Center: For those granted a three quarter leave at the Stanford Humanities Center, this program will add an additional quarter of leave at full pay. This fourth quarter will not be housed at the Humanities Center.
External Fellowships:  For those granted a three quarter external fellowship from a prestigious foundation or agency, this program will add an additional quarter of leave at full pay.  This applies only if the external agency/foundation provides funding for the entire JFL year. 
Assistant Professors: Obtain a copy of the "Application for Leave of Absence" (download document), fill out the form (noting that you are applying for Junior Faculty Leave), and discuss your plans with your department Chair.
Department: Submit the approved leave form to Sue Martin (H&S Dean's Office) and follow the Instructions for Charging Junior Faculty Leave  to ensure correct charges.  In addition,.complete the How to Calculate Leave/Sabbatical Charges;  Consult the appropriate Finance Liaison for details about Labor Distribution for leaves.