Stanford Research Park

For additional information on the Stanford Research Park, please send an email to or call (650) 724-7100.

Why Stanford?

The Stanford Research Park at Stanford University is home to an extraordinary number of success stories.

Founded in 1951, through the foresight of Stanford Dean of Engineering Frederick Terman and others, the Park was the first of its kind and became the cornerstone of what would eventually be known as Silicon Valley.

Over the years, it has continued to attract some of the most successful and respected technology companies in the world. For companies on the leading edge of technology, the Park provides critical access to extraordinary talent, creativity and innovation.

From early electronic pioneers Bill Hewlett and David Packard, to brilliant physicists Russell and Sigurd Varian, to today's technology innovators, many accomplished scientists and entrepreneurs have found that the Stanford Research Park offers a productive environment in which to grow ideas and build companies.

For more information, please refer to this short video about the Stanford Research Park.

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The University Connection

Today, the Stanford Research Park has a world-class reputation as one of the largest and best known parks of its kind in the world, offering its companies a special set of benefits.

First and foremost, as part of the Stanford community, the Park offers access to one of the world's finest research universities.

Of special value to industry is the opportunity to form close relationships with Stanford faculty and students, who are just a short bicycle ride away.

There are a number of both informal and formal connections a company may foster. For example a company is able to:

  • Sponsor joint research projects with Stanford faculty and students
  • Conduct seminars and workshops that encourage the exchange of technical information
  • Offer internships to students
  • Recruit Stanford graduates
  • Invite faculty to join corporate boards
  • Retain faculty as consultants
  • Consult with Stanford's Office of Technology Licensing
  • Obtain access to the University Library systems.

There are also two successful, well established mechanisms that encourage industry-university interaction:

  • The Stanford Center for Professional Development connects working professionals worldwide to the research and teaching of Stanford University faculty in the School of Engineering and related academic departments. Qualified individuals may study for master of science degrees on a part-time basis, pursue graduate and professional certificates, take individual graduate and professional courses, participate in workshops, and view free online seminars. Courses are delivered online, on the Stanford campus, and at the work site.
  • The Stanford Affiliates Program can be of special value to corporations. Affiliates programs offer proven, convenient and direct means of communication between faculty and Research Park company scientists and engineers.

Managed by faculty members, each affiliate program offers individual contact between the representatives of a company and the faculty and students in the program.

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The Location

The Stanford Research Park is located in the City of Palo Alto, adjacent to the Stanford University campus. Twenty miles north of downtown San Jose and 32 miles south of San Francisco, the Park's Silicon Valley location provides easy access to the vast array of business, educational and cultural opportunities available at Stanford, in Silicon Valley and around the Bay Area.

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The Environment

The Stanford Research Park is located on flat to rolling terrain.
California's warm sun turns the surrounding foothills golden during the spring and summer, and in the winter, refreshing rains turn the landscape a vibrant shade of green.
Large landscaped setbacks throughout the Park provide a campus-like setting.

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The Community

Palo Alto and its neighbors are highly desirable communities offering an impressive array of public services, libraries and theaters, fine restaurants, top-rated schools, executive housing, and bustling retail centers. Palo Alto provides a number of benefits to its businesses such as low-cost, city-owned utility service, excellent police and fire protection, no payroll or business taxes, and well-maintained infrastructure.

This friendly community offers an appealing work environment and lifestyle for high technology professionals and their families.

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