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Introducing Rare Music Materials at Stanford, via Spotlight

Robert Schumann, Drei zweistimmige Lieder (detail)

Rare Music Materials at Stanford is a Spotlight instance that presents materials from the Stanford University Libraries' collections that have been digitized in response to research requests, or were produced for small projects. Items and their downloadable images may also be found in SearchWorks, Stanford's library catalog.

Spotlight provides an online environment to highlight digital content. Exhibits in the music site, as well as in other Spotlight instances, demonstrate some options available to the Stanford community to curate and annotate digital objects and collections.

At present, only a fraction of Stanford's rare music holdings is available digitally. We plan to continue digitizing efforts for rare music content, with the hope that eventually all of SUL’s holdings in the public domain will be made available to the world for close inspection and download. As we work toward that goal, the Rare Music Materials at Stanford site establishes a beachhead for discovering our expanding digitized offerings.

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