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Foundations of Social Research Soc 180A/280A

SOC 180A/280A - Spring 2013 - Instructor: Roy
Last Updated: 7-May-2013

This guide supports the Sociology 180A/280A Foundations of Social Research course. The course focuses on the logic of social science research design and methods of data collection.  Research methods to be covered include archival and historical methods, participant observation and interviewing, as well as, surveys and experimentation.

Search - Read  - Collect information – Read some more – Organize along the way.  

Subject Librarians

Ron Nakao with 9-track data tape.
Data and Computational Social Science Librarian
(650) 725-1062
Data Services Specialist
(650) 723-7009
Bibliographer for Anthropology & Archaeology, Communication & Journalism, Feminist Studies, Lusophone Africa Collections, and Sociology
(831) 251-5700
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Journal Literature Databases

Suggested Journal Literature Databases

Annual Reviews - Features analytic reviews in 37 focused disciplines within the Biomedical, Life, Physical, and Social Sciences.

Communication & Mass Media Complete - Offers information from over 600 journals in communication, mass media and related fields; includes abstracts, indexing, bibliographical citations and author profiles, as well as full text from more 240 titles.

ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center) - The Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC) is a national information system designed to provide users with ready access to an extensive body of education-related literature.

Ethnic NewsWatch - Full text articles from newspapers and periodicals published by the ethnic, minority and native press in the U.S. Coverage is from 1960 to date.

GenderWatch -Features Full text collection of journals, magazines, newsletters, regional publications, books, booklets and pamphlets, conference proceedings and governmental n-g-o and special reports devoted to women's and gender issues.

JSTOR - Provides page images of back issues of the core scholarly journals in the humanities, social sciences, and basic sciences from the earliest issues to within a few years of current publication

Linguistics and language behavior abstracts : LLBA. - This database abstracts and indexes the international literature in linguistics and related disciplines in the language sciences. 

PAIS international in print. - Public Affairs Information Service international in print.

Project Muse - Features a collection of online scholarly journals that focuses on the humanities, social sciences, and mathematics.

Proquest Research Library  - General and Reference Works; Social Sciences (General); Economics and Business; Sociology; Science (General); Communication and Journalism

Psycinfo - Contains citations and summaries of journal articles, book chapters, books, and technical reports in the field of psychology and psychological aspects of related disciplines including medicine, psychiatry, nursing, sociology, education, pharmacology, physiology, linguistics, anthropology, business and law.

Sage journals with full text - Features full-text articles from journals published by SAGE and participating societies.

Sociology [electronic resource] : a SAGE full-text collection - SAGE Journals within the discipline of Sociology. 

Scopus - features citations for Social Sciences (General); Sociology; Science (General); Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; Biology; Medicine; Engineering; Computer Science

Sociological abstracts - features abstracts and indexes of the international literature in sociology and related disciplines in the social and behavioral sciences.

Social Science Citation Index - this title from ISI Web of Knowledge version and indexes all significant items (articles, reports of meetings, letters, editorials, correction notices, etc.) from more than 1,725 most important worldwide social sciences journals. 


Secondary Data Sources

Secondary Data Sources

ICPSR (Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research) 

Stanford users have access to over 7,000 data collections and 500,000 files, and can download data directly to a computer with a central campus IP address.  ICPSR's data resources cover a broad range of research and instructional data in the areas of sociology, political science, demography, history, economics, education, criminal justice, and international relations. Their data archives provide access to specialized collections and include: Health and Medical Care Archive, International Archive of Education Data, National Archive of Computerized Data on Aging, National Archive of Criminal Justice Data, and the Minority Data Resource Center. 


Roper Center for Public Opinion Research (iPoll)

Stanford users can access Roper's iPoll Plus database of nearly a half million questions asked on national public opinion surveys since 1935.  In addition, Stanford faculty, staff, and students can order the complete datasets from several thousand polls from over 50 nations, and specialized archive collections that include the Latin American Databank and UBS Investor Surveys.  RoperExpress is a tool that allows users to download the Center's data that are in ASCII or SPSS portable formats

Additional Data Links

Additional Links for Data and National Statistics

CDC - Center for Disease Control

NCES - National Center for Education Statistics

U.S. Census (American FactFinder)

City and Local Government Sources, such as:
“Statistical abstract of the United States” 

News Sources

News Sources

Access world news [electronic resource] : the ultimate news archive.

LexisNexis [electronic resource] : academic.

Social Science and Data Software


Citation Management Tools

Citation Management

For help with organizing your research and literature review research, see this guide: 

"Bibliography Management"