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Liisi Esse

Assistant Curator for Estonian and Baltic Studies


  • (650) 736-4724

Liisi's role in the library

As Assistant Curator for Estonian and Baltic Studies, I have as my main responsibility to build Stanford's collection of Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian material in all formats (books, periodicals, manuscripts, electronic sources etc.). My wider goal is to enhance the Baltic studies overall by advising scholars and students interested in the matter, engaging in collaborative projects with other institutions and organizing events and exhibits at Stanford.

Selected publications

"Mäluasutused LEP-ESTO-l = Memory institutions and LEP-ESTO," Vaba Eesti Sõna = Free Estonian Word, no. 10 (2013).

"Assistant Curator for Estonian and Baltic Studies appointed at Stanford," SEES (Association of College and Research Libraries. Slavic and East European Section) Newsletter, (2013), 42-43.

"The Experience of Returning. Estonian World War I Soldiers’ Return to Society," Der Erste Weltkrieg im Vergleich, xx-xx [forthcoming] (Böhlau: 2013).

Sõja- ja kodurinde vahelised suhted Esimeses maailmasõjas osalenud eesti sõdurite kirjades ja mälestustes. = Relations between Fighting Front and Home Front in Letters and Memoirs of Estonian WWI Soldiers," Eesti sõjaajaloo aastaraamat = Estonian Yearbook of Military History, vol. 2(8) (2012), 57-88.

"Kirjad, päevikud ja mälestused Esimeses maailmasõjas osalenud eesti sõdurite sõjakogemust kajastavate allikatena. = Letters, Diaries and Memoirs as a Source Material of the War Experience of Estonian Soldiers in the First World War," Eesti ajaloost 19.-20. sajandil: uurimusi historiograafiast, allikaõpetusest ja institutsioonidest, 212-234 (Tartu: Eesti Ajalooarhiiv, 2012).

More about Liisi

I have been in my current position since January 2013. Before that I lived in Estonia where I worked at the National Archives of Estonia as a project manager.

I have an M.A. in Estonian history (2012) and I currently continue with my studies as a Ph.D. student at the University of Tartu, Estonia.

I am a native Estonian. You may find more information about me here.


M.A., Estonian history; University of Tartu, Estonia (2012)
B.A., Estonian history; University of Tartu, Estonia (2009)