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CIDR unites several Library services and resources in support of the computational social sciences (CSS) and the digital humanities (DH) at Stanford and beyond.

Center for Interdisciplinary Digital Research (CIDR)

The digital humanities and computational social sciences are scholarly practices in which computers and digital information are used in humanities and social science research and teaching. As part of our mission, the Center for Interdisciplinary Digital Research (CIDR):

  • Supports faculty research
    • Brokers and enabling library services
    • Collaborates in project design and grant writing
    • Provides technical leadership for project work
  • Provides a hub for knowledge sharing around digital research practices
    • Facilitates collaboration among knowledge design professionals supporting faculty research across the University
    • Sponsors events to disseminate knowledge of DH and CSS work
  • Produces DH and CSS research
    • Thinks critically about the design and development of digital scholarly tools and methods
    • Engages actively in national and international DH and CSS professional organizations
    • Publishes and presents its research around the world


CIDR unites four specialized sets of services in support of these practices:

  • The Academic Technology Specialist team, working directly in and with selected academic departments to improve teaching, learning, and research by implementing and developing new technologies.
  • Social Science Data and Software offers data, software, workshops, and consultations for data-based social science research and teaching.
  • Digital humanities developers provide focused project support for the Stanford scholarly community via an annual call for proposals. The DH developer team maintains a rich gallery of projects both already published and in-progress.
  • The Humanities Text Service (hText) provides access to textual and other digital resources for research and teaching.