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Stanford Report

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Photo of Karl Rove and Robert Gibbs

Rove, Gibbs trade jabs in campus election-year debate

Karl Rove, deputy chief of staff in the George W. Bush administration, and Robert Gibbs, President Barack Obama's former press secretary, faced off Tuesday in a debate that touched on electoral numbers, swing states and Super PACs.

Photo: News

Cantor's docents lead guided tours of campus sculpture

Cantor Arts Center offers a variety of docent-led tours of its distinguished art collections. One of the most popular is the outdoor sculpture walk on the first Sunday of the month. This tour meets – rain or shine – at 2 p.m. at the top of the Oval.

Photo of Alan Glaseroff

BeWell@Stanford: Coordinating chronic care

Alan Glaseroff is director of Stanford Coordinated Care, which is designed to work with individuals struggling with such conditions as diabetes, hypertension, depression or ongoing pain. BeWell spoke to Dr. Glaseroff about the new program.

Campus Announcements

  • Continuing Studies is moving: The Continuing Studies offices, along with the Master of Liberal Arts Program and Stanford Summer Session, are moving to a new location. After April 26, the new address will be: Stanford Continuing Studies, 365 Lasuen Street, Stanford, CA 94305. For more information, visit the Continuing Studies website.
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Cardinal football coach DAVID SHAW among the featured commentators on the NFL Network's draft coverage . . .

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