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NCTA for High School Teachers

NCTA for High School Teachers

NCTA for High School Teachers

NCTA for High School Teachers

Application period closed


In an effort to infuse Asian studies in the social studies and literature curricula, the Stanford Program on International and Cross-Cultural Education (SPICE), in cooperation with the National Consortium for Teaching About Asia (NCTA), is offering a professional development opportunity at Stanford University. SPICE is a non-profit educational outreach program of the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies (FSI) at Stanford University. SPICE supports efforts to internationalize elementary and secondary school curricula by linking the research and teaching of FSI to the schools. The National Consortium for Teaching about Asia (NCTA) is an initiative to encourage and facilitate teaching and learning about Asia in world history, geography, social studies, and literature courses around the country.

SPICE, in cooperation with NCTA and support from the Freeman Foundation, is offering a series of seminars for high school social studies, world literature, and language arts teachers. The objectives of the program are to enrich the teaching of East Asia in the secondary school curriculum, develop a professional cross-district dialog, and foster a community of inquiry among educators interested in Asian studies.

Seminar sessions:
Fridays 8:30 am - 3:30 pm
January 23, February 20, March 13, and April 10

(Schedule of topics subject to change, depending on speaker availability.)

NCTA Seminar Series Flyer



Participants will:

  1. Gain a deeper understanding of the geography, history, culture, religion, literature and art of East Asia, with emphasis on topics included in the Social Studies Content Standards for California.
  2. Design curriculum that integrates content knowledge about China, Korea, and Japan with effective, thoughtful, and engaging instructional approaches
  3. Be provided with instructional materials about East Asia appropriate for their classrooms.
  4. Become a community of learners committed to a long-term engagement in the exploration of Asian studies.


Murphey, Rhoads. East Asia: A New History

"Additional books and articles will be provided."


Teachers are required to attend all sessions, complete assigned readings before each session, develop and submit a lesson plan and a reflection/implementation plan, and participate in group discussions.

Lesson plan and reflection/implementation plan assignments are designed to help participants absorb the new information and to think about how to apply it to their own classrooms while the information is still fresh in their minds.


Fellowship Coordinator

616 Serra Street
Encina Hall, E007
Stanford, CA 94305-6060

(650) 724-4396 (voice)
(650) 723-6784 (fax)

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