Parking & Transportation Services
January 2013 edition


You are receiving this Parking & Transportation Services (P&TS) eUpdate as a member of the Stanford community. We believe the content of this message will be of interest to you as a parking permit holder and/or user of alternative transportation. We also want to share information with you to help Stanford meet certain transportation-related goals in the General Use Permit1 and SUMC Project:Renewal, and to help create a more sustainable Stanford.

Visit our website at for more information.


1) Stanford’s Marguerite shuttle now serves Bing Concert Hall and Oak Creek Apartments
Lines N, O, and P add new stop for concert hall; new Line OCA serves apartments

2) Reach your New Year’s goals for health and savings
Try a sustainable commute; we can help

3) ‘Fiscal cliff’ deal includes an increase to transit benefit
Pre-tax transit deduction limit increases to $245 per month

4) Roble and Casa Zapata win Stanford’s Bike Safety Dorm Challenge
Casa Zapata won the drawing when three dorms tied for first with 100 percent participation

1) Stanford’s Marguerite shuttle now serves Bing Concert Hall and Oak Creek Apartments

Lines N, O, and P add new stop for concert hall; new Line OCA serves apartments

Bing Concert Hall celebrated its grand opening this month, and Stanford’s Marguerite shuttle added a new stop nearby. Located at the corner of Lasuen Street and Campus Drive East, the hall is accessible on the following Marguerite routes, which also connect to the Palo Alto Transit Center:

Marguerite Lines P, N, and O travel between the Palo Alto Transit Center and the Stanford Oval. A new stop near Museum Way is a short walk to and from Bing Concert Hall. The Line SE (Shopping Express) provides service between the Palo Alto Transit Center and the corner of Roth Way and Quarry Road. Passengers using this stop would walk approximately half a mile on Roth Way and turn left on Lasuen Street to reach the hall.

In addition, Marguerite introduced Line OCA, a new route between Oak Creek Apartments and Tresidder Union. Line OCA provides evening service between 9 p.m. and 12 a.m. during the academic year (OCA schedule).

Marguerite service is free and open to the public, and all buses are wheelchair accessible and have bike racks. For Marguerite shuttle assistance or information, contact us at or 650.724.9339.


2) Reach your New Year’s goals for health and savings

Try a sustainable commute; we can help

Have you considered a sustainable commute to help you reach your New Year’s health and savings goals? Claudia Baroni, accounting associate in Geophysics, found that commuting by train enabled her to keep her New Year’s resolutions to walk more, find time to read, and save money.

Andrew Kloak, faculty affairs administrator, Neurosurgery, says, “Not only did I save money on parking fees and gas, but I've also lost weight—from a size 38 waist pants to a size 35 waist now. It's been a great journey and I wish I had started doing this earlier.”

Why not try a sustainable commute today to see if you could enjoy similar rewards? Let us help you discover a healthier, more relaxing commute:

Check out the stories of fellow Stanford commuters who are healthier, happier, and wealthier thanks to their sustainable commute. Why not join them?

Contact us at or 650.736.9923. We would be glad to help!


3) ‘Fiscal cliff’ deal includes an increase to transit benefit

Pre-tax transit deduction limit increases to $245 per month

The American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012, a deal signed into law to avoid the so-called ‘fiscal cliff,’ included a provision to increase transit benefits from $125 per month to $245 per month through 2013. The provision enables commuters to increase the amount of pre-tax dollars they can use to make commute-related transit purchases.

Benefits-eligible Stanford employees may participate in the pre-tax payroll deduction program if they meet eligibility requirements. Eligible employees may request pre-tax payroll deduction to purchase passes or tickets for ACE Train, AC Transit, BART, Muni, SamTrans, as well as Clipper cash (valid on most Bay Area transit services), Commuter Checks (for agencies that don’t accept Clipper), and Caltrain monthly parking permits. Eligible employees may sign up for pre-tax deductions by applying online through the P&TS website. Employees may enroll or cancel enrollment in the program throughout the year.

If you have questions or wish to adjust your existing pre-tax transit deductions, please contact us at or 650.723.9362.


4) Roble and Casa Zapata win Stanford’s Bike Safety Dorm Challenge

Casa Zapata won the drawing when three dorms tied for first with 100 percent participation

Student residents in Roble and Casa Zapata are heading to Lake Tahoe compliments of Stanford’s Parking & Transportation Services (P&TS). Each of the two dorms won a charter bus to Tahoe by achieving the highest number or highest percentage of participants in Stanford’s third annual Bike Safety Dorm Challenge. A record 951 Stanford students from 21 undergraduate residences participated in the challenge from Sept. 18 to Dec. 14, 2012.

Roble surpassed other dorms by attaining the highest number of participants, with 196 Roble students pledging to bike safely. Casa Zapata, Burbank, and Muwekma-tah-ruk tied for first when each dorm reached 100 percent participation. Casa Zapata was the lucky winner of a three-way-tie prize drawing, clinching one of the two charter bus trips to Tahoe.

The FROSH Bike Helmet Subsidy Program may have helped increase participation by making bike helmets more affordable. The program enables freshman students to contribute $5 each for a helmet, with the remaining $15 subsidized by sponsoring departments: P&TS, Public Safety, Risk Management, and Residential Education. The Campus Bike Shop also provides logistical support for the program. The subsidy program has grown to 10 participating dorms in 2012, up from 7 dorms at its inception in 2011.

Sponsored by P&TS, the annual Bike Safety Dorm Challenge promotes bike safety by encouraging undergraduate students to pledge to follow the rules of the road and to wear a helmet for every ride, even short trips.

Visit the dorm standings page for full results. For bike information or questions, contact us at or 650.725.2453.


1 It is important for Parking & Transportation Services to communicate parking and alternative-transportation information to the campus. Under the 2000 General Use Permit (campus growth plan approved by Santa Clara County), the campus has a goal of "no net new peak-hour commute trips" over the life of the permit and must accommodate campus growth with a limited number of new parking spaces. Failure to achieve this goal will result in the university being faced with costly mitigation measures.


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