Website Feedback Form

Use this form to improve the City of Palo Alto website by sharing your website feedback.

If you seek to make a public records request, you must use the online  Public Records Request Form.

If you are seeking or reporting information unrelated to the City website, use the Public Comment form.

If you are reporting an issue such as a street condition, traffic sign, and many other City services, use the online service, PaloAlto311.

If you are reporting missing content, use the Missing Content form.

If you are unsure of your neighborhood you can view a neighborhood map. If you are not a resident, choose "Commuter", or "Other".
Last Updated: Sep 8, 2015
Website Feedback Form
When you use this form, your email address becomes a public record. If you do not wish your email address to be a public record, please send your correspondence via postal mail to The City of Palo Alto, Office of the City Clerk.

                                                                   Neighborhood Map
If you are reporting a technical issue, please include the optional information below. Examples: Problem downloading files, page displays incorrectly.

  Please enter the word above in the space below  
Thanks for sharing your website feedback. click "Submit" to complete the form.