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Science Advisory Board

The ReNUWIt Engineering Research Center highly values the input of our Science Advisory Board members throughout the year. In addition to an Annual Meeting that takes place at one of the four partner universities, we are constantly seeking insights from the Board to improve our research efforts and the quality of these efforts, to find ways to increase our global impact, and to identify areas in need of improvement and/or refocusing.

At the 2014 Annual Meeting held the second week of January on the Stanford campus, ReNUWIt teams presented a select number of projects for review. Board members provided thoughtful suggestions regarding the quality of science in our current research, possible ways to better integrate sub-projects into our core portfolio, and ways to model our future research such that adopotion of new technologies and approaches for operating urban water systems will be viable.

ReNUWIt Science Advisory Board Members

Menachem Elimelech
Professor, Chem. & Env. Engineering, Yale University

Michael Hanemann
Professor, Env. & Resource Economics, Arizona State

Michael Kavanaugh
Senior Principal, Geosyntec Consultants

Desmond F. Lawler
Professor, Civil, Arch. & Env. Eng., University of Texas

Kevin Price (Retired)
Research Group Manager, Water Treatment Eng. Res., US Bureau of Reclamation

Anu Ramaswami
Professor, Public Policy, University of Minnesota

Mark J. Rigali
Geochemistry Mgr., Energy, Climate & Infrastructure, Sandia National Laboratories

Joan B. Rose
Professor, Dept. of Fisheries & Wildlife, Michigan State University

Vernon L. Snoeyink
Professor Emeritus, Civil & Env. Engineering, University of Illinois

George Tchobanoglous
Professor Emeritus, Civil & Env. Engineering, University of California, Davis

Rhodes Trussell
Chairman & CEO, Trussell Tech, Inc.