Well-Baby Nursery

After spending time bonding in your labor and delivery room, your baby—along with your partner, if you choose—will go to the Well-Baby Nursery for a brief assessment and nurturing care. To make sure your baby’s transition to newborn life is going well, a visit to the Well-Baby Nursery includes:

  • Height and weight measurement
  • A vitamin K injection
  • Baby’s first bath
  • Any necessary blood tests

Babies may also visit the Well-Baby Nursery for:

  • Circumcisions, upon request
  • Jaundice treatment under the bilirubin lights

Should your baby require special medical attention, our nationally-recognized Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) is close by.

Couplet Care

If there are no medical issues, we encourage you and your baby to participate in Couplet Care, in which your baby stays at your bedside in the Maternity Unit . You always have the option of placing your baby in our Well-Baby Nursery for all or part of your stay. You are also welcome to change your choice of Couplet Care or Well-Baby Nursery care at any time.