Subrights & Translations
Accessibility Files
Desk Copies
Examination Copies
Review Copies

Desk copies are available for any book that has been assigned as a primary (not "suggested") text in a scheduled class for the current or following term and is on order with a bookstore. A complimentary desk copy is provided with the understanding that 15 or more copies of the book will be bought by students in the course. (For information on how to order a copy of a book you are considering for potential course adoption, please see our instructions for examination copies).

To request a desk copy, please mail or fax the request to:

Desk Copy
Stanford University Press
425 Broadway St.
Redwood City, CA 94063-3126

Fax: (650) 725-3457

Please use your institution's letterhead or a standard desk-copy request form, making certain to include your e-mail address, name, title, and position; the name and number of the course in which the book has been assigned; how many copies of the book have been ordered; on what date; and from which bookstore.

All requests must be accompanied by an e-mail address.