Parking & Transportation Services
Special eUpdate
November 27, 2012


You are receiving this Parking & Transportation Services (P&TS) eUpdate as a member of the Stanford community. We believe the content of this message will be of interest to you as a parking permit holder and/or user of alternative transportation. We also want to share information with you to help Stanford meet certain transportation-related goals in the General Use Permit1 and SUMC Renewal project, and to help create a more sustainable Stanford.

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PAC-12 game to impact traffic, parking, and Marguerite service on Nov. 30

Commuter and visitor parking to be displaced in Track House Lot and Varsity Lot

On Friday, Nov. 30, thousands of football fans are expected on the northeast side of campus near Stanford Stadium for the Stanford vs. UCLA PAC-12 Football Championship Game. In addition to increased traffic, which will be directed by Stanford's Department of Public Safety, parking will be impacted in the following areas (map):

Commuters, including Marguerite shuttle riders, should expect late afternoon traffic delays on the north side of campus and should plan accordingly (e.g., take an earlier Marguerite to the train station). As always, commuters are encouraged to use alternative transportation rather than driving alone.

1 It is important for Parking & Transportation Services to communicate parking and alternative-transportation information to the campus. Under the 2000 General Use Permit (campus growth plan approved by Santa Clara County), the campus has a goal of "no net new peak-hour commute trips" over the life of the permit and must accommodate campus growth with a limited number of new parking spaces. Failure to achieve this goal will result in the university being faced with costly mitigation measures.


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