At a glance

Swain Chemistry & Chemical Engineering Library

Off-campus access to resources

Accessing web-based resources

To use licensed resources from off-campus, you should do two things.

  1. Set up your browser so that you are prompted to enter a SUNet ID when trying to use Stanford licensed content. Please see SUL’s Connecting from off-campus.
  2. Access a title through the journal list, SearchWorks, the SUL eJournals page, or a Find it @ Stanford button in database search results. There are often prefixes and suffixes added to the URL for a journal that contain subscription information.

Accessing chemistry software programs and databases on CDSERVER

It is possible to access several chemistry software programs and databases on CDSERVER both on and off-campus using a web browser and a Citrix plugin. The Citrix plug-in activates the programs which are stored on a server.

  • Software available: ACD Labs Software (HNMR and CNMR Prediction), ChemBioOffice Ultra (only ChemBioDraw, ChemBio3D, ChemBioFinder), and Polymath. For more information about these programs, see Software at Swain Library.
  • Databases available: CASSI (Chemical Abstracts Service Source Index); CSD (Cambridge Structural Database) plus Mercury, DASH, Hermes, and SuperStar; NIST Critically Selected Stability Constants for Metal Complexes; and NIST Surface Structure Database.

First-time users:

  1. First, if you plan to access CDSERVER from off-campus and have not accessed resources from off-campus already, you set up your browser so that you are recognized as part of the Stanford community (i.e. prompted to enter SUNet ID) (see “SUNet web authentication” above)
  2. Next, check settings for pop-ups as you must allow pop-ups to be used. Go to Tools > Pop-up Blocker in the menu bar of IE to check setting.
  3. Now, go to CDSERVER. In Message Center, there will be a note to download and install a Citrix plug-in.

Returning users:

  • Go to CDSERVER, and follow the instructions below.

Login in as “explicit” user and then enter in SUNet ID and password.

Choose Chemistry folder.

Choose the application.

A Citrix plugin is activated. Choose “Full Access”

To save files to your computer, navigate to ‘Client C’ Drive (your computer) and then Save file.