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Accelerator Research Division


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Welcome to the Accelerator Research Division

The SLAC Accelerator Research Division (ARD) has the mission to develop accelerator science and technology that will enable new accelerators in photon science and high energy physics as well as other fields of science, medicine and industry with R&D aimed at near-term, mid-term, and long-term development.
The division has a world renowned research program in advanced acceleration techniques and is engaged in R&D on some of the most advanced accelerators in the world including the Large Hadron Collider at CERN and the Linac Coherent Light Source at SLAC. The division operates three test facilities dedicated to accelerator research: the Accelerator Structure Test Area, the NLC Test Accelerator and the FACET facility.
Accelerator research is a major component of the SLAC mission and the Accelerator Research Division figures prominently in the initiatives listed in the SLAC laboratory business plan. ARD has three primary scientific goals:
  • Maintain the world leading x-ray FEL program with innovation and new concepts
  • Be the world leader in high power rf power systems and high gradient normal conducting rf linacs
  • Be a world leader in the advanced accelerator R&D program w/ focus on e+/e-
and two main supporting roles to:
  • Support the ongoing accelerator-based program of the laboratory including advancement of the LCLS, LCLS-II, LHC, ILC, Project-X, a Muon Collider and PEP-X
  • Have a renowned accelerator education program training future leaders in the field
The division is supported with an annual budget of roughly 40 M$ from the US Department of Energy, Offices of Basic Energy Science and High Energy Physics. It consists of roughly 80 physicists, engineers, students and technicians, including 5 Stanford faculty members, and is divided into five departments:
  • Advanced Accelerator Research
  • Beam Physics
  • Accelerator Design
  • Advanced Computations
  • Test Facilities

Bob Hettel
Acting Accelerator Research Division Head
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SLAC SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Menlo Park, CA
Operated by Stanford University for the U.S. Dept. of Energy