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FACET and Test Beam Facilities

SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory’s accelerator test facilities - FACET, NLCTA, ESTB & ASTA - are powerful tools for accomplishing great science. These four facilities span a range of beam energies and capabilities, providing a unique opportunity for researchers to find a beam perfectly matched to their experimental needs. For more information contact: Vitaly Yakimenko, FACET & TF Division Director

FACET (Facility for Advanced Accelerator Experimental Tests):
FACET's unique electron and positron beams provide a broad range of science opportunities from advanced accelerator R&D to materials science research. FACET is the only facility in world with the high intensity drive bunches necessary for high-gradient plasma and dielectric wakefield acceleration. Our infrastructure includes high brightness terahertz (THz) sources, a 20 TW laser and multi-purpose vacuum chambers .... for more details on FACET  .... for the FACETII Proposal

NLCTA (Next Linear Collider Test Accelerator):
NLCTA is an extremely versatile facility that currently hosts programs in accelerator physics, advanced light source R&D and medicine. The 60-150 MeV high-brightness electron beam linear accelerator and extensive infrastructure can be adapted to support a wide range of studies. The facility currently runs programs in free electron laser seeding, dielectric laser acceleration and medical studies. .... for more details   

ESTB (End Station (A) Test Beams):
ESTB uses 5 Hz of the LCLS beam and is used for detector R&D, beamline instrumentation tests, irradiation studies and accelerator experiments. It can provide a varied range of beam energies (2 to 16 GeV) and beam intensities that range from very clean single electrons or up to a billion electrons per bunch ....for more details  

ASTA (Accelerator Structure Test Area):
ASTA has a very powerful and flexible S- and X-band RF infrastructure providing a facility for photocathode and radio-frequency (RF) structure R&D .... for more details​​​​​​









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SLAC SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Menlo Park, CA
Operated by Stanford University for the U.S. Dept. of Energy