AARC and Other Campus Tutorial Resources

Through the Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning (VPTL), the Hume Center for Writing and Speaking, and various departments, there are many free tutoring resources for Stanford students.

All of these tutoring programs help students with any stage of learning (from brainstorming to concept mastery) and aid students who need help to pass a class as well as students who simply want to maximize performance and learning. To that end, tutors are expected to help students understand material and learn how to solve problems; tutors are not simply homework helpers. The tutoring offered through the AARC follows this Stanford tutoring model and student-athletes may avail themselves of 2 hours of tutoring per class per week for any reason.


The AARC offers a group session and drop-in tutorial program that provides student-athletes with academic support for most classes in which they request assistance. AARC tutorial is offered in addition to tutorial resources available on campus at a time and in a location that is conducive to student-athlete schedules. Tutors are typically current Stanford graduate students.

AARC Drop-In Tutorial

  • Offered for writing, chemistry, math, physics, and computer science
  • Once per week for each subject for 2 hours
  • Located in the AARC Sunday-Thursday evenings (typically from 7-10 p.m.)
  • Tutors are equipped to address a range of questions and work with students in multiple courses
  • Designed for students who have questions about concepts or problem sets
  • Drop-In Hours will be posted Week 2 of each quarter
  • Drop-In Schedule for Autumn Quarter 2015, located in AARC main space

Chemistry - Tuesday 7:30-9:30pm - Amr
Math - Tuesday 7-9pm - Madhu
Physics - Monday 7-9pm - Rex
Computer Science - Monday 7-9pm - Ifueko
Writing - Sunday 7-9pm - Gideon

AARC Group Session Tutorial

  • Introductory courses in biology, chemistry, economics, engineering, math, physics, and statistics
  • Once per week for 2 hours
  • Date/time/location determined by tutoring group and tutor
  • Tutoring for upper-level classes provided when possible, but no guarantee of tutor availability
  • For a group of students only – one-on-one tutoring is not permitted by the AARC
  • Group tutorial schedule will be finalized beginning Week 2 of each quarter
  • Contact Brian Woods at bwoods2@stanford.edu for the schedule.

VPTL Drop-In Tutorial

  • Subject tutoring includes Biology, Chemistry, Economics, Engineering, Human Biology, Math, Physics, and Statistics
  • Meets in Residence

View VPTL Drop-In Schedule

VPTL One-on-One Tutorial

  • Subject and Language tutoring
  • Make an appointment with a tutor at http://sututor.stanford.edu.

Book an appointment through SUTutor

HUME Writing Center


Please contact Brian Woods, Academic Advisor for Student-Athletes, for more information on AARC tutorial programs.