Posts By: admin

SEA Workshop 2014

By Posted in - Workshops on May 29th, 2014 0 Comments

Here are a few links to products and information we mentioned at our SEA workshop in Boston. Please note that except for the AIM Lab publications and products list, the links below are not an …

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StanMed App

By Posted in - Educational Informatics on September 28th, 2010 0 Comments

Stanford Anesthesia lab launches new iPad app

On Tuesday the Stanford Anesthesia Informatics and Media Lab (AIM) released a new iPad application designed to be used as an educational tool in the critical care student clerkship …

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START Online Program

By Posted in - Educational Informatics on July 19th, 2010 0 Comments start_960

New online learning approach prepares doctors for Stanford residencies

by Tracie White

At first you just see the medical resident’s hands on the video screen and hear him muttering to himself.

“Syringe…,” he says under his breath, as …

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