Official Stanford Club Volunteer Group
Members: 274 Member(s)
For club leaders or alumni-created group owners to share information, ask questions, and help each other out. SAA staff members have joined this group to offer their active support. Join this group, subscribe to the discussion, and read the blog.
Event Module Makeover
The 2012 updated event module has gone live!
The event module now allows you to take online reg if you have a bank acocunt, and also post your event directly onto the SAA event listings and link it to your club webpage. Don't have a bank account? You can still set up online RSVPs, or link out to another payment system.
You can now access your event module through your club website. Also, for the time-being use Internet Explorer if possible, as we work through a few bugs.
The last webinar to get up-to-speed and learn all the ins and outs of the system is:
To join:
1. Click the link for the appropriate webinar
2. If requested, enter your name and email address.
3. If a password is required, enter the meeting password: stanford.
4. Click "Join" and follow the instructions on the screen.
We will start promptly on time, so please try to join a few minutes early if you can.