Biomedical Informatics  

Information for International Applicants

We welcome applications from international applicants. International applicants follow the same application process as other applicants, with additional rules and requirements listed here.

Required Academic Credentials

You need to hold a four-year bachelors degree in order to apply. The exact requirements vary by country and are listed on the Office of Graduate Admissions International Applicants page.


The University requires GRE scores for all graduate degree applicants, except GREs are not required for applicants with PhDs from an accredited US or foreign degree granting institution. The Biomedical Informatics Training Program does not require the subject GRE. See the Biosciences Admissions page for more. There is also more information on our FAQ.


Scores are required of all applicants whose first language is not English. Note that if all instruction for your bachelors or master degree program was in English, then the TOEFL is not required. See the Biosciences Admissions page for more details.


We do not advise applicants about visas. The Bechtel International Center has information about how to maintain visas for international students. The US State Department has information about student and exchange visitor visas.


The NLM training grant only supports US citizens and permanent residents. International students are very strongly advised to apply for external fellowship support early in the application process so that the funding decision is known before the admissions process is complete. Your home country may have programs to support study overseas. The Fulbright program funds international scholars. The Fogarty International Center maintains a Directory of Funding Opportunities. The Institute of International Education has a search engine which will help you locate programs which fund international study. We have very occasionally had self-funded international MS students. You need to show funds equivalent to one year of tuition and board to meet the visa requirements.

Frequently Asked Questions

See here.

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