Next Generation Sequencing

Cancer Systems Biology Workshop

Friday, May 30, 2014 8:30am - 4:00pm, Munzer Auditorium

This workshop will provide an overview of NGS data acquisition and processing. No previous exposure to NGS studies required. Open and free to graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and faculty.

Course director: Andrew Gentles, Ph.D.
For information, contact Fuad Nijim or Melissa Ellen Ko

Register Now at:



8:30AM - 9:00AM Registration
Slides from year
9:00AM - 9:45AM Introduction – Overview of Next Generation Sequencing and Applications
Hanlee Ji, Stanford Genome Technology Center
9:45AM - 10:30AM Processing and Alignment of NGS Data
Ben Passarelli, Director of Computing
Quake Lab Single Cell Sequencing Core
10:30AM - 10:45AM Break  
10:45AM - 11:30AM Variant Calling and Structural Variants from Exomes/WGS
Ramesh Nair, Stanford CCSB
11:30AM - 12:15PM

RNA-seq – Expression Profiling and Fusion Genes
Julia Salzman
Assistant Professor, Biochemistry

12:15PM - 1:30PM Break  

1:30PM - 2:30PM
Applying Genomics in the Cloud at Scale
Andrew Carroll, DNAnexus

2:30PM - 3:15PM
Examples of NGS Sequencing in Cancer
Michael Green, Stanford CCSB
3:15PM - 4:00PM Group Discussion & Questions
Andrew Gentles, Stanford CCSB

Sponsored by the Stanford Center for Cancer Systems Biology and the Cancer Biology Program.