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CDDRL International Development Fellowships 2016

Fellowships and other opportunities offered by CDDRL for Stanford undergraduates and postgraduates in partnership with other Stanford institutional partners:
*To apply, please visit each opportunity's host site listed above.*

FSI Global Policy Undergraduate Fellowships

[Duration: 9 weeks; Summer 2016]; Deadline to Apply: February 5, 2016
Point of Contact at FSI: Elena Cryst (
Fellowship Amount: $6,000
Recommended Course: Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law (INTNREL 114D)
2 Placements
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Economic Policy and Research Center [Tblisi, Georgia]
Mentor/Supervisor: Nino Evgendize, Executive Director
The Economic Policy Research Center (EPRC) aims to improve the welfare of citizens through expert guidance from decision makers in various issues of economy, capacity-building of public institutions, and civil oversight of budgetary expenditures. The selected intern would assist in a variety of projects, including the preparation of the 2016 Tblisi International Security Conference, an annual conference convened by EPRC focusing on hybrid welfare, Europe’s new geopolitical landscape, and energy security, among other relevant topics. The fellow will also work on writing policy briefs for EPRC. The fellow will work under the mentorship and supervision of EPRC Executive Director Nino Evgendize, an alumna of CDDRL’s Draper Hills Summer Fellows Program.
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Yangon School of Political Science [Yangon, Burma] (tentative)
Mentor/Supervisor: Myat Ko, Co-Founder
The Yangon School of Political Science was founded in August 2011 by a group of young, progressive Burmese intellectuals. It is envisaged as a politically independent not-for-profit civil society initiative.  The Yangon School of Political Science has twofold objective: To provide and facilitate the education of a younger, new generation of Burmese so that they will think and act democratically as citizens and scholars, and to two, make this educational initiative and political outreach accessible to as many communities as possible across different regions of the country. The fellow will work under the mentorship and supervision of YSPS Co-Founder Myat Ko, an alumnus of CDDRL’s Draper Hills Summer Fellows Program.


Stanford in Government (SIG) Summer 2016 Fellowships (3)

[Duration: 9 weeks; Summer 2016]; Deadline to Apply: Feb. 9, 2016
Application Link: [App. Available soon.] For updates, please go to:
Point of Contact at SIG: Emma Leeds Armstrong (SIG) (
Fellowship Amount: $5,500 up to $7,500
Recommended Course: Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law (INTNREL 114D)
3 Placements
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Asylum Access Latin America [Quito, Ecuador]
Mentor/Supervisor: Karina Sarmiento, Regional Director
Asylum Access is an innovative international nonprofit dedicated to making refugee rights a reality. Asylum Access empowers refugees in Africa, Asia and Latin America to live safely, work, send children to school and rebuild their lives. The selected fellow will be involved with policy work carried out by Asylum Access in the Latin America region at the national level in Ecuador, Mexico and Panama, proving guidance and assisting in advocacy efforts. He/she will also be involved in strategic thinking for policy work at the regional level in Latin America, engaging with regional, political and human rights partners. The fellow will work under the mentorship and supervision of AALA Regional Director Karina Sarmiento, an alumna of CDDRL’s Draper Hills Summer Fellows Program.
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My Vote Counts [ Cape Town, South Africa]
Mentor/Supervisor: Judith February, Campaign Coordinator
My Vote Counts (MVC) is an open, non-partisan, non-profit organization dedicated to advancing the constitutional principles of transparency, inclusiveness and accountability in South Africa. MVC is committed to campaigning for electoral reform in South Africa as well as an accountable and transparent campaign finance regime. The selected fellow would conduct research on campaign finance regulation in South Africa in preparation for local government elections in mid-2016. He/she will organize and promote seminars and workshops with MVC partner organizations. The fellow will work under the mentorship and supervision of MVC Campaign Coordinator Judith February, an alumna of CDDRL’s Draper Hills Summer Fellows Program.
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Zimbabwe Human Rights Association [ZimRights][ Harare, Zimbabwe]
Mentor/Supervisor: Okay Machisa, National Executive Director
Zimbabwe Human Rights Association (ZimRights) is an indigenous non-profit, non-governmental organisation founded in 1992 to ensure that the Zimbabwean citizens are informed about human rights and are empowered to defend their own rights. The selected fellow would assist in a variety of outreach projects and workshops concerned with citizen participation, youth engagement, and justice initiatives for marginalized communities in Zimbabwe. The fellow will work under the mentorship and supervision of National Executive Director Okay Machisa, an alumnus of CDDRL’s Draper Hills Summer Fellows Program.

ON International Postgraduate Public Service Fellowship (1)

[Duration: 1 calendar year; 2016-17]; Deadline to Apply: Jan. 7, 2016
Application Link: [CLICK HERE] For updates, please refer to
Point of Contact: Christian Ollano (
Fellowship Amount: $38,000
Recommended Course: Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law (INTNREL 114D)
1 Placement
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Mentor/Supervisor: Gina Romero, Executive Director
The Latin American and Caribbean Network for Democracy [REDLAD] is a non-profit organization based in Bogotá, Colombia, which engages more than 480 civil society organizations, activists, academics, business professionals, politicians, labor representatives and youth members in Latin America and the Caribbean to strengthen democracy, defend human rights, and promote sustainable development at a regional level through conferences, workshops, and a variety of web-based initiatives. The selected fellow would assist with REDLAD's civil society network building efforts across the region and support the collection, writing and dissemination of special communications projects. The fellow will work under the mentorship and supervision of REDLAD Executive Director Gina Romero, an alumna of CDDRL’s Draper Hills Summer Fellows Program.
Mentor/Supervisor: Olga Sidorovich, Director & Editor-in-Chief
The Institute for Law and Public Policy is a non-profit organization whose mission is to promote liberal and democratic values and the principles of rule of law, pluralistic democracy, and full equality of individuals. The Institute is Russia’s leading independent policy development, research, and educational center in the field of constitutionalism and law. The selected fellow would engage in one of several research projects focused on Russian constitutional courts, writing amici curiae briefs, and assisting with the planning and execution of a number of institute conferences and workshops. The selected fellow will work under the mentorship and supervision of the Institute’s executive director, Olga Sidorovich, an alumna of CDDRL’s Draper Hills Summer Fellows Program.
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Africa 2.0 Kenya [Nairobi, Kenya]
Mentor/Supervisor: Teddy Warria, President
Africa 2.0 Kenya is a civil society organization, which provides a platform for emerging and established African leaders to drive forward positive change in Africa, primarily through poverty alleviation and economic development. Its mission is to enhance economic growth and the quality of leadership of young Kenyans. The selected fellow would assist with a number of projects, including the development of a youth entrepreneurship and mentorship program, management of a weekly newspaper column, organizing of a conference, and designing of a new website. The selected fellow will work under the mentorship and supervision of Africa 2.0 Kenya Executive Director Teddy Warria, an alumnus of CDDRL’s Draper Hills Summer Fellows Program. 
Mentor/Supervisor: Oludotun Babyemi, Co-Founder
Connected Development [CODE] is a non-government organization whose mission is to improve access to information and empower local communities in Africa. CODE strengthens local communities by creating platforms for dialogue, enabling informed debate, and building capacities of marginalized communities, leveraging technology to advance social and economic progress within communities while promoting transparency and accountability. The selected fellow would serve as a project assistant to one of CODE's new government accountability projects, Follow the Money, an online-based platform that tracks government expenditures. The selected fellow will conduct the work under the mentorship and supervision of CODE co-founder Oludotun Babayemi, an alumnus of CDDRL’s Draper Hills Summer Fellows Program.

Program on Social Entrepreneurship/Haas Summer 2016 Placements

[Duration: 9 weeks; Summer 2016]; Deadline to Apply: Feb. 9, 2016
Application Link: [Application available soon.] For updates, refer to
Point of Contact: Sarina Beges (
Mandatory Requirement: Must take IR 142 in Spring Qtr. (Wed. 1:30-4:20 PM)
4 Placements
Global Women’s Water Initiative [US & Uganda]
Mentor/Supervisor: Gemma Bulos, Director
The Global Women’s Water Initiative (GWWI) is training and building a cadre of women WASH leaders (water, sanitation and hygiene) steeped in a holistic set of technical and entrepreneurial skills to uplift themselves from poverty and establish the foundation for self-reliance. By harnessing their entrepreneurial spirit and deep relationship with water as water bearers, GWWI trainees are poised to bring sustainable solutions to their families and communities. GWWI works in partnership with women leaders in Kenya and Tanzania. This internship will be supervised by an alumna of the Program on Social Entrepreneurship and award-winning social entrepreneur, Gemma Bulos, who is the founder of GWWI. The select student intern will combine a US-based placement for the summer​with a 2-3 week trip to Uganda to conduct data collection, inputting,​interpretation, and synthesis from GWWI’s partners in the field. Intern will be responsible for all transport and travel related expenses including air travel, visas, immunizations and room and board (GWWI will coordinate room and board).
Description: Macintosh HD:Users:CEOllano:Desktop:Fellowships Logos:logo.gifPie Ranch [Pescadero, CA]
Mentor/Supervisor: Jered Lawson, Co-Founder and Co-Director
Pie Ranch is a nonprofit organization and organic production farm with a mission to cultivate a healthy and just food system from seed to table through food education, farmer training, and regional partnerships. It is Pie Ranch’s goal to change the food system and grow healthy, resilient communities through sustainable agriculture, education, advocacy, and training. Pie Ranch works with local tech firm, including Google and AirBNB, to supply healthy and locally produced food from the farm to their company cafeterias.  The intern will work on one of two projects for Pie Ranch – the first involves working on an alternative Food and Farm Bill that reflects a more holistic and inclusive approach to the food system from consumers and producers alike. The other involves a multi-stakeholder initiative to pilot a meal kit – similar to the Plated or Blue Apron model - for San Francisco Unified Public Schools that includes food sourced from locally-based farms. This food kit project is being supported by a USDA grant together with other local partners.
Description: Macintosh HD:Users:CEOllano:Desktop:Fellowships Logos:IDEX-web-logo.pngInternational Development Exchange [IDEX] [San Francisco, CA]
Mentor/Supervisor: Rajasvini Bhansali, Executive Director
International Development Exchange (IDEX) is a non-profit organization that invests in initiatives led by the women, youth, and indigenous people who are solving our world's most pressing problems, supporting grassroots leaders in the Global South to create lasting, transformative change. This internship will be supervised by Rajasvini Bhansali, a 2016 Social Entrepreneur in Residence Fellow through the Program on Social Entrepreneurship, who serves as IDEX’s executive director. The selected student intern will take IR142 and work with Rajasvini on a service-learning project that will be applied through a field-based summer internship at the IDEX office in San Francisco.
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Beats Rhymes and Life (BRL) [Oakland, CA]
Mentor/Supervisor: Tomas Alvarez, Founder
Beats Rhymes and Life (BRL) is a community-based organization that grew in response to a critical need for therapeutic programs designed specifically to serve boys and young men of color who as a group demonstrate some of the greatest health and social disparities. The organization uses an innovative approach called “Hip Hop Therapy” to address address mental health challenges among youth in Oakland, California. This internship will be supervised by Tomás Alvarez, a 2016 Social Entrepreneur in Residence Fellow through the Program on Social Entrepreneurship, who is the founder and CEO of Beats Rhymes and Life and an award-winning social enterepreneur. The selected student intern will take IR142 and work with Tomás on a service-learning project that will be applied through a field-based summer internship at the BRL office in Oakland.


For general inquiries on fellowship placements,
contact Christian Ollano at


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