Demetra Kalogrides ( is a research associate at the Center for Education Policy Analysis. She supports various CEPA projects with data management and statistical analysis. She also collaborates on studies with Sean Reardon and Susanna Loeb. Her research interests include inequality in educational attainment and achievement, teacher and principal labor markets, school segregation, and quantitative methods. Kalogrides received a bachelor's degree in sociology from Santa Clara University and a Masters and PhD in sociology from the University of California at Davis.
The Micropolitics of Educational Inequality: The Case of Teacher–Student AssignmentsPeabody Journal of EducationSpecial issue: 2015 Politics of Education Association YearbookForthcoming.
Using student test scores to measure principal performanceEducation Evaluation and Policy Analysis37(1)3-282015.
Different teachers, different peers: The magnitude of student sorting within schoolsEducational Researcher42(6)304-3162013.
Systematic sorting: Teacher characteristics and class assignmentsSociology of Education86(2)103-1232013.
Brown fades: The end of court-ordered school desegregation and the resegregation of American public schoolsJournal of Policy Analysis and Management31(4)876-9042012.
Effective schools: Teacher hiring, assignment, development, and retentionEducation Finance and Policy7(3)269–3042012.
Principal preferences and the uneven distribution of principals across schoolsEducational Evaluation and Policy Analysis32(2)205-2292010.