Matt Kasman was a doctoral candidate in Administration and Policy Analysis at the Stanford University Graduate School of Education. His primary interests are school choice and student assignment. Specifically, he is interested in the potential for large-scale school choice policies to increase the diversity of students in schools and districts. He is interested in exploring complex and dynamic processes such as school choice and college enrollment using agent-based model simulations. Prior to his graduate studies in educational policy, he worked in software development.
Student Resources and Stratification among Colleges: An Agent-based Simulation of Five Mechanisms of the College Sorting ProcessThe Journal of Artificial Societies and Social SimulationForthcoming.
Principals’ perceptions of competition for students in Milwaukee schoolsEducation Finance and Policy8(1)43-732013.
Increasing choice in the market for schools: Recent reforms and their effects on student achievementNational Tax Journal64(1)141-1642011.