Membership Information

CIS is a partnership between Stanford University and select member companies. Membership in CIS provides a rich range of opportunities for interaction with Stanford in one or more research focus area of interest to the Partner Company. The full range of benefits typically includes participation in many of our programs in several of our focus areas. However, we offer a two-tier membership structure in order to meet the needs of smaller, more focused companies as well:

  • Full membership -- $150,000 per year.

    This level of membership entitles the Partner Company to full infrastructure benefits. The Partner Company can target funds into several areas of CIS focus.

  • Associate Membership -- $75,000 per year.

    The Associate Member receives more focused infrastructure benefits and participates in a single area of research. Associate Membership is typically satisfactory only for companies whose interests are clearly within only one area of CIS focus, e.g. IC manufacturing equipment vendors, or whose yearly sales have yet to reach $500 million.

For further details on the benefits and responsibilities of CIS membership, please contact the CIS Executive Director, Dr. Richard Dasher rdasher [at] cis [dot] stanford [dot] edu, (650) 725-3621, or another member of the CIS staff.