Education & Training in Cardiovascular Medicine and Research

Medical Students: Cardiovascular-Pulmonary (CVP) Sciences Concentration

The Institute debuted a cardiovascular-pulmonary (CVP) sciences concentration in September of 2005. The concentration focuses on understanding the heart and the lungs as an integrated system. CVP is designed to fine tune critical thinking skills essential for the future of medicine in general.  Students analyze experimental techniques, clinical trial design, devices, cardiovascular biology in an interactive class led by leaders in the field. MED223.

Ideas: biomaterials and scaffolds, surgery, devices and apps, development, stem cells, pediatrics, genetics, aging, cardiology, and surgery and include endocrinology-metabolism, hematology, nephrology, immunology, and infection, and more broadly, epidemiology and clinical trials design, cell and molecular biology, developmental and stem cell biology, tissue and mechanical engineering, physics and computer modeling, genetics/genomics, physiology and molecular pharmacology.

The Dorothy Dee & Marjorie Helene Boring Scholars Award est. 2015 cvi

Through a generous donation from the Dorothy Dee and Marjorie Helene Boring Family the Cardiovascular Institute has established an award to support talented medical students and graduate students engaged in cardiovascular research at Stanford. 

Postdoctoral Training

The three Cardiovascular training programs have common elements:

  • Fellows select a primary mentor with whom to work and a co-mentor to provide additional perspective, techniques, and other resources
  • Regular evaluations of both the mentors and the fellows ensure consistent progress
  • A focus on career development provides each fellow a rich set of skills with which to move ahead

Frontiers in Cardiovascular Science

Frontiers in Cardiovascular Science seminars happen every Tuesday at noon and are a great way to meet leaders in cardiovascular science.

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