
You can find federal agencies’ program announcements on their websites and on Grants.Gov. You can also find them here because DoResearch provides a data feed from Grants.Gov and Pivot as well as links to internal funding opportunities, and limited submission applications. You can save links to funding opportunities that interest you to by clicking "My DoR" located in the right corner of every DoResearch website page.

In addition, the School of Medicine in conjunction with Vice Provost and Dean of Research offers a website containing curated funding opportunities for all disciplines and internal funding opportunities.

Internal Funding Opportunities

$200K for faculty who are members of the academic council and MCL faculty, whose research projects are developed to the point of identifying a potential solution approach—a novel...

Category: Agency: Posted: 3 weeks 3 days ago Closing Date for Application: January 11, 2016

$200K for Stanford faculty to support high-risk, transformative projects that have the potential to produce solutions to major global environmental challenges and represent new...

Category: Agency: Posted: 4 weeks 1 day ago Closing Date for Application: January 11, 2016

$100K for Stanford faculty with MCL, UTL, NTL-Research appointments for technology development grants to support innovative applications for : 1) the development of new and...

Category: Agency: Posted: 1 week 3 days ago Closing Date for Application: February 1, 2016

$35K award for faculty (members of the academic council) to provide funding for exploratory and smaller scale projects

Category: Agency: Posted: 2 weeks 6 days ago Closing Date for Application: February 1, 2016

$150K for faculty (members of the Academic Council) for larger-scale projects

Category: Agency: Posted: 2 weeks 6 days ago Closing Date for Application: February 1, 2016

$100,000 grant for Stanford faculty (co-investigators) to encourage research that addresses unmet clinical needs and leads to improvements in health care and to commercial...

Category: Agency: Posted: 2 months 3 days ago Closing Date for Application: February 1, 2016

$15K for applications submitted jointly by Stanford faculty from all disciplines and researchers affiliated with accredited institutions in France

Category: Agency: Posted: 1 month 3 weeks ago Closing Date for Application: March 15, 2016

Funding for Stanford faculty with PI eligibility from all disciplines for conferences, to be held at Stanford or at any French research institution,

Category: Agency: Posted: 1 month 3 weeks ago Closing Date for Application: March 15, 2016

$5,000 for Stanford faculty with PI eligibility for training and use of a Neuroscience Microscopy Service (NMS) two photon or super-resolution microscope for a limited time period...

Category: Agency: Posted: 1 week 9 hours ago Closing Date for Application: May 15, 2016

$50K-$125K to help Stanford faculty inventors bridge the gap between sponsored research and technology commercialization

Category: Agency: Posted: 7 months 3 weeks ago Closing Date for Application: August 31, 2016
