Training and Communication


Questions about this topic can be answered by:

McCabe, Patti

Director Training & Communication

Vice Provost and Dean of Research

(650) 725-9066

Pahulu, Angelika

Training Coordinator

Vice Provost and Dean of Research

(650) 721-1249

DoResearch Website

You can find everything you need to support research on the DoResearch website. You can visit DoResearch on your iPhone, Android, and iPad as well as your desk top and laptop. 

This website is a collaboration. Many subject matter experts have contributed content, and they can easily update that content to better serve visitors. We will make changes based on your feedback.

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ABCs In Research Meetings

ABCs in Research

Administrators Building Competencies in Research

Attend this meeting is to get quarterly updates to research policy and procedures.

To receive the agenda for each meeting, add yourself to the ABC Research Distribution list by contacting to Angelika O'Brien, Training Coordinator, Research Administration



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ABCs In Research Archived Presentations

ABC Meeting - October 14, 2015

ABC Meeting - March 12, 2015

Handling Data Agreements - Sally O’Neil

Office of Sponsored Research

  • Cayuse – Mich Pane
  • New Faculty Tool in SeRA– John Markley
  • NSF Issues  Catalina Verdu-Cano, Nicole Pobuta

Payroll Distribution Certification 2015 - Ken Schulz

Uniform Guidance Updates - Sara Bible, Kathleen Thompson, Mich Pane, Ken Merritt, Pam Jahnke, Donna Mahood

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