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Reunion 2014

Reunion 2014 Highlights

Photos by Steve Castillo and Tom Tseng

The Graduate School of Education (GSE) and Dean Deborah Stipek hosted the 2014 GSE Reunion Tailgate on Saturday, October 25, 2014. More than 120 GSE alumni, students, faculty, and their guests joined Dean Stipek for a fun and festive tailgate prior to the Stanford Football Homecoming Game. With delicious made-to-order omelets, french toast, and a sea of red t-shirts, alumni, students, and faculty reconnected with each other and the GSE.

In addition to the GSE Reunion Tailgate, there were four GSE faculty-led Classes Without Quizzes (CWOQ) talks that were available to Graduate School of Education alumni:

Taking a Scientific Approach to Undergraduate Science and Engineering Education
Carl Wieman, PhD '77

Prof. Wieman’s talk “Taking a Scientific Approach to Undergraduate Science and Engineering Education” challenged the traditional lecture approach to teaching and presented research of more effective teaching methods for undergraduate science and engineering courses. The presentation was one of seven that were webcasted live to 40,000 alumni.

To watch a recording of Prof. Wieman's talk, click HERE

The Future of Teaching the Past in a Digital Age: Textbooks, Smartphones, and President Obama's Kenyan Birth
Sam Wineburg, PhD ’89

Your Brain on Books: How and Why Teens Read for Pleasure
Jennifer Wolf, MAT '91, PhD '05

Wise Intervention: Solving Social Problems with a Social Psychological Approach
Geoffrey Cohen, PhD ’98

Save the date!

Friday, October 23, 2015 & Saturday, October 24, 2015
Join us next year for our GSE Alumni Award Reception and Reunion Tailgate!