More than a third of Republican primary voters back Donald J. Trump, but almost two-thirds of voters over all say they're concerned or frightened about the possibility of a Trump presidency, says a new national poll from The New York Times/CBS News.
On the trail: Mr. Trump, Jeb Bush, John Kasich, Carly Fiorina and Lindsey Graham are in New Hampshire; Ben Carson is in Chicago and Indiana; Marco Rubio is in Iowa; and Martin O'Malley is in Arizona.
Mr. Trump is canceling his December trip to Israel, as reaction to his call to bar foreign Muslims from entering the United States continues to roll in. There is a petition that wants to block him from entering Britain that he has pushed back against, President Obama offered up implicit criticism in his remarks about slavery, and so far, only one business partner with roots in the Middle East has distanced itself from Mr. Trump.
A provision Marco Rubio slipped into a law last year is helping undermine the Affordable Care Act. Mr. Rubio also received the backing of the richest man in Illinois, which adds another hedge fund executive to the group supporting him.
It's a bigger lift than it might seem for Ted Cruz, who appears aware of his charm deficit, to establish human connections on the campaign trail. We take a look at how that's going for him.
Hillary Clinton outlined how she would reform corporate taxes.
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