Darul-uloom Nadwatul Ulama

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Darul Uloom Nadwatul Ulama (Hindi: दारुल उलूम नदवतुल उलेमा, Urdu: داراُلعلوم ندوۃ العلماء) is an Islamic institution at Lucknow, India, which draws large number of Muslim students from all over the country. Nadwa's objective was reaching a middle path between classical Islam and modernity. It was founded at Kanpur in 1894 in the first annual convention of Nadwatul Ulema ("Organisation of Scholars") by Muhammad Ali Mongiri, Ashraf Ali Thanwi, Mahmud-ul-Hasan and Maulana Shibli Nomani with an idea to counter the challenge of western education. The institution was intended to be a modified version of Deoband. The foundation stone was laid by Sir. John Briscott Hewitt, Lt. Governor of India on November 28, 1906.[1]

The choice of the name Nadwa got inspiration from a hall in Mecca, where nobles used to assemble to deliberate. Nadwa was eventually shifted to Lucknow in 1898 (from Kanpur) and updated the Islamic curricula with modern sciences, vocational training etc.


[edit] Formation of Nadwa

On the occasion of convocation of Madarasa Faiz-e-Aam, Kanpur in 1893 (1310 AH), scholars like Maulana Lutfullah Aligarhi, Maulana Hafiz Shah Muhammad Hussain Allahabadi, Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi, Maulana Muhammad Khalil Ahmad (Deoband), Maulana Sanaullah Amritsari, Maulana Noor Muhammad Punjabi, Maualana Ahmad Hasan Kanpuri, Maulana Syed Muhammad Ali Kanpuri, Shaikhul-Hind Maulana Mahmud Hasan, Maulana Shah Sulaiman Phulwari, Maulana Zahurul Islam Fatehpuri, Maulana Abdul Ghani Mau-Rashidabadi, Maulana Fakhrul Hasan Gangohi and Maulana Syed Shah Hafiz Tajammul Husain Desnavi agreed to form an organization of Ulema and convene a gathering in the next annual convocation of Madarsa Faiz-e-Aam. They named the organization Nadwatul-Ulema. The responsibilities of the organization were given to Maulana Syed Muhammad Ali, who became the first Nazim of Nadwatul-Ulema. The goal was to bring harmony and co-operation among various groups within the Muslim Millat, to bring about the moral, religious and educational reform and progress.

Nadwatul-Ulema held its first convention on April 22-34, 1894 (Shawwal 15-17, 1311 AH) in Madarsa Faiz-e-Aam. It was attended by a huge group of scholars from all sects of the ummah and all corners of the sub-continent including Maulana Abdullah Ansari (Founder Nazim-e-Diniyaat, MAO College) and Maulana Shibli Nomani, who were teachers of Arabic and Persian at MAO College. Maulana Shibli Nomani proposed Maulana Mufti Lutfullah to chair the opening session. According to Nawab Sadar Yaar Jang Maulana Habibur Rahman Khan Sherwani, Maulana Ibrahim Aaroomi and Maulvi Muhammad Hussain Batalwi were representing Ahle-Hadis (Salafi) delegation, Maulvi Ghulamul-Hasnain were representing Shia delegation. Maulana Shah Muhammad Hussain presented the organization's objectives and Maulana Shibli Nomani presented the working guidelines (Dasturul-Amal).

On the recommendation of Maulana Muhammad Husain Batalwi, this working guidelines was referred to a committee of scholars to discuss. On April 23, after maghrib prayer, a special session comprising of 30 scholars were held and each and every guidelines were discussed and finalized. On the next day, in morning session under the chairmanship of Maulana Lutfullah of Aligarh, Maulana Shibli Nomani announced the proposals;

After this 12 scholars were named to develop curriculum. All the members of the curriculum developing committee made their proposed changes in the curriculam but Maulana Shibli Nomani presented the model of Nadwatul-Uloom. When Maulana Shibli’s proposal of a Darul-Uloom was accepted by the attendees, he requested to form a Managing group and so a panel of 16 people was selected with consensus. The founding session was concluded with final remarks and vote of thanks by Maulana Shibli Nomani.[2]

One of the Main aim of the formation of Nadwa was to bring all the sects of Islam irrespective of their beliefs. It was a pool of Shia, Deobandi, Ahle Hadees, etc who recited 'La Ilaaha Illallaah' (there is no God except Allah) irrespective of 'Muhammadur Rasool Allah' (Muhammed is Prophet of Allah). This heretic movement was strongly rejeceted by Scholars of Sunni Islam like Imam Ahmad Raza etc.

Initially the founders of Darul Uloom Deoband like Rasheed Ahmad Gangohi,Qasim Nanotwi etc. were against the Nadwa Movement but later they joined in. Now Nadwa is a sister institute of Darul Uloom Deoband preaching it teachings.

[edit] Purpose of Foundation

It was founded with the following three distinct features:

[edit] Role of Maulana Nadwi in development of Nadwa

Maulana Syed Abul Hasan Ali Hasani Nadwi (Ali Miyan) was born in Raebareli in 1914 in family of Islamic scholars. In 1934, he was appointed as teacher in Nadwa, later in 1961, he became Principal of Nadwa and in 1980, he was appointed as Chairman of Islamic Centre Oxford, UK. He has been awarded King Faisal Award (1981) given by King Faisal Foundation and Sultan Brunie Award (1999) for his contributions. He was a prolific writer in Urdu and Arabic, his books are part of syllabus in various Arab Universities, several books have been translated in English.

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ Al-Nadwa, Lucknow,Vol 5, No. 11, Dec 1908, Page 2.
  2. ^ Hayaat-e-Shibli by Maulana Syed Sulaiman Nadvi

[edit] See also

Nahdlatul Ulama

[edit] External links

  1. Official website
  2. Darul Musannefeen Shibli Academi
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