Endodontic therapy

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Root canal procedure: unhealthy or injured tooth, drilling and cleaning, filing with endofile, rubber filling and crown

Endodontic therapy is a sequence of treatment for the pulp of a tooth which results in the elimination of infection and protection of the decontaminated tooth from future microbial invasion. This set of procedures is commonly referred to as a "root canal." Root canals and their associated pulp chamber are the physical hollows within a tooth that are naturally inhabited by nerve tissue, blood vessels and other cellular entities. Endodontic therapy involves the removal of these structures, the subsequent cleaning, shaping, and decontamination of the hollows with tiny files and irrigating solutions, and the obturation (filling) of the decontaminated canals with an inert filling such as gutta percha and typically a eugenol-based cement.

After endodontic surgery the tooth will be "dead," and if an infection is spread at apex, root end surgery is required.

Although the procedure is relatively painless when done properly, the root canal remains a stereotypically fearsome dental operation, and, in the United States, a common response to an unpleasant proposal is, "I'd rather have a root canal."


[edit] Root canal treatment

Tooth #13, the upper left second premolar, after excavation of DO decay. There was a carious exposure into the pulp chamber (red oval), and the photo was taken after endodontic access was initiated and the roof of the chamber was removed.
Tooth #5, the upper right first premolar, after extraction. The two single-headed arrows point to the CEJ, which is the line separating the crown (in this case, heavily decayed) and the roots. The double headed arrow (bottom right) shows the extent of the abscess that surrounds the apex of the palatal root.

In the situation that a tooth is considered so threatened (because of decay, cracking, etc.) that future infection is considered likely or inevitable, a pulpectomy, removal of the pulp tissue, is advisable to prevent such infection. Usually, some inflammation and/or infection is already present within or below the tooth. To cure the infection and save the tooth, the dentist drills into the pulp chamber and removes the infected pulp and then drills the nerve out of the root canal(s) with long needle-shaped drills. After this is done, the dentist fills each of the root canals and the chamber with an inert material and seals up the opening. This procedure is known as root canal therapy. With the removal of nerves and blood supply from the tooth, it is best that the tooth be fitted with a crown which increases the prognosis of the tooth by six times.

The standard filling material is gutta-percha, a natural non-elastic latex from the sap of the percha (Palaquium gutta) tree. The standard endodontic technique involves inserting a gutta-percha cone (a "point") into the cleaned-out root canal along with cement and a sealer.[1] Another technique uses melted or heat-softened gutta-percha which is then injected or pressed into the root canal passage(s). However, gutta-percha shrinks as it cools, so thermal techniques can be unreliable; sometimes a combination of techniques is used. Gutta-percha is radiopaque, allowing verification afterwards that the root canal passages have been completely filled in, without voids.

An alternative filling material was invented in the early 1950s by Angelo Sargenti. It has undergone several formulations over the years (N2, N2 Universal, RC-2B, RC-2B White), but all contain paraformaldehyde. The paraformaldehyde, when placed into the root canal, forms formaldehyde, which penetrates and sterilizes the passage. The formaldehyde is then theoretically transformed to harmless water and carbon dioxide. If the Sargenti paste is confined to the tooth root, the outcome is similar to a root canal done with gutta percha. Unfortunately, in rare cases, the paste can be forced past the root tip into the surrounding bone. If this happens, the formaldehyde can cause serious and painful permanent damage to the bone. Therefore, the American Association of Endodontists considers the Sargenti technique unsafe and substandard care. In 1991 the ADA Council on Dental Therapeutics resolved that the treatment was "not recommended", and it is not taught in any American dental school.[2] The Sargenti technique has its advocates, however, who believe N2 to be less expensive and at least as safe as gutta-percha.[3]

For some patients, root canal therapy is one of the most feared dental procedures, perhaps because of a painful abscess that necessitated the root canal procedure. However, dental professionals assert that modern root canal treatment is relatively painless because the pain can be controlled with a local anesthetic during the procedure and pain control medication can be used before and/or after treatment assuming that the dentist takes the time to administer one. However, in some cases it may be very difficult to achieve pain control before performing a root canal. For example, if a patient has an abscessed tooth, with a swollen area or "fluid-filled gum blister" next to the tooth, the pus in the abscess may contain acids that inactivate any anesthetic injected around the tooth. In this case, the dentist may drain the abscess by cutting it to let the pus drain out. Releasing the pus releases pressure built up around the tooth; this pressure causes the pain. The dentist then prescribes a week of antibiotics such as penicillin, which will reduce the infection and pus, making it easier to anesthetize the tooth when the patient returns one week later. The dentist could also open up the tooth and let the pus drain through the tooth, and could leave the tooth open for a few days to help relieve pressure.

Lower right first molar (center) after root canal therapy; the pulp chamber and root canals have been cleaned of debris, decontaminated and filled with gutta percha.

At this first visit, the dentist must ensure that the patient is not biting into the tooth, which could also trigger pain. Sometimes the dentist performs preliminary treatment of the tooth by removing all of the infected pulp of the tooth and applying a dressing and temporary filling to the tooth. This is called a pulpectomy. The dentist may also remove just the coronal portion of the dental pulp, which contains 90% of the nerve tissue, and leave intact the pulp in the canals. This procedure, called a "pulpotomy", tends to essentially eliminate all the pain. A pulpotomy may be a relatively definitive treatment for infected primary teeth. The pulpectomy and pulpotomy procedures eliminate almost all pain until the follow-up visit for finishing the root canal. But if the pain returns, it means any of three things: the patient is biting into the tooth, there is still a significant amount of sensitive nerve material left in the tooth, or there is still more pus building up inside and around the infected tooth; all of these cause pain.

After removing as much of the internal pulp as possible, the root canals can be temporarily filled with calcium hydroxide paste. This strong alkaline base is left in for a week or more to disinfect and reduce inflammation in surrounding tissue.[4] Ibuprofen taken orally is commonly used before and/or after these procedures to reduce inflammation. The following substances are used as root canal irrigants during the root canal procedure:

After receiving a root canal, the tooth should be protected with a crown that covers the cusps of the tooth. Otherwise, over the years the tooth will almost certainly fracture, since root canals remove tooth structure from the tooth and undermine the tooth's structural integrity. Also, root canal teeth tend to be more brittle than teeth not treated with a root canal. This is commonly because the blood supply to the tooth, which nourishes and hydrates the tooth structure, is removed during the root canal procedure, leaving the tooth without a source of moisture replenishment. Placement of a crown or cusp-protecting cast gold covering is recommended also because these have the best ability to seal the root canaled tooth. If the tooth is not perfectly sealed, the root canal may leak, causing eventual failure of the root canal. Also, many people believe once a tooth has had a root canal treatment it cannot get decay. This is not true. A tooth with a root canal treatment still has the ability to decay, and without proper home care and an adequate fluoride source the tooth structure can become severely decayed (often without the patient's knowledge since the nerve has been removed, leaving the tooth without any pain perception). Thus, non-restorable carious destruction is the main reason for extraction of teeth after root canal therapy, with up to two-thirds of these extractions.[5] Therefore it is very important to have regular X-rays taken of the root canal to ensure that the tooth is not having any problems that the patient would not be aware of.

Pulp tissue removed during endodontic therapy by a size 20 broach file.

The procedure is often complicated, depending on circumstances, and may involve multiple visits over a period of weeks. The cost is typically high.

[edit] Innovation

In the last ten to twenty years, there have been great innovations in the art and science of root canal therapy. Dentists now must be educated on the current concepts in order to optimally perform a root canal. Root canal therapy has become more automated and can be performed faster, thanks to advances in automated mechanical instrumentation of teeth and more advanced root canal filling methods. Most root canal procedures are done in one dental visit, lasting around 1–2 hours. Dentists also possess newer technologies that allow more efficient, scientific measurements to be taken of the dimensions of the root canal that must be filled. Many dentists use dental loupes to perform root canals, and the consensus is that root canals performed using loupes or other forms of magnification are more likely to succeed than those performed without them. Although general dentists are becoming versed in these advanced technologies, they are still more likely to be used by specialist root canal doctors (known as endodontists).

Laser root canal procedures are a controversial innovation. Lasers may be fast but have not been shown to thoroughly disinfect the whole tooth,[6] and may cause damage.[7]

[edit] Procedural accidents

Sometimes a tool can break while it is in the tooth. If the tip of a spiral metal file used by the doctor breaks off during the procedure, it is usually left behind and not extracted, leaving the patient with a small amount of retained metal. The occurrence of this event is proportional to the narrowness, curvature, length, calcification presence and number of roots on the tooth being treated. Complications resulting from retained metal are not well studied, but the occurrence of tool breakage is well documented.[8]

[edit] Success and prognosis

Fractures of endodontically treated teeth increase considerably in the posterior dentition when cuspal protection is not provided by a crown.[9]

Root canal treatments can fail. Patients should be educated on some of the reasons why root canals may fail. They may fail if the dentist does not find, clean and fill all of the root canals within a tooth. For example, on a top molar tooth, there is a more than 50% chance that the tooth has four canals instead of just three. But the fourth canal, often called a "mesio-buccal 2", tends to be very difficult to see and often requires special instruments and magnification in order to see it (most commonly found in first maxillary molars; studies have shown an average of 76% up to 96% of such teeth with the presence of an MB2 canal). So it may be missed, and this infected canal may cause a continued infection or "flare up" of the tooth. Any tooth may have more than one canal, which may be missed while performing the root canal. Sometimes the canal may be unusually shaped, making it impossible to fill it completely, so that some infected material is still left in the canal. Sometimes the canal filling does not extend deeply enough into the canal, or it does not fill the canal as much as it should. Sometimes a tooth root may be perforated while the root canal is being performed, making it difficult to fill the tooth. The hole may be filled with a material derived from natural cement called MTA, although usually a specialist would perform this procedure. Fortunately, a specialist can often re-treat and definitively heal up these teeth, often years after the initial root canal procedure.

However, the survival or functionality of the endodontically-treated tooth is currently the emerging aspect of endodontic treatment outcome, rather than healing.[10] Recent studies indicate that substances commonly used to clean the interior of the tooth provide a low overall chance of succeeding in completely sterilizing a tooth internally.[11] However, a properly restored tooth following root canal therapy yields long-term success rates near 97%. In this large scale Delta Dental Study of over 1.6 million patients who had root canal therapy, 97% had retained their teeth 8 years following the procedure, with most untoward events, such as re-treatment, apical surgery or extraction, occurring during the first 3 years after the initial endodontic treatment.[12] Endodontically treated teeth are prone to extraction mainly due to non-restorable carious destruction and to a lesser extent to endodontic-related reasons such as endodontic failure, vertical root fracture (VRF), or perforation (procedural error).[5]

[edit] Systemic issues

An infected tooth may endanger other parts of the body. People with special vulnerabilities, such as prosthetic joint replacement or mitral valve prolapse, may need to take antibiotics to protect from infection spreading during dental procedures. Both endodontic therapy and tooth extraction can lead to subsequent jaw bone infection. The American Dental Association (ADA) asserts that any risks can be adequately controlled.

In the early 1900s, several researchers theorized that bacteria from teeth which had necrotic pulps or which had received endodontic treatment could cause chronic or local infection in areas distant from the tooth through the transfer of bacteria through the bloodstream. This was called the "focal infection theory", and it led some dentists to advocate dental extraction. In the 1930s, this theory was discredited, but the theory was recently revived by a book entitled Root Canal Cover-Up Exposed which used the early discredited research, and further complicated by epidemiological studies which found correlations between periodontal disease and heart disease, strokes, and preterm births. Bacteremia (bacteria in the bloodstream) can be caused by dental procedures, particularly after dental extractions, but endodontically treated teeth alone do not cause bactemia or systemic disease.[13]

[edit] Alternatives to root canal treatment

In December 2010, a study was published demonstrating a new alternative to root canal therapy in treating infected tooth pulps - through the local application of an antibacterial drug mixture.[14] While previous studies had failed in similar experiments, this study succeeded by utilizing a unique vehicle for the antibiotics, propylene glycol, which has been shown to successfully penetrate and spread through dentinal tubules.[15] This is an important finding which seems to offer an alternative to root canal therapy other than tooth extraction.

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ Tronstad, Leif (2008). Clinical Endodontics: A Textbook. Thieme. ISBN 9783137681038. 
  2. ^ Barrett, M.D., Stephen (Jan 9, 2011), Be Wary of Sargenti Root Canal Treatment, http://www.dentalwatch.org/questionable/sargenti/overview.html 
  3. ^ The Truth about Sargenti N2, http://sargentipaste.info/ 
  4. ^ Hargreaves, Ken M (2006), "Single-visit more effective than multiple-visit root canal treatment?", Evidence-Based Dentistry 7 (1): 13–14, doi:10.1038/sj.ebd.6400372, PMID 16557250, http://www.nature.com/ebd/journal/v7/n1/full/6400372a.html 
  5. ^ a b Zadik Y, Sandler V, Bechor R, Salehrabi R (August 2008), "Analysis of factors related to extraction of endodontically treated teeth", Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 106 (5): e31, doi:10.1016/j.tripleo.2008.06.017, PMID 18718782. 
  6. ^ D. Jha, DDS, A. Guerrero, DDS, T. Ngo, DDS, A. Helfer, DDS, MSD and G. Hasselgren, DDS, PhD (January 1, 2006), "Inability of laser and rotary instrumentation to eliminate root canal infection", Journal of American Dental Association 137 (1): 67–70, PMID 16457001, http://jada.ada.org/cgi/content/full/137/1/67 
  7. ^ Laser Root Canal Treatment. What is it and is it good?
  8. ^ Johnson, William B. (May 24, 1988), United States Patent 4,746,292: Tool and method for removing a parted endodontic file, http://patft.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-Parser?patentnumber=4746292 
  9. ^ Torbjorner A, Karlsson S, Syverud M, Hensten-Petterson, A: Carbon fiber reinforced root canal posts. Mechanical and cytoxic properties, Eur J Oral Sci 104:605, 1996.
  10. ^ Friedman S, Mor C (2004), "The success of endodontic therapy: healing and functionality", J Calif Dent Assoc 32 (5): 493–503, doi:10.1016/j.tripleo.2008.06.017, PMID 18718782. 
  11. ^ G Tang, LP Samaranayake, H-K Yip (2004), "Molecular evaluation of residual endodontic microorganisms after instrumentation, irrigation and medication with either calcium hydroxide or Septomixine", Oral Diseases 6 (10): 389–397, doi:10.1111/j.1601-0825.2004.01015.x, PMID 15533217, http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/links/doi/10.1111/j.1601-0825.2004.01015.x/abs/ 
  12. ^ Rotstein I., Salehrabi R. (December 2004), "Endodontic treatment outcomes in a large patient population in the USA: an epidemiological study", Journal of Endodontics 12 (30): 846–50 
  13. ^ Baumgartner JC, Bakland LK, Sugita EI (2002) (PDF), Endodontics, Chapter 3: Microbiology of endodontics and asepsis in endodontic practice, Hamilton, Ontario: BC Becker, pp. 63–94, http://faculty.ksu.edu.sa/Dr.Hanan/BooksIngle/ch03.pdf, retrieved 2009-11-27 
  14. ^ "Survival of Root Canal Pulp Tissue after Pulpitis". http://lstr.jp/e/_userdata/Juni-SaveRootPulp-J%20LSTR-L.pdf. 
  15. ^ Cruz, E. V.; Kota, K.; Huque, J.; Iwaku, M.; Hoshino, E.. "Penetration of propylene glycol into dentine". Journal of Endodontics Research. http://endodonticsjournal.com/articles/39/1/Penetration-of-propylene-glycol-into-dentine/Page1.html. 

[edit] External links

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