Abu Abdullah al-Hakim Nishapuri

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For other uses, see Hakim (disambiguation).
For the Sunni jurist (faqih) and traditionist (muhaddith) of Khorasan, see Al-Hakim al-Tirmidhi. For the famous collector of hadith who wrote Jami` at-Tirmidhi, see Tirmidhi. For the Fatimid caliph, see Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah.
Muslim scholar
Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Abdullah al-Hakim Nishapuri
Title al-Hakim
Born 933 (321 AH)
Died 1012 (403 AH)
Ethnicity Persian
Era Islamic golden age
Jurisprudence Shafi'i
Main interest(s) Hadith
Notable work(s) Mustadrak al-Hakim

Abu Abd-Allah Muhammad ibn Abd-Allah al-Hakim al-Nishaburi (Arabic: أبو عبدالله محمد بن عبدالله الحاكم النيسابوري‎) (933 - 1012), and also known as Ibn Al-Baiyi.[2]) was a Sunni scholar and the leading traditionist of his age, frequently referred to as the "Imam of the Muhaddithin" or the "Muhaddith of Khorasan."


Al-Hakim, who hailed from Nishapur, had vast amounts of teachers[3] in Khurasan, Iraq, Transoxiana and elsewhere. He had scores of notable students, including Imam al-Bayhaqi[4] who was a scholarly giant in his own right.

Al-Hakim gained a substantial reputation for writing Al-Mustadrak alaa al-Sahihain. He started writing al-Mustadrak in the year when he was 72 years old. Al-Hakim is quoted to have said: "I drank water from Zamzam and asked Allâh for excellence in writing books".


On the 3rd of Safar 405 al-Hakim went into the bath, came out after bathing, said "Ah" and died wearing but a waist-cloth before he had time to put on a shirt. Later, one of al-Hakim's students, Al-Hasan ibn Ash`ath al-Qurashî said: "I saw al-Hâkim in my dream riding a horse in a handsome appearance and saying: 'Salvation.' I asked him: `Al-Hakim! In what?' He replied: 'Writing hadith.'" [5]


Shah Waliullah, a 18th century Sunni Islamic scholar stated:[6]

A mujaddid appears at the end of every century: The mujaddid of the 1st century was Imam of Ahlul Sunnah, Umar bin Abdul Aziz. The mujaddid of the 2nd century was Imam of Ahlul Sunnah Muhammad Idrees Shafi'i. The mujaddid of the 3rd century was Imam of Ahlul Sunnah Abu Hasan Ash'ari. The mujaddid of the 4th century was Abu Abdullah Hakim Nishapuri.


Al-Hakim drew criticism for mildly adhering to Shi`ism.[7] Ibn al-Subkî rejects the label of Shi`i as baseless because Ibn `Asakir includes al-Hakim among the Asharis, who consider the Shias as innovators. Yet this label is still branded as a blemish today at the hands of those who oppose his positions if they weaken theirs, and those who oppose him for being a follower of al-Ashari, or for being a Sufi. Others noted to al-Hakim's sincerity in narrating hadith as the first hadith of Muhammad al-Hâkim narrated is:

May Allah make radiant the face of one who heard one of my sayings and then carried it to others. It may be that one carries understanding without being a person of understanding; it may be that one carries understanding to someone who possesses more understanding than he.


He authored the following works among others:

  • Al-Abwâb ("The Chapters")
  • Al-Amâlî ("The Dictations")
  • Amâlî al-`Ashiyyât ("Night Dictations")
  • Fadâ'il al-Shâfi`î ("The Immense Merits of al-Shâfi`î")
  • Fawâ'id al-Nusakh ("Benefits of the Copies")
  • Fawâ'id al-Khurâsâniyyîn ("Benefits of the People of Khurâsân")
  • Al-Iklîl fî Dalâ'il al-Nubuwwa ("The Diadem: The Marks of Prophethood")
  • Al-`Ilal ("The Defects of Hadîth")
  • Mâ Tafarrada bi Ikhrâjihi Kullu Wâhidin min al-Imâmayn ("Reports Found Only in al-Bukhârî or Only in Muslim")
  • Al-Madkhal ilâ `Ilm al-Sahîh ("Introduction to the Science of Sound Reports")
  • Ma`rifat Anwâ` `Ulûm al-Hadîth ("Knowledge of the Different Types of the Hadîth Sciences")
  • Al-Mustadrak `alâ al-Sahîhayn ("Supplement for What is Missing From al-Bukhârî and Muslim")
  • Muzakkâ al-Akhbâr ("Verified Reports")
  • Al-Sahîhân ("The Two Books of sahîh Hadîths")
  • Al-Talkhîs ("The Summary")
  • Tarâjim al-Musnad `alâ Shart al-Sahîhayn ("The Reports of Ahmad's Musnad That Match the Criteria of the Two Books of Sahîh")
  • Tarâjim al-Shuyûkh ("Biographies of the Shaykhs")
  • Târîkh `Ulamâ' Ahl Naysabûr ("History of the Scholars of Naysabûr")

See also[edit]


  1. ^ Constructive Critics, Ḥadīth Literature, and the Articulation of Sunnī Islam, By Scott C. Lucas,pg. 98
  2. ^ Islamtoday.Com - Al-Hakim’s Mustadrak & al-Dhahabî’s Talkhis
  3. ^ Brief Biographies of the Eminent Scholars of Hadeeth
  4. ^ Constructive Critics, Ḥadīth Literature, and the Articulation of Sunnī Islam, by Scott C. Lucas, pg.98
  5. ^ http://www.livingislam.org/n/6sch_e.html
  6. ^ Izalat al-Khafa p. 77 part 7
  7. ^ Constructive Critics, Ḥadīth Literature, and the Articulation of Sunnī Islam, By Scott C. Lucas, pg.98.