Indo-Israeli relations

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Indo-Israeli relations
India   Israel
Map indicating location of India and Israel
     India      Israel

Indo-Israeli relations refers to the bilateral ties between the State of Israel and the Republic of India. The two countries enjoy an extensive economic, military and strategic relationship.[1]

After decades of non-aligned and pro-Arab policy, India formally established relations with Israel in January 1992 and ties between the two nations have flourished since.[2] The two countries regard each other as "strongest and most trusted" allies in Asia based on common democratic values and security interests.[3][4] One extensive study revealed India to be the most pro-Israeli nation out of the 13 looked at in the study, all countries considered to be important in the world.[5]

India is the largest customer of Israeli military equipment and Israel is the second-largest military partner of India after the Russian Federation. As of 2009, the military business between the two nations is worth around US$9 billion.[6] Military and strategic ties between the two nations extend to joint military training[7] and space technology.[8]

India is also the second-largest economic partner of Israel.[9] Currently, the two nations are negotiating an extensive bilateral trade pact.[10]


[edit] History

India gained independence from the British Empire in 1947, a year before the State of Israel was founded. The creation of Israel at the end of World War II was a complex issue. India, along with Iran and Yugoslavia had recommended a single state with Arab and Jewish majority provinces with an aim to prevent partition of historic Palestine and prevent any conflict in Indian sub-continent that might follow based on its own experience during partition.[11] However, the final UN resolution decided to partition historic Palestine into Arab and Jewish states based on religious and ethnic majority which India opposed in the final vote as it did not agree with concept of partition on the basis of religion.[12]

Though Gandhi had a good relationship with Jews, he opposed the creation of Israel as he was against the creation of countries based on religion[13]. India did not have any official relations with Israel until 1991, which it changed due to compuslions in geo-politcs and collapse of USSR. Since then, its military has had an excellent relationship with Israel. People like Moshe Dayan have had interaction with India despite the lack of diplomatic relationship between the two countries[14]. Israel has provided India with crucial information during multiple wars that India faced[15].

India's first Prime Minister, Jawahar Lal Nehru supported the creation of Israel.[16] Although India did not subscribe to the Partitioning of Palestine plan of 1947 and voted against Israel's admission in the United Nations in 1949, it did recognize Israel as a nation in 1950.[17] Various Hindu organizations, led by the Sangh Parivar, openly supported the Jewish cause and the creation of Israel[18]. According to Subhash Kapila the opposition to the establishment of diplomatic relations with Israel during the 1960s and 1970s arose from the Congress Party's desire to appease the Muslims in India.[16]

[edit] Military and strategic ties

India and Israel have increased cooperation in military and intelligence ventures since the establishment of diplomatic relations. While India and Israel were officially "rivals" during the Cold War, the fall of the Soviet Union and the rise of Islamic terrorism in both countries have generated a solid strategic alliance.[19]. India recently launched a military satellite for Israel through its Indian Space Research Organization[20].

In 1997, Israel's President Ezer Weizman became the first head of the Jewish state to visit India. He met with Indian President Shankar Dayal Sharma, Vice President K.R. Narayanan and Prime Minister H.D. Deve Gowda. Weizman negotiated the first weapons deal between the two nations, involving the purchase of Barak-1 vertically-launched surface-to-air (SAM) missiles from Israel. The Barak-1 has the ability to intercept anti-ship cruise missiles such as the Harpoon.[21] The purchase of the Barak-1 missiles from Israel by India was a tactical necessity since Pakistan had purchased P3-C II Orion maritime strike aircraft and 27 Harpoon sea-skimming anti-ship missiles from the United States.[21]

[edit] Naval cooperation

In naval terms, Israel sees great strategic value in an alliance with the Indian Navy, given India's dominance of South Asian waters. It would be advantageous to the Israeli Navy to establish a logistical infrastructure in the Indian Ocean with the cooperation of the Indian Navy, since the Mediterranean has a dominant Arab and European presence that is hostile to the Israeli navy in varying degrees. In 2000, Israeli submarines reportedly conducted test launches of cruise missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads in the waters of the Indian Ocean, off the Sri Lanka coast.[19]

[edit] Air Force cooperation

In 1996 India purchased 32 Searcher" Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Electronic Support Measure sensors and an Air Combat Manoeuvering Instrumentation simulator system from Israel.[21] Since then Israel Aircraft Industries (IAI) has serviced several large contracts with the Indian Air Force including the upgrading of the IAF's Russian-made MiG-21 ground attack aircraft and there have been further sales of unmanned aerial vehicles as well as laser-guided bombs.[22]

[edit] Intelligence

A Rediff story in 2003 revealed that the Indian external intelligence agency Research and Analysis Wing (R&AW) had clandestine links with the Mossad, Israel's external intelligence agency. When R&AW was founded in 1968 by Rameshwar Nath Kao, he was advised by the then Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi to cultivate links with Mossad. This was suggested as a countermeasure to military links between that of a hostile Pakistan and China, as well as with North Korea. Israel was also concerned that Pakistani army officers were training Libyans and Iranians in handling Chinese and North Korean military equipment.[23] Though India planned to bomb Kahuta, as in Operation Opera, where Israel destroyed an Iraqi nuclear reactor, the plan was later dropped.

The Pakistanis suspected intelligence relations between India and Israel threatened Pakistani security. When young Israeli tourists began visiting the Kashmir valley in the early nineties, Pakistan suspected they were disguised Israeli army officers there to help Indian security forces with counter-terrorism operations. Israeli tourists were attacked, with one slain and another kidnapped. Pressure from the 'Kashmiri' Muslim diaspora in the United States led to his release.[23]

[edit] Barak missile deal

Israel Aerospace Industries Ltd signed a $2.5 billion deal with India to develop an anti-aircraft system and missiles for the country, in the biggest defense contract in the history of Israel at the time. IAI CEO Yitzhak Nissan visited India to finalize the agreement with heads of the defense establishment and the country's president. IAI is developing for the Indian Navy and Air Force the Barak-8 missile that is capable of protecting sea vessels and ground facilities from aircraft and cruise missiles. The missile has a range of over 70 kilometres. The missile will replace the current obsolete Russian system used by India.[8]

[edit] 2008 talks

On November 10, 2008, Indian military officials visited Israel to discuss joint weapons development projects, additional sales of Israeli equipment to the Indian military, and counter-terrorism strategies. The new round of talks was seen as a significant expansion in the Indian-Israeli strategic partnership.[9]

In 2008, Israel surpassed Russia as the largest arms supplier to India[10]

[edit] MR-SAM deal

The deal, signed in February, involves development and production of a land-based version of the Barak 8 missile systems. The sea-based version is already in advanced development stages.

The missile will be capable of intercepting enemy aircraft and missiles within a 70-kilometer range.

DRDO-IAI joint venture will develop and equip Indian Air Force (IAF) with 18 combat management systems with 435 MRSAMs. Missiles will replace obsolete PECHORA missile systems. In December 2008, DRDO chief M Natarajan informed Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS) that the nation’s air defence was under threat: IAF had reported that 17 out of 60 firing units of PECHORA had already been phased out.

[edit] Economy

India and Israel are on a fast growing economic cooperation. Bilateral trade, which was at $200 million in 2001, grew to $4.1 billion by 2009, excluding defense trade. This includes manufacturing, satellite launch, agriculture and diamond industries. A formal free trade agreement was on progress as of 2010 for a two way agreement that would give Indian industries access to the Israeli high technology sector, and Israel access to Indian domestic market[24]. This is a step ahead of the Preferential Trade Agreement (PTA) that a Joint Study Group (JSG) set up by the two countries had recommended to improve trade ties. It is estimated that bilateral trade would exceed $12 billion in 5 years with this trade agreement. The current areas that are to be given focus are software, communication, homeland security, science and medicine, bio and agro-technologies, water[25][26].

[edit] Science and technology

India is building closer ties with Israel in the areas of nanotechnology, information technology, water technology and biotechnology. [27]

In 1998, the Indo-Israel Joint Symposium on Human Genome was held in Jerusalem. Subsequently, as a follow up to the symposium, a call for joint research proposals on Human Genome was issued in July 1999 for which 11 proposals were received. Out of these, 6 research projects have been recommended for implementation.[28] Another Indo-Israel status seminar on human Genome Research was organized in India on December 2000.[29]

In 1999-2000, Israel and India were involved in 22 joint research projects.[30] Scientists from both countries visited the laboratories of their collaborators and short term exchange visits were organized.[31][28]

The Indo-Israel Joint Committee of scientists was constituted with the DST (Department of Science and Technology)and India as Co-chairmen with representatives from various research organizations in India and the Ministry of Information Technology as members. The 4th Meeting of the joint committee was held in the first week of November 1999 in Jerusalem, attended by a 3 member Indian delegation.[28]

In 2003, Israel's Minister for Science and Technology said that Israel was keen on strengthening science and technology ties with India considering that the latter had a rich base of scientists and technologists and the two countries could benefit by synergising their activities.[31]In 2003, the two countries proposed to double the investment under the ongoing science and technology collaboration to $1 million with $0.5 million from each country in the next biennial period starting October 2004.[31]

In 2004, the Ministry of Science and Technology in India signed an MoU with Israel for jointly funding industrial R&D projects.[32]

In an agreement signed on May 30, 2005, India and Israel pledged to set up a fund to encourage investment and joint industrial ventures. According to the Press Trust of India, there are five priority areas for enhanced collaboration: nanotechnology, biotechnology, water management, alternative energy, and space and aeronautics. India and Israel will each start by contributing US$1 million to provide risk-free grants to entrepreneurs in the two countries.[33]India purchased 50 Israeli drones for $220 million in 2005[34]. India was considering buying the newer Harop drone[35]. India is also in the process of obtaining missile-firing Hermes 450s.

In 2008, Israel and India finalised a three-year plan to introduce crops such as olives, dates and grapes to be introduced and cultivated in the states of Rajasthan and Maharashtra, to create an agricultural market that meets Western demand for products like olive oil. In addition to the hope that this plan would boost yield and stave off famine, officials presented the project as symbolic.[36]

[edit] Space collaboration

Israel's Minister for Science and Technology has expressed interest in collaborating with the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) towards utilizing satellites for better management of land and other resources. Israel has also expressed interest in participating in ISRO's Chandrayaan mission of sending an unmanned craft to the moon.[31] A Memorandum of Understanding, signed by ISRO and Israel's space agency, provides for cooperation in multiple areas of space science and technology[37]

[edit] TecSAR

In a significant move, Israel chose India to launch its satellites. The latest Israeli spy satellite, TecSAR, was launched by India on 22 January 2008.[38][39] The Indian PSLV launch-vehicle was chosen instead of its own home grown Shavit rocket.[40] This was due to the cost of the PSLV being no more than $15 million (as it is a more matured system), compared to the Shavit which is close to $20 million. Besides the cost and maturity factors, the Shavit had other several critical drawbacks. The most important was the constraint on possible satellite orbits. Any launch from Israeli territory must be directed westwards, towards the sea, in order to prevent the launcher's first stages (or the satellite itself, in case of a malfunction) from falling on populated areas or on foreign (hostile) territory. A westward launch, that is, against the direction of the Earth's rotation, seriously restricts the weight of the satellite that the launch vehicle can carry. In the past, Israel also experienced several failures - the most recent example being the attempted Ofeq-6 launch in March 2004. In such cases, security links and the operational experience of a more capable partner can allow alternative, more reliable launching when needed.[41]

[edit] RISAT-2

In March 2009, India launched the RISAT-2 satellite which is based on the technology employed in Israel's TecSAR. The satellite has the capability to take high resolution images at night and can carry out reconnaissance operations even through a dense cloud cover. Most Indian satellites currently in operation lack these capabilities. The decision to purchase the satellite was taken in the wake of the 2008 Mumbai attacks.[42] The 300 kilogram RISAT-2 was successfully launched by India's PSLV rocket in April 2009.[43]

A spokesman of the Indian Space Research Organization said that RISAT-2 is an Indian satellite built with assistance from Israel.[44] India is also developing its own, indigenous version of RISAT-2, capable of taking images through clouds and at night. It will be launched in late 2009.[45]

[edit] Tourism

India is a big destination for Israeli tourists. They usually visit the states of Goa, and Himachal Pradesh. Similarly, Israel is a destination for religious tourism for the 15,000 Indian Jews.[citation needed]

[edit] Ariel Sharon's visit to India

In 2003 Ariel Sharon was the first Israeli Prime Minister to visit India. He was welcomed by the center-right wing Bharatiya Janata Party led National Democratic Alliance coalition government of India.[46] Several newspapers expressed positive views on his visit, and Indian Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee voiced confidence that Sharon's visit would pave the way for further consolidating bilateral ties and said there was no dilution of the country's stand on the Palestinian issue.[47]

[edit] Muslim response

Sharon's visit was condemned by some, especially in leftist[48] and Muslim circles.[49] Hundreds of supporters of India's various pro-Islamic communist parties rallied in New Delhi, denouncing the visit. Muslims accused Sharon of being a "terrorist and a war criminal". Nearly 100 Muslims were arrested.[49]Students of the Aligarh Muslim University joined the protests and demanded that India sever all ties with Israel and increase ties with Palestine.[50] The Times of India and Outlook accused India of "turning away" from the cause of supporting the Palestinians.[51] Urdu-language newspapers such as Siasat accused Israel of "aggressive and fascistic inclinations."[51]

Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri condemned the Hindu-Jewish alliance in his tape in September 2003. In the tape, which was broadcast on Al Jazeera and Al Arabiya networks, Zawahiri repeats his earlier assertion that Pakistan's military leader Pervez Musharraf will 'hand you over to the Hindus and flee to enjoy his secret bank accounts' if India attacked their country. [11]

[edit] Positive response

Sharon was welcomed by many in India, including Hindu organisations and some politicians. The Hindi-language daily Navbharat Times condemned protests made against him and wrote that none of Sharon's controversies can justify demonstrations planned in protest of his visit by some Indian opposition party leaders ( mostly Muslims ) "because he is coming as the prime minister of Israel, which is an important friend of India". Articles in The Indian Express agreed with this view, noting that the issue of India's relations with Israel "instantly polarises hard-nosed pragmatists from dewy-eyed idealists", which is "regrettable, for cementing geo-political and trade links with Israel need in no way weaken New Delhi's traditional insistence that Palestinians be granted control of their territories".[51]

In addition the Hindu nationalist Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) condemned the groups protest against Sharon.[52][53] RSS spokesperson Ram Madhav said:

The entire world acknowledges that Israel has effectively and ruthlessly countered terror in the Middle East. Since India and Israel are both fighting a war against terrorism, therefore, we should learn a lesson or two from them. We need to have close cooperation with them in this field.[52][53]

The RSS newspaper Panchjanya dubbed those advocating friendship with Pakistan as the ones responsible for encouraging terrorist activities in India, and described the visit of Ariel Sharon as an opportunity for India to get closer to Israel and fight terrorism jointly.[52][53]

The Jerusalem Post wrote that "securing relations with an emerging power is important because it proves Israel can make friends with nations other than America and Micronesia in this unfriendly world",[51] further stressing that both India and Israel are vibrant democracies with ancient civilizations.[51] Ha'aretz argued that India's improved relationship with Washington has encouraged it "to think in terms of a triangular alliance in which India and Israel would act as cushions providing stability in the tumultuous South Asia-Middle East regions, areas that face threats posed by terror, and by dictatorial regimes of Arab, Muslim states". Ha'aretz encouraged New Delhi to translate its openness towards Israel into changing its voting pattern at the United Nations with regards to the Arabs.[51]

Jewish communities in India expressed satisfaction at Sharon's visit, though some regretted that Sharon could not visit them in person,[54] and some Indian Jews opined that it would have been better if a previous head of state from Israel had visited India.[55] Sharon's visit sparked an interest in the small Indian Jewish communities.[55] The Mumbai Jewish community, which had prepared a "hero's welcome" for Sharon, was saddened that Sharon could not visit them because of constraints. However, Solomon Sopher, chairman of several synagogues in the city, said the visit would strengthen India-Israel ties. [56]

[edit] Conclusion of visit

The visit focused on the mutual problem of Islamic fundamentalism and Islamic terrorism. Delivering a lecture on 'The Global War Against Terror—Israel and India' organised by the Indian Council of World Affairs (ICWA) in Delhi, Israeli deputy minister Yosef Lapid stressed that Israel has developed an excellent military and defense system to combat terrorism and the technology would be very beneficial to India. Since India had been experiencing terrorism more than western Countries, its leaders understood him better than others.[57]

Sharon expressed satisfaction over his talks with Indian leaders. Indian Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee also expressed satisfaction, saying that the visit would increase ties between India and Israel.[58] Sharon invited Vajpayee to visit Israel.[59]Sharon said that Israelis "regard India to be one of the most important countries in the world," and Vajpayee was sure that Sharon's visit would bring the two states closer together. Sharon said that terrorism was a menace that required an international response.[49]

[edit] Jewish-Hindu interfaith summit

The world's first Jewish-Hindu interfaith leadership summit, spearheaded by Hindu organizations in India and Jewish organizations in Israel, as well as the American Jewish Committee, was held in New Delhi on February 2007. The chief Rabbi of Israel, Yona Metzger, was actively involved in the dialogue, together with Swami Dayanand Saraswati. They stated that "The Jewish and Hindu communities are committed to the ancient traditions of Judaism and Hindu dharma respectively, and have both, in their own ways, gone through the painful experiences of persecution, oppression and destruction."[60] Mertzger quoted:

"For thousands of years we have marched on parallel causes and have now built bridges of cooperation between the two religions. Jews have lived in India for over 2000 years and have never been discriminated against. This is something unparalleled in human history".[61]

[edit] Visits of Indian politicians to Israel

In 2000 Jaswant Singh became the first Indian foreign minister to visit Israel.[62] Following the visit, the two countries set up a joint anti-terror commission. The foreign ministers of the two countries said intensified cooperation would range from counter terrorism to information technology.[63][64]

In early 2006 Indian government ministers Sharad Pawar, Kapil Sibal and Kamal Nath visited Israel.[65]Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi has also visited Israel.[66]

India's commerce minister, Jyotiraditya Scindia, visited Israel in February 2010 to discuss a free-trade agreement. He met with Israeli president Shimon Peres; Industry, Trade and Labor Minister Benjamin Ben-Eliezer, and representatives of Israel's water technology and high-tech industries. [67]

[edit] Bnei Menashe controversy

The Bnei Menashe ("Children of Menasseh", Hebrew בני מנשה) are a group of more than 8,000 people from India's remote North-Eastern border states of Manipur and Mizoram who claim descent from one of the Lost Tribes of Israel. On March 31, 2005 Sephardi Rabbi Shlomo Amar, one of Israel's two chief rabbis, accepted the Bnei Menashe's claim because of their exemplary devotion to Judaism. His decision was significant because it paved the way for all of the Bnei Menashe to enter Israel under Israel's Law of Return. In the past two decades, some 1,300 Bnei Menashe have moved to Israel. The Bnei Menashe have not suffered anti-Semitism in India, but they regard Israel as their homeland and decided to emigrate "on Zionist considerations."[12] On November 9, 2005, the Israeli government halted all conversions of the Bnei Menashe in India, saying it was straining relations between the two countries. Indian officials reportedly expressed concern about the conversions and indicated mass conversions are considered illegal in India. The decision led to criticism from supporters of the Bnei Menashe who say Israeli officials failed to explain to the Indian government that the rabbis were not proselytising, but rather formalizing the conversions of Bnei Menashe who had already accepted Judaism[13]. In July 2006 Israeli Immigration Absorption Minister Zeev Boim said that the 218 Bnei Menashe who were formally converted in 2005 by the Chief Rabbinate "would be allowed to come here, but first the government must decide what its policy will be towards those who have yet to (formally) convert" [14].

[edit] 2008 Israel-Gaza conflict

During the 2008-2009 Israel-Gaza Conflict, India urged Israel to end its military operations against Palestinian civilians and expressed awareness of the "cross-border provocations" that led Israel to mount the operation. It urged an immediate end to Israeli "use of force against Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip that has resulted in large numbers of casualties."[68] On December 30, India released a second statement condemning what it called Israel's "disproportionate" and "indiscriminate" use of force, and expressed disappointment at the large number of civilian casualties.[69][70] On January 4, India condemned Israeli ground attack on Gaza.[71] Subhash Kappila argues that these "condemnations" are the result of lobbying efforts by anti-Israel left wing groups in India, and votebank politics of anti-Israel forces among Indian Muslims and do not reflect on the views of the Indian people[72].Islamic militants in India have consistently tried to use political tactics to undermine India-Israel relations[15].

[edit] Gabi Ashkenazi visit

In December 2009, Gabi Ashkenazi the general of Israel Defence Forces made a historic state visit to India to cement the defense ties between the two countries. He pledged every help to India in fighting terrorism.[73][74][75][76]

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ India-Israel relations
  2. ^ "Bilateral Relations: Historical Overview". Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Retrieved 2008-11-28. 
  3. ^ c.f. C. Jaffrelot, op.cit.
  4. ^ c.f. A Financial Times article.
  5. ^ ynet article.
  6. ^ [1]
  7. ^ [2]
  8. ^ India to launch Israel-backed satellite
  9. ^ India-Israel Commercial Relations
  10. ^ [3]
  11. ^
  12. ^
  13. ^
  14. ^ Moshe Dayan and India
  15. ^ India-Israel Partnership
  17. ^ Dissent in Israel,Frontline
  18. ^ Hindu pro-Zionism
  19. ^ a b India and Israel Forge a Solid Strategic Alliance by Martin Sherman,The Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs
  20. ^ [4]
  21. ^ a b c The Barak Missile Deal Scandal involving graft for an unnecessary missile system would hamper relations in 2006.Israel-India Military and Civil Trade Ties Skyrocket,The Jewish Institute for National security Affairs
  22. ^ India-Israel Military Ties Continue to Grow,The Jewish Institute for National ecurity Affairs
  23. ^ a b RAW and MOSSAD, the Secret Link,
  24. ^ India Israel Free Trade
  25. ^ Israel trade negotiations
  26. ^ Israel pushes for free trade with India
  27. ^ Israel, India to hold free-trade talks
  28. ^ a b c Annual Report 1999-2000,Department of Science and Technology, India
  29. ^ Annual Report 2000-2001,Department of Science and Technology, India
  30. ^ Annual Report 2001 - 2002,Department of Science and Technology, India
  31. ^ a b c d Israel plans thrust on science and technology collaboration, The Times of India
  32. ^ Annual Report 2004-2005,Department of Science and Technology, India
  33. ^ India forms science ties with Canada, Israel, Vietnam,
  34. ^ India Israeli Drones
  35. ^ Israel negotiating Harop drone with India
  36. ^ Blakely, Rhys (2008-05-22). "A million olive trees to make Indian desert bloom for farmers". London: The Times. Retrieved 2009-03-12. 
  37. ^ 2003 Good Year for India; Israel Shows Interest in Mission to the Moon,Space Age Publishing
  38. ^ [5]India Launches Israeli Radar Satellite
  39. ^ [6]India Launches Israeli Spy Satellite
  40. ^ [7],Israel Chooses India to Launch Its Satellites
  41. ^ Yiftah Shapir: Launch Of Israel's TecSAR Satellite
  42. ^ Report: India bought advanced spy satellite from Israel
  43. ^ Spy satellite RISAT takes off from Sriharikota
  44. ^ India to launch Israel-backed satellite
  45. ^ ISRO gearing up to put Israeli satellite in orbit
  46. ^ Ariel Sharon's India visit,
  47. ^ Ariel Sharon arrives in India,
  48. ^ Left wants 'killer' Sharon to go home,
  49. ^ a b c India and Israel vow to fight terrorism,BBC
  50. ^ AMU students protest against Sharon's visit
  51. ^ a b c d e f Press spotlight on Sharon's India visit,BBC
  52. ^ a b c RSS slams Left for opposing Sharon's visit
  53. ^ a b c Google Cache of above
  54. ^ In Kochi, 15 Jews waited for Sharon,
  55. ^ a b For these Jews, Mumbai is the chosen land,
  56. ^ Mumbai Jews despondent, but still hopeful,
  57. ^ Fanatic Muslims threaten India, Israel:Lapid,
  58. ^ Sharon's visit will consolidate ties PM,
  59. ^ Sharon invites Vajpayee to Israel,
  60. ^ World's Jewish and Hindu Leaders Gather in New Delhi,
  62. ^ Peres Visit Highlights Growing Ties Between Israel and New Ally India,United Jewish Communities
  63. ^ India/Israel,
  64. ^ Jaswant to visit Israel to boost bilateral ties,The Daily Excelsior
  65. ^ Talk to Palestine, Israel tells India Rediff - February 09, 2006
  66. ^
  67. ^ India, Israel to hold free-trade talks
  68. ^ "India says end conflict, but takes note of Hamas missiles too". The Economic Times. 2008-12-29. Retrieved 2008-12-29. 
  69. ^ "India condemns use of force by Israel in Gaza Strip". 
  70. ^ "India issues harsher statement against Israel". 2008-12-30. Retrieved 2009-09-19. 
  71. ^ "India condemns Israeli ground attack in Gaza". 
  73. ^ "IDF official announcement". 
  74. ^ "JPOST article". 
  75. ^ "HAARETZ article". 
  76. ^ "Arutz Sheva article". 

[edit] External links

India and Israel Same Roots
