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Sexting usually involves sending nude and/or sexually explicit images or sexually explicit text messages.

Sexting is the act of sending sexually explicit messages or photographs, primarily between mobile phones. The term was first popularized in early 21st century, and is a portmanteau of sex and texting, where the latter is meant in the wide sense of sending a text possibly with images.[1]


[edit] Background

The first known published mention of the term sexting was in a 2005 article in the Sunday Telegraph Magazine.[2] Sexting has since been described as taking place in the UK,[2] Australia,[3] the United States,[4] and Canada.

In a 2008 survey of 1,280 teenagers and young adults of both sexes on sponsored by The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, 20% of teens (13-20) and 33% of young adults (20-26) had sent nude or semi-nude photographs of themselves electronically. Additionally, 39% of teens and 59% of young adults had sent sexually explicit text messages.[5] A sociologist at Colorado College interviewed 80 students and believes this claim is overblown; she claims "I had them go through their last ten messages, their last ten photos and I never saw it."[6]

Indeed, a widely cited 2011 study indicated the previously reported prevalence was exaggerated. Researchers at the University of New Hampshire surveyed 1,560 children and caregivers, discovering that only 1% of minors over the age of 10 had taken explicit photos.[7] Perhaps shedding light on the over-reporting of earlier studies, the researchers found that the figure rose to 9.6% when the definition was broadened from images prosecutable as child pornography to any suggestive image, not necessarily nude ones.[8][7]

[edit] Sociology

Sexting is a result of advances in technology enabling new forms of social interaction. Messages with sexual content have been exchanged over all forms of historical media. Newer technology allows sending pictures, and videos, which are intrinsically more explicit and have greater impact, without the involvement of photo printing personnel, or the need of a photo processing dark room at home (just like when using an instant camera, but even easier and less expensive). A social danger with sexting is that material can be very easily and widely propagated, over which the originator has no control.[9]

[edit] Legal issues

Sexting that involves a minor (sometimes) sending an explicit photograph of themself to their peers has led to a legal gray area in countries that have strict anti-child pornography laws, such as the United States. Some teenagers who have texted photographs of themselves, or of their friends or partners, have been charged with distribution of child pornography, while those who have received the images have been charged with possession of child pornography; in some cases, the possession charge has been applied to school administrators who have investigated sexting incidents as well. The images involved in sexting are usually different in both nature and motivation from the type of content that anti-child pornography laws were created to address.[10][11]

A 2009 UK survey of 2,094 teens aged 11 to 18 found that 38% had received an "offensive or distressing" sexual image by text or email.[12]

[edit] Legal cases

In 2007, 32 Australian teenagers from the state of Victoria were prosecuted as a result of sexting activity.[13] Child pornography charges were brought against six teenagers in Greensburg, Pennsylvania, in January 2009 after three girls sent sexually explicit photographs to three male classmates.[14]

In 2008, a Virginia assistant principal was charged with possession of child pornography and related crimes after he had been asked to investigate a rumored sexting incident at the high school where he worked. Upon finding a student in possession of a photo on his phone that depicted the torso of a girl wearing only underpants, her arms mostly covering her breasts, the assistant principal showed the image to the principal who instructed him to preserve the photo on his computer as evidence, which he did. The court later ruled that the photo did not constitute child pornography because under Virginia law, nudity alone is not enough to qualify an image as child pornography; the image must be "sexually explicit". Loudoun County Prosecutor James Plowman stands by his initial assessment of the photo and says he would not have pursued the case if the assistant principal had agreed to resign. Instead, the assistant principal got a second mortgage on his house and spent $150,000 in attorneys' fees to clear his name.[15][16]

In July 2010, Londonderry High School teacher Melinda Dennehy pled guilty and received a one-year suspended sentence for sending racy photos of herself to a 15-year-old student.[17]

In Fort Wayne, Indiana, a teenage boy was indicted on felony obscenity charges for allegedly sending a photo of his genitals to several female classmates. Another boy was charged with child pornography in a similar case.[18]

Police investigated an incident at Margaretta High School in Castalia, Ohio, in which a 17-year-old girl allegedly sent nude pictures of herself to her former boyfriend, and the pictures started circulating around after they had a fight.[19] The girl was charged with being an "unruly child" based on her juvenile status.[20]

Two southwest Ohio teenagers were charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor, a first-degree misdemeanor, for sending or possessing nude photos on their cell phones of two 15-year-old classmates.[21]

The American Civil Liberties Union of Pennsylvania filed a lawsuit against Wyoming County District Attorney George Skumanick Jr. on March 25, 2009, for threatening teenage girls who were the subject of allegedly risque photos with prosecution on child pornography charges if they did not submit to a counseling program.[22] The case is[23] Miller, et al. v. Skumanick. Skumanick stated in an interview with Julie Chen on CBS News's The Early Show that his office decided to make an offer of limiting penalties to probation if they attend a sexual harassment program.[24][25] The girls and their parents won a ruling that blocked the district attorney, who appealed. It is the first appeals court case concerning sexting.[26]

[edit] Legislative responses

In Connecticut, Rep. Rosa Rebimbas introduced a bill that would lessen the penalty for "sexting" between two consenting minors in 2009. The bill would make it a Class A misdemeanor for children under 18 to send or receive text messages with other minors that include nude or sexual images. It is currently a felony for children to send such messages, and violators could end up on the state's sex offender registry.[27]

Vermont lawmakers introduced a bill in April 2009 to legalize the consensual exchange of graphic images between two people 13 to 18 years old. Passing along such images to others would remain a crime.[28]

In Ohio, a county prosecutor and two lawmakers proposed a law that would reduce sexting from a felony to a first degree misdemeanor, and eliminate the possibility of a teenage offender being labeled a sex offender for years. The proposal was supported by the parents of Jesse Logan, a Cincinnati 18-year-old who committed suicide after the naked picture of herself which she sexted was forwarded to people in her high school.[29]

Utah lawmakers lessened the penalty for sexting for someone younger than 18 to a misdemeanor from a felony.[30]

In New York, Assemblyman Ken Zebrowski (D-Rockland) has introduced a bill that will create an affirmative defense where a minor is charged under child pornography laws if they possesses or disseminate a picture of themselves or possess or disseminates the image of another minor (within 4 years of their age) with their consent. The affirmative defense will not be available if the conduct was done without consent. It also creates an educational outreach program for teens that promotes awareness about the dangers of sexting.[31]

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ Teresa Edmond (2010-0221). "Ringwood community addresses sexting". Retrieved 2010-05-30. 
  2. ^ a b Yvonne Roberts (2005-07-31). "The One and Only". p. 22. "Following a string of extramarital affairs and several lurid "sexting" episodes, Warne has found himself home alone, with Simone Warne taking their three children and flying the conjugal coop." 
  3. ^ Inga Gilchrist (2008-06-23). "Student knickers in a not; 'Sexting' shocks parents, police". mX. 
  4. ^ Gigi Stone (2008-12-03). "Sexting". World News Sunday. 
  5. ^ "Sex and Tech" (PDF). The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy. 12-10-2008. Retrieved 10-20-2009. 
  6. ^ "Sociologist: Few teens 'sexting'". UPI. 2009-01-11. Retrieved 2009-05-06. 
  7. ^ a b Pearson, Michael (5 December 2011). "Sexting may not be as widespread as thought, study says". CNN. Retrieved 21 December 2011. 
  8. ^ D'Arcy, Janice (5 December 2011). "Kids sexting less common than thought, study says". The Washington Post. Retrieved 21 December 2011. 
  9. ^ "Kids face porn charges over 'sexting'". National Nine News. Retrieved 2009-01-20. 
  10. ^ The new pornographers, Tracy Clark-Flory,, February 20, 2009
  11. ^ Schmitz/Siry: [1] Teenage Folly or Child Abuse? State Responses to "Sexting" by Minors in the U.S. and Germany. 30. August 2011.
  12. ^ "Truth of Sexting Amongst UK Teens". 8-4-2009. Retrieved 10-20-2009. [dead link]
  13. ^ Liz Porter (2008-08-10). "Malice in Wonderland". The Age. Retrieved 2009-01-14. 
  14. ^ Pilkington, Ed (2009-01-14). "Sexting craze leads to child pornography charges". London: Guardian News and Media. Retrieved 2009-01-14. 
  15. ^ Kim Zetter, 'Sexting' Hysteria Falsely Brands Educator as Child Pornographer, (Apr. 3, 2009).
  16. ^ Ting-Yi Oei, My Students. My Cellphone. My Ordeal., The Washington Post (Apr. 19, 2009).
  17. ^ "Ex-Teacher Guilty Plea, Nude Photo of Melinda Dennehy Sent to Student". National Ledger. July 27, 2010. Retrieved July 29, 2010. 
  18. ^ Martha Irvine, Porn charges for 'sexting' stir debate, Associated Press (Feb. 4, 2009).
  19. ^ Castalia police look into complaint of nude photos sent by cell phone, Sandusky Register (Mar. 20, 2009).
  20. ^ Leslie Bixler, Girl, 17, charged for sending naked photographs The News-Messenger (Apr. 3, 2009).
  21. ^ Two Mason Teenagers Charged In 'Sexting' Case, WLWT (Mar. 4, 2009).
  22. ^ "ACLU Sues Wyoming County D.A. For Threatening Teenage Girls With Child Pornography Charges Over Photos Of Themselves" (Press release). American Civil Liberties Union. 2009-03-25. 
  23. ^ "Miller, et al v. Skumanick". ACLU of Pennsylvania. Retrieved 2009-03-29. 
  24. ^ "Sexting Girls Facing Porn Charge Sue D.A.". CBS News (CBS). 2009-03-27. Retrieved 2009-03-29. 
  25. ^ "My 1st Bra, My 1st Sexual Offense". Psychology Today Blogs. 2009-03-29. Retrieved 2009-04-02. 
  26. ^ The Philadelphia Inquirer. Retrieved 28 August 2010. [dead link]
  27. ^ Rookie Legislator In National Eye With Bill To Lessen 'Sexting' Penalty For Consenting Minors
  28. ^ "Vermont Considers Legalizing Teen 'Sexting'". Associated Press. April 13, 2009.,2933,514875,00.html. 
  29. ^ Dick Russ (April 13, 2009). "Ohio to address 'sexting' laws". WKYC-TV. 
  30. ^ "Utah lawmakers OK bill on 'sexting'". Associated Press. March 11, 2009. 
  31. ^

[edit] Further reading

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