We are improving our website to help you find what you're looking for. During this transition some URLs may change. Learn more...

We're Improving EPA’s Website

We are making changes to our website to help you find information faster and easier by taking advantage of best web practices and new technologies.

Changes You Will See

New Technology Makes These Improvements Possible

We are now using a web content management system (WebCMS) to manage our website.

  • The WebCMS makes it faster and easier for us to post and update information and for web visitors to find what they are looking for on our website.
  • ‘Responsive web design’ makes it easier for web visitors to view information on their mobile devices.  

URLs Will Change as These Improvements are Made

URLs (web page addresses) will be different for many web pages on www.epa.gov.

  • Web pages that have been moved into the WebCMS will have new URLs, and links to these pages may break.
  • Also, your bookmarks may no longer work for the same reason.
  • Our new “Page Not Found” notification will help you find what you are looking for by providing suggested search terms, links to our A-Z index, and other helpful links.