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Modeling and Inventories

Modeling and Inventories

The following information covers OTAQ modeling and inventories. Modeling is EPA's method for estimating emissions from on-road vehicles, nonroad sources, and fuels. Inventories are calculations of total emissions of a pollutant for a given area at a defined time and set of conditions.

MOVES (MOtor Vehicle Emission Simulator) is EPA’s current official model for estimating air pollution emissions from cars, trucks and motorcycles. In the future the model will also cover nonroad emissions.

NONROAD Model links to information on the NONROAD emission inventory model, which is a software tool for predicting emissions of hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, oxides of nitrogen, particulate matter, and sulfur dioxides from small and large nonroad vehicles, equipment, and engines.

NMIM, or National Mobile Inventory Model, is a free, desktop computer application developed by EPA to help you develop estimates of current and future emission inventories for on-road motor vehicles and nonroad equipment. NMIM uses current versions of MOBILE6 and NONROAD to calculate emission inventories, based on multiple input scenarios that you enter into the system. You can use NMIM to calculate national, individual state, or county inventories.

MOBILE Model links to information on the MOBILE vehicle emission factor model, which was EPA’s official model for estimating air pollution emissions from cars, trucks, and motorcycles until it was replaced by MOVES.

Fuel Effects on Vehicle Emissions links to information on test programs and modeling estimating the emissions impacts of changes in fuel properties and composition. Information on how fuel effects are applied in MOVES and NONROAD is available on the web pages for those models.

OMEGA, the Optimization Model for Reducing Emissions of Greenhouse Gases from Automobiles, which estimates the technology cost for automobile manufacturers to achieve variable fleet-wide levels of vehicle greenhouse gas emissions.

GEM, the Greenhouse gas Emissions Model, estimates the greenhouse gas emissions and fuel efficiency performance of specific aspects of heavy-duty vehicles. This model is a means for determining compliance with EPA’s GHG emissions standards and NHTSA’s fuel consumption standards, for Class 7 and 8 combination tractors and Class 2b-8 vocational vehicles.

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Related Information:

Special Modeling in Support of the Heavy Duty Engine/Vehicle and Highway Diesel Fuel Final Rule

This web page provides support documentation and modeling procedures for the Heavy Duty Engine/Vehicle and Highway Diesel Fuel Final Rule. This page includes, but is not limited to, a modeled estimate for one-hour concentrations of fine particulate matter, ground-level ozone levels in extended time periods, PM emissions as they impact national scale toxics, and diesel fuel requirement.

Emission Inventories
This web site contains the document, "Procedure for Emission Inventory Preparation - Volume IV: Mobile Sources" and several EPA papers that describe the effects of raising speed limits on vehicle emissions.

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Mobile Source Observation Database (MSOD)

CALINE Models (e.g., CALINE3 & CALINE4)

Vehicle Clean Screening
This web page provides information on vehicle clean screening, vehicle profiling, and remote sensing device issues. Clean Screening is the term used to describe methods that states can use to excuse cars from a scheduled Inspection and Maintenance emissions test. Remote sensing is a way to measure pollutant levels in a vehicle's exhaust while the vehicle is traveling down the road.

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Links to Related EPA Information:

Clearinghouse for Inventories and Emissions Factors (CHIEF)
Emission Factor and Inventory Group, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards Latest emission factor and inventory information, including AP-42 emission factor documents, inventory training tools, emission estimation software, and emissions modeling tools.

Air Pollution Emissions Overview
Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards Information on what emissions are and where they come from, and on measuring, reporting, and using emissions data.

Links to Related Non-EPA web Sites:

Mobile Source Emission Inventory Program Exit EPA disclaimer
California Environmental Protection Agency, California Air Resources Board
This web site contains information on California's on-road and nonroad mobile source emission factors for California and the motor vehicle activity components such as vehicle-miles-traveled, starts and vehicle population. It includes recent publications, the on-road model software and associated system documentation and commonly requested outputs from this model, known as "model runs."

Travel Model Improvement Program
U.S. Department of Transportation
The Travel Model Improvement Program (TMIP) is a multi-year, multi-agency program to develop new travel demand modeling procedures that accurately and reliably forecast travel for a broad range of modes, policy actions and operational conditions. This web site has been established to assure that practitioners have access to the best transportation planning methods available.


Listserv Information
The EPA-MOBILENEWS Listserv is the best and most efficient way to get up-to-date information about EPA's mobile source emissions modeling and about the MOBILE, PART, NONROAD, MOVES, and NMIM models. We encourage everyone with an interest in these issues to subscribe.

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