Faculty & Staff

Working with Graduate Students

Nationally Competitive Fellowships Administered by the Financial Aid Office

The FAO takes responsibility for administering multi-year, portable, Nationally Competitive Fellowships (NCF’s) that have recipients in multiple departments in cooperation with the student’s home department.  The following fellowships have current recipients:

GFS Entries/Tables

The following aid entry tables provide amounts paid by NCFs, departments, schools or central sources and who is responsible for those entries in the Graduate Financial Support (GFS) System. These are the most common entries used for students awarded fellowships. Exceptions may be made as needed with appropriate department and FAO approval.

The tables list rates for students in receipt of a Nationally Competitive Fellowship. University Funds provide 40% of the cost of non-TGR tuition, as needed, except in formula schools. In the School of Medicine and Graduate School of Business, tuition costs not paid by NCF are covered by school funds.

A table is not included for Fulbright-Hays as there are no department entry responsibilities.  Contact the Bechtel International Center with any questions.

Budgets for current VPGE Graduate Fellows awarded a 3-year nationally competitive fellowship are arranged as a 5-year award, with the years of full SGF and SGF-NCF support reordered. For years 1, 2 and 3 of a 3-year NCF, specifically NDSEG, NSF or Hertz, fellowship is supplemented by SGF or CCSRE funds to VPGE levels of support. Full SGF or CCSRE support is provided in years 4 and 5.

Students with a dual award in the Graduate School of Education or School of Engineering with the alternate modification have SGF or CCSRE support for the first 5 years of graduate studies, less summer quarter of the fifth year, or 19 quarters.

Supplemental Funding

Students receiving full fellowships can receive and combine additional fellowships and supplemental funding if the rules of the fellowship permit. The chart below determines the order of funds used to support tuition for fellows with Vice Provost of Graduate Education (VPGE) and NCF fellowships and those with only NCF fellowships.
For AWS, University Policy allows students supported by a full fellowship to hold a supplemental teaching appointment (TA, CA) or research appointment (RA) up to 25%.  In summer, fellows may hold appointments of up to 50%.  Appointments must also comply with applicable school or local policies.


2015-2016 GFS Entry Examples for Nationally Competitive Fellowships

EPA Awards
Source Autumn Winter Spring 3 Quarter
Summer Total
TUITION Standard Tuition
Financial Aid Office (FAO) EPA Tuition  3,000  3,000  3,000  9,000  3,000  $12,000
Financial Aid Office(FAO) University Support 3,964 3,964 3,964 11,892 3,964 $15,856
Department Department Tuition 2,946 2,946 2,946 8,838 2,946 $11,784
Standard Tuition Total 9,910 9,910 9,910 29,730 9,910 $39,640
Engineering Tuition
Financial Aid Office (FAO) EPA Tuition  3,000  3,000  3,000  9,000  3,000  $12,000
Financial Aid Office (FAO) University Support 4,224 4,224 4,224 12,672 4,224 $16,896
Department Department Tuition 3,336 3,336 3,336 10,008 3,336 $13,344
  Engineering Tuition Total 10,560 10,560 10,560 31,680 10,560 $42,240
STIPEND Financial Aid Office (FAO) EPA Stipend - Info Only  6,250  6,250  6,250  18,750  6,250  $25,000
ALLOWANCE Financial Aid Office (FAO) EPA - Allowance            $5,000
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Ford Awards
Source Autumn Winter Spring 3 Quarter
Summer Total
Fellows Awarded Prior to 2015
TUITION Standard Tuition
Financial Aid Office (FAO) Ford Tuition  668  666  666  2,000      $2,000
Financial Aid Office (FAO) University Support 3,964 3,964 3,964 11,892 $11,892
Department Department Tuition 5,278 5,280 5,280 15,838 $15,838
Standard Tuition Total 9,910 9,910 9,910 29,730 $29,730
Engineering Tuition
Financial Aid Office (FAO) Ford Tuition  668  666  666  2,000      $2,000
Financial Aid Office (FAO) University Support 4,224 4,224 4,224 12,672 $12,672
Department Department Tuition 6,336 6,336 6,336 19,008 $19,008
  Engineering Tuition Total 10,560 10,560 10,560 31,680 $31,680
STIPEND Financial Aid Office (FAO) Ford Stipend 6,667 6,667 6,666 20,000 $20,000
Fellows Awarded in 2015 and Forward
TUITION Standard Tuition
Financial Aid Office (FAO) University Support 3,964 3,964 3,964 11,892 $11,892
Department Department Tuition 5,946 5,946 5,946 17,838 $17,838
Standard Tuition Total 9,910 9,910 9,910 29,730 $29,730
Engineering Tuition
Financial Aid Office (FAO) University Support 4,224 4,224 4,224 12,672 $12,672
Department Department Tuition 6,336 6,336 6,336 19,008 $19,008
Engineering Tuition Total 10,560 10,560 10,560 31,680 $31,680
STIPEND Financial Aid Office (FAO) Ford Stipend 8,000 8,000 8,000 24,000 $24,000
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Hertz Awards
Source Autumn Winter Spring 3 Quarter
Summer Total
TUITION Standard Tuition
Financial Aid Office (FAO) Hertz Tuition - TPC  4,000  4,000  4,000  12,000      $12,000
Financial Aid Office (FAO) University Support 3,964 3,964 3,964 11,892 $11,892
Department Department Tuition 1,946 1,946 1,946 5,838 $5,838
Standard Tuition Total 9,910 9,910 9,910 29,730 $29,730
Engineering Tuition
Financial Aid Office (FAO) Hertz Tuition - TPC  4,000  4,000  4,000  12,000      $12,000
Financial Aid Office (FAO) University Support 4,224 4,224 4,224 12,672 $12,672
Department Department Tuition 2,336 2,336 2,336 7,008 $7,008
  Engineering Tuition Total 10,560 10,560 10,560 31,680 $31,680
STIPEND Financial Aid Office (FAO) 5 yr Hertz Stipend 10,667 10,667 10,666 32,000   $32,000
Financial Aid Office (FAO) 2 yr Hertz Stipend 12,667 12,667 12,666 38,000   $38,000
Note: Hertz tuition is handled through TPC and departments are responsible for entering Info Only aid lines in GFS. TPC student information can be found in the BI report: Third Party Contracts Report (PS_GFS034).
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HHMI Awards
Source Autumn Winter Spring 3 Quarter
Summer Total
TUITION Standard Tuition
Financial Aid Office (FAO) HHMI Tuition 2,500 2,500 2,500 7,500 2,500   $10,000
Financial Aid Office (FAO) University Support 3,964 3,964 3,964 11,892 3,964   $15,856
Department Department Tuition 3,446 3,446 3,446 10,338 3,446   $13,784
Standard Tuition Total 9,910 9,910 9,910 29,730 9,910   $39,640
  School of Med Tuition
  Financial Aid Office (FAO) HHMI Tuition 2,500 2,500 2,500 7,500 2,500   $10,000
  School Support School Tutiion 7,410 7,410 7,410 22,230 7,410   $29,640
  School of Med Tuition Total 9,910 9,910 9,910 29,730 9,910   $39,640
STIPEND Financial Aid Office (FAO) HHMI Stipend  7,500  7,500  7,500  22,500  7,500  $30,000
ALLOWANCE Financial Aid Office (FAO) HHMI - Allowance (reimbursement)            $3,000
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NASA Awards
Source Autumn Winter Spring 3 Quarter
Summer  Total 
TUITION Financial Aid Office (FAO) NASA NESSF Tuition  2,000 2,000 2,000  6,000    $6,000
Financial Aid Office (FAO) NASA NSTRF Tuition 3,000 3,000 3,000  9,000 3,000  $12,000
Financial Aid Office (FAO) University Support - Standard 3,694 3,694 3,694 11,892 3,694 $15,856
Financial Aid Office (FAO) University Support - Engineering 4,224 4,224 4,224 12,672 4,224 $16,896
STIPEND Financial Aid Office(FAO) NASA NESSF Stipend  6,000  6,000  6,000  18,000  6,000  $24,000
Financial Aid Office (FAO) NASA NSTRF Stipend    9,000  9,000  9,000  27,000  9,000  $36,000
Financial Aid Office (FAO) NASA NSTRF Health   333  333  334  1,000    $1,000
Note: Tuition shortfall has historically been met with TAL. University Support will be used to decrease the amount of local funds. NSTRF fellows may use faculty advisor allocation to supplement tuition. 
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NDSEG Awards
Source Autumn Winter Spring 3 Quarter
Summer Total
TUITION Department NDSEG - TPC Maximum
STIPEND Department NDSEG 8,500  8,500  8,500  25,500  8,500  $34,000
Department NDSEG Health Insurance 500 500   $1,000
ALLOWANCE Financial Aid Office (FAO) NDSEG - Allowance (reimbursement)            $3,000
Note: NDSEG is handled through TPC and departments are responsible for entering Info Only aid lines in GFS. TPC student information can be found in the BI report: Third Party Contracts Report (PS_GFS034).
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NSF Awards
Source Autumn Winter Spring 3 Quarter
Summer Total
TUITION Standard Tuition - 3 units in summer
Financial Aid Office (FAO)  NSF Tuition  4,000  4,000  4,000  12,000    $12,000
Financial Aid Office (FAO) University Support 3,964 3,964 3,964 11,892 1,189 $13,081
Financial Aid Office (FAO) Provost Discretionary Supplement  1,742  1,742  1,742  5,226  274  $5,500
Department Department Tuition 204 204 204 612 1,510 $2,122
Standard 3-Unit Summer Tuition Total 9,910 9,910 9,910 29,730 2,973 $32,703
Standard Tuition - 8  units in summer
Financial Aid Office (FAO)  NSF Tuition  4,000  4,000  4,000  12,000    $12,000
Financial Aid Office (FAO) University Support 3,964 3,964 3,964 11,892 3,964 $15,856
Financial Aid Office (FAO) Provost Discretionary Supplement  1,742  1,742  1,742  5,226  274  $5,500
Department Department Tuition 204 204 204 612 5,672 $6,284
Standard 8-Unit Summer Tuition Total 9,910 9,910 9,910 29,730 9,910 $39,640
Engineering Tuition - 3 units in Summer
Financial Aid Office (FAO) NSF Tuition  4,000  4,000  4,000  12,000    $12,000
Financial Aid Office (FAO) University Support 4,224 4,224 4,224 12,672 1,189 $13,861
Financial Aid Office (FAO) Provost Discretionary Supplement  1,833  1,833  1,834  5,500    $5,500
Department Engineering Tuition 503 503 502 1,508 1,784 $3,292
Engineering 3-Unit Summer Tuition Total 10,560 10,560 10,560 31,680 2,973 $34,653
Engineering Tuition - 8 units in Summer
Financial Aid Office (FAO) NSF Tuition  4,000  4,000  4,000  12,000    $12,000
Financial Aid Office (FAO) University Support 4,224 4,224 4,224 12,672 4,224 $16,896
Financial Aid Office (FAO) Provost Discretionary Supplement  1,833  1,833  1,834  5,500    $5,500
Department Engineering Tuition 503 503 502 1,508 6,336 $7,844
Engineering 8-Unit Summer Tuition Total 10,560 10,560 10,560 31,680 10,560 $42,240
School of Med Tuition
Financial Aid Office (FAO) NSF Tuition  3,000  3,000  3,000  9,000  3,000  $12,000
School Support School Tuition 6,910 6,910 6,910 19,710 6,910 $27,640
School of Med Tuition Total 9,910 9,910 9,910 28,710 9,910 $39,640
STIPEND Financial Aid Office (FAO) NSF Stipend 8,500 8,500 8,500 25,500 8,500 $34,000
Department Department - Health Services Fee 197 197 197 591 197 $788
Department Department - Insurance after subsidy 780 780 780 2,340 $2,340
Stipend Total 9,477 9,477 9,477 28,431 8,697 $37,128
Note: Departments are expected to provide support for the document fee, health service fee and health insurance.

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SCGF Awards
Source Autumn Winter Spring 3 Quarter
Summer  Total 
TUITION Department SCGF - TPC 3,500 3,500 3,500  10,500    $10,500
Financial Aid Office (FAO) University Support 3,964 3,964 3,964 11,892   $11,892
STIPEND Department SCGF   8,750  8,750  8,750  26,250  8,750  $35,000
Department SCGF Health TPC  333  333  334  1,000  $1,000
Note: SCGF is handled through TPC and departments are responsible for entering Info Only aid lines in GFS. TPC student information can be found in the BI report: Third Party Contracts Report (PS_GFS034).

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2015-2016 GFS Entry Examples for Nationally Competitive and VPGE Fellowships

Source Autumn Winter Spring 3 Quarter
Summer Total
TUITION Standard Tuition      
Financial Aid Office (FAO)  NSF Tuition  4,000  4,000  4,000  12,000    $12,000
Department Standard SGF Tuition 5,910 5,910 5,910 17,730 9,910 $27,640
  Standard Tuition Total 9,910 9,910 9,910 29,730 9,910 $39,640
Engineering Tuition      
Financial Aid Office (FAO) NSF Tuition 4,000 4,000 4,000 12,000 $12,000
Department Engineering Tuition 6,560 6,560 6,560 19,680 10,560 $30,240
  Engineering Tuition Total 10,560 10,560 10,560 31,680 10,560 $42,240
STIPEND Financial Aid Office (FAO) NSF Stipend 8,500 8,500 8,500 25,500 8,500 $34,000
Department SGF Stipend 1,230 1,230 1,230 3,690 1,230 $4,920
  Stipend Total 9,730 9,730 9,730 29,190 9,730 $38,920
ENGINEERING Option      
Financial Aid Office (FAO) NSF Stipend 8,500 8,500 8,500 25,500 8,500 $34,000
Department SGF Stipend 253 253 253 759 1,033 $1,792
Department SGF Stipend -
Health Services Fee
197 197 197 591 197 $788
Department SGF Stipend - Insurance after subsidy 780 780 780 2,340 $2,340
  Stipend Total 9,730 9,730 9,730 29,190 9,730 $38,920
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Source Autumn Winter Spring 3 Quarter
Summer Total
STIPEND Department NDSEG Stipend  8,500  8,500  8,500  25,500  8,500  $34,000
Department SGF Stipend 1,230 1,230 1,230 3,690 1,230 $4,920
  Stipend Total 9,730 9,730 9,730 29,190 9,730 $38,920
Department NDSEG Health Insurance 500 500       $1,000
ALLOWANCE Financial Aid Office (FAO) NDSEG - Allowance (reimbursement)            $3,000
Note: NDSEG is handled through TPC and departments are responsible for entering Info Only aid lines in GFS. TPC student information can be found in the BI report: Third Party Contracts Report (PS_GFS034).
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Updated on December 8, 2015 4:55 PM