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Past Faculty Research Fellows
Mariko Ogawa
Executive Advisor to the President, Director of the Support Office for Women Researchers, and Professor of History of Science and Science Studies, Mie University
Helen Paris
Associate Professor (Teaching) of Theater and Performance Studies
Associate Professor of Neurology and Neurological Sciences, Stanford University Medical Center
Peggy Phelan
Ann O'Day Maples Professor in the Arts, Professor of English
Kavita Phillip
Associate Professor of Women's Studies, University of California, Irvine
Angela Potochnik
Assistant Professor of Philosophy, McMicken College of Arts & Sciences, University of Cincinnati
Seppo Poutanen
Senior Researcher and Adjunct Professor of Sociology, University of Turku, Finland
Jodi Prochaska
Associate Professor of Medicine
Professor, Department of Law, National Taipei University, Taiwan
Beth L. Pruitt
Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University
Marina Ranga
Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Technology and Society, Stony Brook University, New York
Natalie Rasgon headshot
Professor, Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences
