Purchase Publications
"The Clients' Report"
Paul and Jean Hanna

$40.00 - $5.00 s&h     Purchase

The honeycomb Hanna House is a milestone in Frank Lloyd Wright's career and one of the acknowledged masterworks of twentieth-century architecture. The Hannas themselves tell, simply and in lively detail, how they came to commission Wright, how they received his ingenious yet provocative design--based on a hexagonal pattern like the bee's honeycomb--and how they brought it to completion.

"Frank Lloyd Wright's Hanna House Restored"
Prof. Paul V. Turner

$10.00 - $2.50 s&h     Purchase

In 1989, the Loma Prieta earthquake damaged many buildings at Stanford University, including the Hanna House, one of Frank Lloyd Wright's most innovative works. Following the earthquake, the house had to be vacated and braced to prevent further damage. After a lengthy process, the work of repairing and restoring the building has now been largely completed. The story of this process illustrates the difficulties of rehabilitating a damaged building of unusual design and historic importance.

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