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Rankings & Research

Rankings & Research

U.S. News reviewed hospitals, nursing homes, health plans, diets, and doctors to help you make informed health decisions for yourself and your family.
Doctor Finder

Doctor Finder

We have comprehensive listings of doctors and specialists throughout the country. Find the best one for you.
Best Health Plans

Best Health Plans

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Best Medicare Plans

Best Medicare Plans

Find information on Medicare, Medicare Advantage plans, Part D plans, and how to save money on your health care.
Best Diets

Best Diets

Find out which diets fit with your lifestyle and may work best for you.
Top Recommended Health Products

Top Recommended Health Products

Pharmacist recommendations for 168 categories, from antacids to cough suppressants.

Health & Wellness

How Much Protein Do You Really Need?

Researchers demystify how much protein your body craves for health, muscle mass and weight loss.

Self-Defense for Fitness

From kickboxing to Krav Maga, martial arts classes can help keep you safe – while whipping you into shape. What to know before signing up.

Why We Shouldn't Wait to See the Doctor

One woman ignored the obvious signs of cancer because her health wasn't top priority.

Researchers Seek Path to Prevent Macular Degeneration

Here’s what you can do now to lower your risk of this leading cause of age-related vision loss.

Staying Active With Arthritis

A mother and daughter turn to physical activity to help cope with the common condition.

Hibernation Mode Slows Metabolism During Fall and Winter Seasons

You'll need to watch what you eat and stay active to compensate.

A Meaty Villain: Carnivores and Cancer Risk

News that processed meat can cause cancer has been tough for some to swallow.

Dealing With Food Hangovers: Cures for the Aftermath of Overindulging

The dreaded 'food coma' is real. But you can get your GI tract back on track.

Fall Into Healthy Habits

Unusual Uses for Pumpkins

5 New Ways to Use Pumpkin This Fall

Roasted pumpkin quinoa salad, anyone? Chocolate pumpkin mousse?

5 Workouts to Make Fall Runs More Fun

Try one of these games to get in the seasonal spirit and boost your fitness. 

How and Why to Fall Into Yoga This Season

Now's the perfect time to commit to a regular practice. 

7 Easy Workout Strategies for Parents During Fall

Discover pockets of time you never knew you had. 

Apply Back-to-School Lessons to Be Healthier This Fall

Do your homework to eat well and exercise during the busy season.

10 Tips for a Healthy Fall

15 Healthy Snacks for Fall

These tasty autumn treats take just a few minutes to prepare.