
Franken Will Resign

The Minnesota Democrat yielded to pressure that he step aside after weeks of being dogged by sexual harassment allegations.

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Violence Erupts After America’s Recognition of Jerusalem

Protesters grew angry over President Donald Trump’s announcement that the U.S. will recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

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California Wildfires Spread, Fueled by Strong Winds

The flames continue to spread, destroying 90,000 acres and forcing tens of thousands of people to evacuate.



Labor Market Roars With 190,000 Job Gains

Manufacturing facilities and health care employers helped lead America's job creation charge last month.

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Few States Focus On Individualized Education

The Hechinger Report | Dec. 7, 2017

Boosters of personalized learning hoped for transformations under the new Every Student Succeeds Act.

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Same-Sex Marriage Worldwide

Megan Trimble | Dec. 7, 2017

The Dutch triggered a political and social shift that has spread across large swaths of the globe.

Education News

Education News

Lawsuit Takes California to Task for Failing to Educate All Students

Lauren Camera | Dec. 7, 2017

The plaintiffs accuse the state education structure of doing nothing even as test scores have fallen.



Franken Will Resign

Gabrielle Levy | Dec. 7, 2017

The Minnesota Democrat yielded to pressure that he step aside after weeks of being dogged by sexual harassment allegations.

National News

National News

Trump Misquotes FDR's Pearl Harbor Speech

Alexa Lardieri | Dec. 7, 2017

Borrowing the iconic 'Day of Infamy' speech, the president made a couple small mistakes.

National News

National News

Donald Trump's Dry Throat

Megan Trimble | Dec. 7, 2017

The White House is putting to bed claims that the president suffered from a medical issue.


Violence Erupts Following Trump’s Announcement

Violence Erupts Following Trump’s Announcement

Protesters grew angry over President Donald Trump’s announcement that the U.S. will recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

Trump and the Troubled History of Jerusalem

Trump and the Troubled History of Jerusalem

The move to recognize the city as Israel’s capital was prompted by no particular U.S. goal or strategy and is all but certain to complicate the president’s own attempt to achieve peace in the region.

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