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Nicole Feldman

Nicole Feldman

Communications and Administrative Associate at the Center for Health Policy and the Center for Primary Care and Outcomes Research

117 Encina Commons, Rm. 114
Stanford, CA 94305

(650) 725-3389 (voice)
(650) 723-1919 (fax)


Nicole splits her time at Stanford Health Policy between communications and administration.

She assists Stanford Health Policy's Communications Manager with writing news pieces and other content, social media, and updating this website. If you see something on the website that needs to be changed or doesn't look quite right, let her know.

In administration, she works with finance, new hires, event planning, purchasing, emergency protocals, and any other administrative tasks that pop up. If you have an administrative need, she is happy to help you with it.

Nicole received her bachelor's degree from UC Berkeley. She enjoys hiking, swimming, wine tasting, chocolate, and frequent trips to Disneyland.