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  What's New

  • OHRP's 2015 edition of the International Compilation of Human Research Standards has just been released. It is available on the HS/IRB website Regulations, and Related non-Stanford Sites pages at International Compilation of Human Research Protections

  • new Genomic Data Sharing (GDS) for NIH grant submission is covered in a new Guidance and FAQs, providing associated templates and other documents.
    Note: NIH’s GDS policy is effective January 25, 2015.

  • new Existing CITI training records have been converted to use your SUNet ID and password as your CITI log on information (this does not apply to VA users.) See CITI (Tutorial).

  • new Recruitment guidance updated - a 'must read' for researchers!


  • Research on Medical Practices (ROMP). New resources and videos for patients and others.
    For research participants, patients, and others interested in medical practice research - a new resource on the Spectrum website: Research on Medical Practices (ROMP) and ROMP Videos.

When scientific reviews are conducted by entities outside the IRB, e.g., the Cancer Center SRC, these reviews must be submitted to the IRB prior to consideration of approval of your protocol. 

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