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IRB Home > Charges


The Vice Provost and Dean of Research appoints the Chairs and the members of the IRBs and assigns their authority and responsibility. The charge emphasizes that the IRBs are functionally independent and have ready access to the highest officials, if needed, to ensure protection for human research participants.

  • Charge to the Administrative Panel on Human Subjects in Medical Research - IRB/SCRO (pdf)
  • Charge to the Administrative Panels on Human Subjects in Medical Research - IRB (pdf)
  • Charge to the Administrative Panel on Human Subjects in Nonmedical Research (pdf)

    Seal of the Association for the Accreditation of Human Research Protection Programs, Inc. Link to Stanford APLAC Contacts SCRO APLAC APB - Biosafety (EH&S) APRS - Radiological Safety (EH&S) Link to email streamline@stanford.eduLink to RCOLink to Stanford HomeLink to Submit a Study Link to Contacts Link to IRB Homepage Link to Stanford Homepage Link to RCO Homepage Link to Stanford Homepage